author Jim Hague <>
Thu, 01 Mar 2012 15:27:24 +0000
changeset 16223 ac4fd3238ead
parent 11269 5f01fd602542
child 20143 216d3d85372b
permissions -rw-r--r--
bugzilla: allow change comment to mark bugs fixed Add a second regular expression used when scanning change comments. Bugs matched by this new regular expression have the bug comments and optionally hours updated as with the first regular expression, but they are also marked as fixed. The bug status and resolution to set to mark a bug as fixed can be configured. By default status is set to RESOLVED and resolution to FIXED, the default Bugzilla settings. For example, a change comment containing 'Fixes 1234 h1.5' will be added to bug 1234, the bug will have its working time increased by 1.65 hours, and the bug will be marked RESOLVED/FIXED. Change comments may contain both bug update and fix instructions. If the same bug ID occurs in both, the last instruction found takes precedence. The patch adds new bug states 'bug_status' and 'resolution' and actions to update them to the XMLRPC and XMLRPC/email access methods. XMLRPC does not support marking bugs as fixed when used with Bugzilla versions prior to 4.0. When used with an earlier Bugzilla version, a warning is issued and only comment and hours updated.

### --- User interface


### show changed files and be a bit more verbose if True

# verbose = True

### username data to appear in comits
### it usually takes the form: Joe User <>

# username = Joe User <>

### --- Extensions


### each extension has its own 'extension_name=path' line
### the default python library path is used when path is left blank
### the hgext dir is used when 'hgext.extension_name=' is written

### acl - Access control lists
### hg help acl

# hgext.acl =

### bisect - binary search changesets to detect bugs
### hg help bisect

# hgext.hbisect =

### bugzilla - update bugzilla bugs when changesets mention them
### hg help bugzilla

# hgext.bugzilla =

### extdiff - Use external diff application instead of builtin one

# hgext.extdiff =

### gpg - GPG checks and signing
### hg help gpg

# hgext.gpg =

### graphlog - ASCII graph log
### hg help glog

# hgext.graphlog =

### hgk - GUI repository browser
### hg help view

# hgext.hgk =

### mq - Mercurial patch queues
### hg help mq

# =

### notify - Template driven e-mail notifications
### hg help notify

# hgext.notify =

### patchbomb - send changesets as a series of patch emails
### hg help email

# hgext.patchbomb =

### churn - create a graph showing who changed the most lines
### hg help churn

# hgext.churn = /home/user/hg/hg/contrib/

### eol - automatic management of line endings

# hgext.eol =

### --- hgk additional configuration


### set executable path

# path = /home/user/hg/hg/contrib/hgk

### --- Hook to Mercurial actions - See hgrc man page for avaliable hooks


### Example notify hooks (load hgext.notify extension before use)

# incoming.notify = python:hgext.notify.hook
# changegroup.notify = python:hgext.notify.hook

### Email configuration for the notify and patchbomb extensions


### Your email address

# from =

### Method to send email - smtp or /usr/sbin/sendmail or other program name

# method = smtp

### smtp server to send email to


# host = mail
# port = 25
# tls = false
# username = user
# password = blivet
# local_hostname = myhost

### --- Email notification hook for server

### multiple sources can be specified as a whitespace or comma separated list

# sources = serve push pull bundle

### set this to False when you're ready for mail to start sending

# test = True

### path to config file with names of subscribers

# config = /path/to/subscription/file