author Martin von Zweigbergk <>
Tue, 01 Jun 2021 15:19:08 -0700
changeset 47372 9e6e12e1a87e
parent 43077 687b865b95ad
child 48875 6000f5b25c9b
permissions -rw-r--r--
merge: make applyupdates() not mutate mresult argument We have an extension at work that overrides `merge.applyupdates()` to make it skip some writes and instead instruct the virtual filesystem we use to get a different version. That override doesn't work correctly when doing `hg co -m` and there's a modified file in the dirstate that's deleted in the destination. That's because `applyupdates()` mutates its `mresult` argument and our extension had passed in a modified copied of `mresult` to the overridden function, which resulted in the mutation not having any effect. This patch fixes that by letting the caller (i.e. `merge._update()`) update `mresult` with the extra actions instead. Besides fixing our internal extension, that seems cleaner to me anyway (better to not mutate `mresult` only in some cases and we can skip some of the logic if we're not going to update the dirstate anyway). Differential Revision:

# - a simple language to select files
# Copyright 2017 Facebook, Inc.
# This software may be used and distributed according to the terms of the
# GNU General Public License version 2 or any later version.

from __future__ import absolute_import

from .i18n import _
from . import (

def _sizep(x):
    # i18n: "size" is a keyword
    expr = filesetlang.getstring(x, _(b"size requires an expression"))
    return fileset.sizematcher(expr)

def _compile(tree):
    if not tree:
        raise error.ParseError(_(b"missing argument"))
    op = tree[0]
    if op == b'withstatus':
        return _compile(tree[1])
    elif op in {b'symbol', b'string', b'kindpat'}:
        name = filesetlang.getpattern(
            tree, {b'path'}, _(b'invalid file pattern')
        if name.startswith(b'**'):  # file extension test, ex. "**.tar.gz"
            ext = name[2:]
            for c in pycompat.bytestr(ext):
                if c in b'*{}[]?/\\':
                    raise error.ParseError(_(b'reserved character: %s') % c)
            return lambda n, s: n.endswith(ext)
        elif name.startswith(b'path:'):  # directory or full path test
            p = name[5:]  # prefix
            pl = len(p)
            f = lambda n, s: n.startswith(p) and (
                len(n) == pl or n[pl : pl + 1] == b'/'
            return f
        raise error.ParseError(
            _(b"unsupported file pattern: %s") % name,
            hint=_(b'paths must be prefixed with "path:"'),
    elif op in {b'or', b'patterns'}:
        funcs = [_compile(x) for x in tree[1:]]
        return lambda n, s: any(f(n, s) for f in funcs)
    elif op == b'and':
        func1 = _compile(tree[1])
        func2 = _compile(tree[2])
        return lambda n, s: func1(n, s) and func2(n, s)
    elif op == b'not':
        return lambda n, s: not _compile(tree[1])(n, s)
    elif op == b'func':
        symbols = {
            b'all': lambda n, s: True,
            b'none': lambda n, s: False,
            b'size': lambda n, s: _sizep(tree[2])(s),

        name = filesetlang.getsymbol(tree[1])
        if name in symbols:
            return symbols[name]

        raise error.UnknownIdentifier(name, symbols.keys())
    elif op == b'minus':  # equivalent to 'x and not y'
        func1 = _compile(tree[1])
        func2 = _compile(tree[2])
        return lambda n, s: func1(n, s) and not func2(n, s)
    elif op == b'list':
        raise error.ParseError(
            _(b"can't use a list in this context"),
            hint=_(b'see \'hg help "filesets.x or y"\''),
    raise error.ProgrammingError(b'illegal tree: %r' % (tree,))

def compile(text):
    """generate a function (path, size) -> bool from filter specification.

    "text" could contain the operators defined by the fileset language for
    common logic operations, and parenthesis for grouping.  The supported path
    tests are '**.extname' for file extension test, and '"path:dir/subdir"'
    for prefix test.  The ``size()`` predicate is borrowed from filesets to test
    file size.  The predicates ``all()`` and ``none()`` are also supported.

    '(**.php & size(">10MB")) | **.zip | (path:bin & !path:bin/README)' for
    example, will catch all php files whose size is greater than 10 MB, all
    files whose name ends with ".zip", and all files under "bin" in the repo
    root except for "bin/README".
    tree = filesetlang.parse(text)
    tree = filesetlang.analyze(tree)
    tree = filesetlang.optimize(tree)
    return _compile(tree)