author Edouard Gomez <ed.gomez@free.fr>
Sat, 01 May 2010 23:05:19 +0200
changeset 11109 a2bc2f2d77a9
permissions -rwxr-xr-x
subrepo: normalize path part of URLs so that pulling subrepos from webdir works For a "all projects at root" repo layout eg: /main /sub Where subrepos are used such that a clone of main has this layout: ./main/ ./main/.hgsub ./main/sub/ And the .hgsub content is: sub = ../sub This allows a pull from a hgweb where main and sub are exposed at the root (or same directory level) The current code doesn't normalize the path component of a pull url. this results in trying to pull from http://server.com/hg/main/../sub Current hgweb implementation doesn't reduce the path component so this results in a 404 error though everything is setup logically. This patch adresses this 404 error on the puller side normalizing the URLs used for pulling sub repos. For this example, the URL would be reduced to http://server.com/hg/sub Fix + test


echo % Preparing the subrepository 'sub'
hg init sub
echo sub > sub/sub
hg add -R sub
hg commit -R sub -m "sub import"

echo % Preparing the 'main' repo which depends on the subrepo 'sub'
hg init main
echo main > main/main
echo "sub = ../sub" > main/.hgsub
hg clone sub main/sub | sed 's/ .*sub/ ...sub/g'
hg add -R main
hg commit -R main -m "main import"

echo % Cleaning both repositories, just as a clone -U
hg up -C -R sub null
hg up -C -R main null
rm -rf main/sub

echo % Serving them both using hgweb
printf '[paths]\n/main = main\nsub = sub\n' > webdir.conf
hg serve --webdir-conf webdir.conf -a localhost -p $HGPORT \
   -A /dev/null -E /dev/null --pid-file hg.pid -d
cat hg.pid >> $DAEMON_PIDS

echo % Clone main from hgweb
hg clone "http://localhost:$HGPORT/main" cloned | sed 's/ .*sub/ ...sub/g' 

echo % Checking cloned repo ids
hg id -R cloned
hg id -R cloned/sub

echo % subrepo debug for 'main' clone
hg debugsub -R cloned


exit 0