author Matt Harbison <>
Thu, 30 Mar 2017 00:27:46 -0400
changeset 33493 9a9f95214f46
parent 27245 cea1473ba468
child 33597 a3ac1ea611ce
permissions -rw-r--r--
debug: add a method to check the state of, and built an SSL cert chain This is only useful on Windows, and avoids the need to use Internet Explorer to build the certificate chain. I can see this being extended in the future to print information about the certificate(s) to help debug issues on any platform. Maybe even perform some of the python checks listed on the secure connections wiki page. But for now, all I need is 1) a command that can be invoked in a setup script to ensure the certificate is installed, and 2) a command that the user can run if/when a certificate changes in the future. It would have been nice to leverage the sslutil library to pick up host specific settings, but attempting to use sslutil.wrapsocket() failed the 'not sslsocket.cipher()' check in it and aborted. The output is a little more chatty than some commands, but I've seen the update take 10+ seconds, and this is only a debug command.

#!/bin/sh -eu

# This function exists to set up the DOCKER variable and verify that
# it's the binary we expect. It also verifies that the docker service
# is running on the system and we can talk to it.
function checkdocker() {
  if which >> /dev/null 2>&1 ; then
  elif which docker >> /dev/null 2>&1 ; then
    echo "Error: docker must be installed"
    exit 1

  $DOCKER -h 2> /dev/null | grep -q Jansens && { echo "Error: $DOCKER is the Docking System Tray - install instead"; exit 1; }
  $DOCKER version | grep -Eq "^Client( version)?:" || { echo "Error: unexpected output from \"$DOCKER version\""; exit 1; }
  $DOCKER version | grep -Eq "^Server( version)?:" || { echo "Error: could not get docker server version - check it is running and your permissions"; exit 1; }

# Construct a container and leave its name in $CONTAINER for future use.
function initcontainer() {
  [ "$1" ] || { echo "Error: platform name must be specified"; exit 1; }

  [ -f "$DFILE" ] || { echo "Error: docker file $DFILE not found"; exit 1; }

    cat $DFILE
    if [ $(uname) = "Darwin" ] ; then
        # The builder is using boot2docker on OS X, so we're going to
        # *guess* the uid of the user inside the VM that is actually
        # running docker. This is *very likely* to fail at some point.
        echo RUN useradd $DBUILDUSER -u 1000
        echo RUN groupadd $DBUILDUSER -g `id -g` -o
        echo RUN useradd $DBUILDUSER -u `id -u` -g $DBUILDUSER -o
  ) | $DOCKER build --tag $CONTAINER -