author Arseniy Alekseyev <aalekseyev@janestreet.com>
Tue, 20 Sep 2022 13:38:07 -0400
changeset 49492 b3e77d536b53
parent 48875 6000f5b25c9b
permissions -rw-r--r--
tests: fix the flaky test test-logtoprocess.t The main change is that we're waiting for the [touched] file to appear for 5 seconds instead of 0.1 seconds. Also, instead of implementing wait-on-file from scratch, we use the existing one from testlib/ that works well.

import os
import sys
import time
from mercurial import (
    ui as uimod,

TESTDIR = os.environ["TESTDIR"]
BUNDLEPATH = os.path.join(TESTDIR, 'bundles', 'test-no-symlinks.hg')

# only makes sense to test on os which supports symlinks
if not getattr(os, "symlink", False):
    sys.exit(80)  # SKIPPED_STATUS defined in run-tests.py

u = uimod.ui.load()
# hide outer repo
hg.peer(u, {}, b'.', create=True)

# unbundle with symlink support
hg.peer(u, {}, b'test0', create=True)

repo = hg.repository(u, b'test0')
commands.unbundle(u, repo, pycompat.fsencode(BUNDLEPATH), update=True)

# wait a bit, or the status call wont update the dirstate
commands.status(u, repo)

# now disable symlink support -- this is what os.symlink would do on a
# non-symlink file system
def symlink_failure(src, dst):
    raise OSError(1, "Operation not permitted")

os.symlink = symlink_failure

def islink_failure(path):
    return False

os.path.islink = islink_failure

# dereference links as if a Samba server has exported this to a
# Windows client
for f in b'test0/a.lnk', b'test0/d/b.lnk':
    fp = open(f, 'wb')

# reload repository
u = uimod.ui.load()
repo = hg.repository(u, b'test0')
commands.status(u, repo)

# try unbundling a repo which contains symlinks
u = uimod.ui.load()

repo = hg.repository(u, b'test1', create=True)
commands.unbundle(u, repo, pycompat.fsencode(BUNDLEPATH), update=True)