author Martin Geisler <mg@aragost.com>
Mon, 17 Oct 2011 18:01:38 +0200
changeset 15287 b3e19c355ca7
parent 15025 0593e8f81c71
child 19378 9de689d20230
permissions -rw-r--r--
subrepo: abort in hgsubrepo._get if the destination is obstructed Before, we deleted foo when we determined that there were zero changesets in the foo subrepo. Any files in foo was deleted too. We now delete foo/.hg instead, and the normal checks in hg.clone will then abort if there are untracked files in foo.

from mercurial import demandimport; demandimport.enable()
import urllib2
from mercurial import ui, util
from mercurial import url
from mercurial.error import Abort

class myui(ui.ui):
    def interactive(self):
        return False

origui = myui()

def writeauth(items):
    ui = origui.copy()
    for name, value in items.iteritems():
        ui.setconfig('auth', name, value)
    return ui

def dumpdict(dict):
    return '{' + ', '.join(['%s: %s' % (k, dict[k])
                            for k in sorted(dict.iterkeys())]) + '}'

def test(auth, urls=None):
    print 'CFG:', dumpdict(auth)
    prefixes = set()
    for k in auth:
        prefixes.add(k.split('.', 1)[0])
    for p in prefixes:
        for name in ('.username', '.password'):
            if (p + name) not in auth:
                auth[p + name] = p
    auth = dict((k, v) for k, v in auth.iteritems() if v is not None)

    ui = writeauth(auth)

    def _test(uri):
        print 'URI:', uri
            pm = url.passwordmgr(ui)
            u, authinfo = util.url(uri).authinfo()
            if authinfo is not None:
            print '    ', pm.find_user_password('test', u)
        except Abort, e:
            print 'abort'

    if not urls:
        urls = [
    for u in urls:

print '\n*** Test in-uri schemes\n'
test({'x.prefix': 'http://example.org'})
test({'x.prefix': 'https://example.org'})
test({'x.prefix': 'http://example.org', 'x.schemes': 'https'})
test({'x.prefix': 'https://example.org', 'x.schemes': 'http'})

print '\n*** Test separately configured schemes\n'
test({'x.prefix': 'example.org', 'x.schemes': 'http'})
test({'x.prefix': 'example.org', 'x.schemes': 'https'})
test({'x.prefix': 'example.org', 'x.schemes': 'http https'})

print '\n*** Test prefix matching\n'
test({'x.prefix': 'http://example.org/foo',
      'y.prefix': 'http://example.org/bar'})
test({'x.prefix': 'http://example.org/foo',
      'y.prefix': 'http://example.org/foo/bar'})
test({'x.prefix': '*', 'y.prefix': 'https://example.org/bar'})

print '\n*** Test user matching\n'
test({'x.prefix': 'http://example.org/foo',
      'x.username': None,
      'x.password': 'xpassword'},
test({'x.prefix': 'http://example.org/foo',
      'x.username': None,
      'x.password': 'xpassword',
      'y.prefix': 'http://example.org/foo',
      'y.username': 'y',
      'y.password': 'ypassword'},
test({'x.prefix': 'http://example.org/foo/bar',
      'x.username': None,
      'x.password': 'xpassword',
      'y.prefix': 'http://example.org/foo',
      'y.username': 'y',
      'y.password': 'ypassword'},

def testauthinfo(fullurl, authurl):
    print 'URIs:', fullurl, authurl
    pm = urllib2.HTTPPasswordMgrWithDefaultRealm()
    print pm.find_user_password('test', authurl)

print '\n*** Test urllib2 and util.url\n'
testauthinfo('http://user@example.com:8080/foo', 'http://example.com:8080/foo')