author Valentin Gatien-Baron <valentin.gatienbaron@gmail.com>
Tue, 02 Jul 2019 12:59:58 -0400
changeset 42621 99ebde4fec99
parent 42528 e079e001d536
child 42804 7b80ad5af239
permissions -rw-r--r--
commit: improve the files field of changelog for merges Currently, the files list of merge commits repeats all the deletions (either actual deletions, or files that got renamed) that happened between base and p2 of the merge. If p2 is the main branch, the list can easily be much bigger than the change being merged. This results in various problems worth improving: - changelog is bigger than necessary - `hg log directory` lists many unrelated merge commits, and `hg log -v -r commit` frequently fills multiple screens worth of files - it possibly slows down adjustlinkrev, by forcing it to read more manifests, and that function can certainly be a bottleneck - the server side of pulls can waste a lot of time simply opening the filelogs for pointless files (the constant factors for opening even a tiny filelog is apparently pretty bad) So stop listing such files as described in the code. Impacted merge commits and their descendants get a different hash than they would have without this. This doesn't seem problematic, except for convert. The previous commit helped with that in the hg->hg case (but if you do svn->hg twice from scratch, hashes can still change). The rest of the description is numbers. I don't have much to report, because recreating the files list of existing repositories is not easy: - debugupgradeformat and bundle/unbundle don't recreate the list - export/import tends to choke quickly applying patches or on description that contain diffs, - merge commits from the convert extension don't have the right files list for reasons orthogonal to the current commit - replaying the merge with hg update/hg merge/hg revert --all/hg commit can end up failing in hg revert - I wasn't sure that using debugsetparents + debugrebuilddirstate would really build the right thing I measured commit time before and after this change, in a case with no files filtered out, several files filtered out (no difference) and 5k files filtered out (+1% time). Recreating the 100 more recent merges in a private repo, the concatenated uncompressed files lists goes from 1.12MB to 0.52MB. Excluding 3 merges that are not representative, then the size goes from 570k to 15k. I converted part of mozilla-central, and observed file list shrinking quite a bit too, starting at the very first merge, 733641d9feaf, going from 550 files to 10 files (although they have relatively few merges, so they probably wouldn't care). Differential Revision: https://phab.mercurial-scm.org/D6613

#require symlink execbit
  $ cat << EOF >> $HGRCPATH
  > [phases]
  > publish=False
  > [extensions]
  > amend=
  > rebase=
  > debugdrawdag=$TESTDIR/drawdag.py
  > strip=
  > [rebase]
  > experimental.inmemory=1
  > [diff]
  > git=1
  > [alias]
  > tglog = log -G --template "{rev}: {node|short} '{desc}'\n"
  > EOF

Rebase a simple DAG:
  $ hg init repo1
  $ cd repo1
  $ hg debugdrawdag <<'EOS'
  > c b
  > |/
  > d
  > |
  > a
  > EOS
  $ hg up -C a
  1 files updated, 0 files merged, 0 files removed, 0 files unresolved
  $ hg tglog
  o  3: 814f6bd05178 'c'
  | o  2: db0e82a16a62 'b'
  o  1: 02952614a83d 'd'
  @  0: b173517d0057 'a'
  $ hg cat -r 3 c
  c (no-eol)
  $ hg cat -r 2 b
  b (no-eol)
  $ hg rebase --debug -r b -d c | grep rebasing
  rebasing in-memory
  rebasing 2:db0e82a16a62 "b" (b)
  $ hg tglog
  o  3: ca58782ad1e4 'b'
  o  2: 814f6bd05178 'c'
  o  1: 02952614a83d 'd'
  @  0: b173517d0057 'a'
  $ hg cat -r 3 b
  b (no-eol)
  $ hg cat -r 2 c
  c (no-eol)
  $ cd ..

Case 2:
  $ hg init repo2
  $ cd repo2
  $ hg debugdrawdag <<'EOS'
  > c b
  > |/
  > d
  > |
  > a
  > EOS

Add a symlink and executable file:
  $ hg up -C c
  3 files updated, 0 files merged, 0 files removed, 0 files unresolved
  $ ln -s somefile e
  $ echo f > f
  $ chmod +x f
  $ hg add e f
  $ hg amend -q
  $ hg up -Cq a

Write files to the working copy, and ensure they're still there after the rebase
  $ echo "abc" > a
  $ ln -s def b
  $ echo "ghi" > c
  $ echo "jkl" > d
  $ echo "mno" > e
  $ hg tglog
  o  3: f56b71190a8f 'c'
  | o  2: db0e82a16a62 'b'
  o  1: 02952614a83d 'd'
  @  0: b173517d0057 'a'
  $ hg cat -r 3 c
  c (no-eol)
  $ hg cat -r 2 b
  b (no-eol)
  $ hg cat -r 3 e
  somefile (no-eol)
  $ hg rebase --debug -s b -d a | grep rebasing
  rebasing in-memory
  rebasing 2:db0e82a16a62 "b" (b)
  $ hg tglog
  o  3: fc055c3b4d33 'b'
  | o  2: f56b71190a8f 'c'
  | |
  | o  1: 02952614a83d 'd'
  @  0: b173517d0057 'a'
  $ hg cat -r 2 c
  c (no-eol)
  $ hg cat -r 3 b
  b (no-eol)
  $ hg rebase --debug -s 1 -d 3 | grep rebasing
  rebasing in-memory
  rebasing 1:02952614a83d "d" (d)
  rebasing 2:f56b71190a8f "c"
  $ hg tglog
  o  3: 753feb6fd12a 'c'
  o  2: 09c044d2cb43 'd'
  o  1: fc055c3b4d33 'b'
  @  0: b173517d0057 'a'
Ensure working copy files are still there:
  $ cat a
  $ readlink.py b
  b -> def
  $ cat e

Ensure symlink and executable files were rebased properly:
  $ hg up -Cq 3
  $ readlink.py e
  e -> somefile
  $ ls -l f | cut -c -10

Rebase the working copy parent
  $ hg up -C 3
  0 files updated, 0 files merged, 0 files removed, 0 files unresolved
  $ hg rebase -r 3 -d 0 --debug | grep rebasing
  rebasing in-memory
  rebasing 3:753feb6fd12a "c" (tip)
  $ hg tglog
  @  3: 844a7de3e617 'c'
  | o  2: 09c044d2cb43 'd'
  | |
  | o  1: fc055c3b4d33 'b'
  o  0: b173517d0057 'a'

Test reporting of path conflicts

  $ hg rm a
  $ mkdir a
  $ touch a/a
  $ hg ci -Am "a/a"
  adding a/a
  $ hg tglog
  @  4: daf7dfc139cb 'a/a'
  o  3: 844a7de3e617 'c'
  | o  2: 09c044d2cb43 'd'
  | |
  | o  1: fc055c3b4d33 'b'
  o  0: b173517d0057 'a'
  $ hg rebase -r . -d 2
  rebasing 4:daf7dfc139cb "a/a" (tip)
  saved backup bundle to $TESTTMP/repo2/.hg/strip-backup/daf7dfc139cb-fdbfcf4f-rebase.hg

  $ hg tglog
  @  4: c6ad37a4f250 'a/a'
  | o  3: 844a7de3e617 'c'
  | |
  o |  2: 09c044d2cb43 'd'
  | |
  o |  1: fc055c3b4d33 'b'
  o  0: b173517d0057 'a'
  $ echo foo > foo
  $ hg ci -Aqm "added foo"
  $ hg up '.^'
  0 files updated, 0 files merged, 1 files removed, 0 files unresolved
  $ echo bar > bar
  $ hg ci -Aqm "added bar"
  $ hg rm a/a
  $ echo a > a
  $ hg ci -Aqm "added a back!"
  $ hg tglog
  @  7: 855e9797387e 'added a back!'
  o  6: d14530e5e3e6 'added bar'
  | o  5: 9b94b9373deb 'added foo'
  o  4: c6ad37a4f250 'a/a'
  | o  3: 844a7de3e617 'c'
  | |
  o |  2: 09c044d2cb43 'd'
  | |
  o |  1: fc055c3b4d33 'b'
  o  0: b173517d0057 'a'
  $ hg rebase -r . -d 5
  rebasing 7:855e9797387e "added a back!" (tip)
  saved backup bundle to $TESTTMP/repo2/.hg/strip-backup/855e9797387e-81ee4c5d-rebase.hg

  $ hg tglog
  @  7: bb3f02be2688 'added a back!'
  | o  6: d14530e5e3e6 'added bar'
  | |
  o |  5: 9b94b9373deb 'added foo'
  o  4: c6ad37a4f250 'a/a'
  | o  3: 844a7de3e617 'c'
  | |
  o |  2: 09c044d2cb43 'd'
  | |
  o |  1: fc055c3b4d33 'b'
  o  0: b173517d0057 'a'
  $ mkdir -p c/subdir
  $ echo c > c/subdir/file.txt
  $ hg add c/subdir/file.txt
  $ hg ci -m 'c/subdir/file.txt'
  $ hg rebase -r . -d 3 -n
  starting dry-run rebase; repository will not be changed
  rebasing 8:e147e6e3c490 "c/subdir/file.txt" (tip)
  abort: error: 'c/subdir/file.txt' conflicts with file 'c' in 3.
  $ hg rebase -r 3 -d . -n
  starting dry-run rebase; repository will not be changed
  rebasing 3:844a7de3e617 "c"
  abort: error: file 'c' cannot be written because  'c/' is a directory in e147e6e3c490 (containing 1 entries: c/subdir/file.txt)

  $ cd ..

Test path auditing (issue5818)

  $ mkdir lib_
  $ ln -s lib_ lib
  $ hg init repo
  $ cd repo
  $ mkdir -p ".$TESTTMP/lib"
  $ touch ".$TESTTMP/lib/a"
  $ hg add ".$TESTTMP/lib/a"
  $ hg ci -m 'a'

  $ touch ".$TESTTMP/lib/b"
  $ hg add ".$TESTTMP/lib/b"
  $ hg ci -m 'b'

  $ hg up -q '.^'
  $ touch ".$TESTTMP/lib/c"
  $ hg add ".$TESTTMP/lib/c"
  $ hg ci -m 'c'
  created new head
  $ hg rebase -s 1 -d .
  rebasing 1:* "b" (glob)
  saved backup bundle to $TESTTMP/repo/.hg/strip-backup/*-rebase.hg (glob)
  $ cd ..

Test dry-run rebasing

  $ hg init repo3
  $ cd repo3
  $ echo a>a
  $ hg ci -Aqma
  $ echo b>b
  $ hg ci -Aqmb
  $ echo c>c
  $ hg ci -Aqmc
  $ echo d>d
  $ hg ci -Aqmd
  $ echo e>e
  $ hg ci -Aqme

  $ hg up 1 -q
  $ echo f>f
  $ hg ci -Amf
  adding f
  created new head
  $ echo g>g
  $ hg ci -Aqmg
  $ hg log -G --template "{rev}:{short(node)} {person(author)}\n{firstline(desc)} {topic}\n\n"
  @  6:baf10c5166d4 test
  |  g
  o  5:6343ca3eff20 test
  |  f
  | o  4:e860deea161a test
  | |  e
  | |
  | o  3:055a42cdd887 test
  | |  d
  | |
  | o  2:177f92b77385 test
  |/   c
  o  1:d2ae7f538514 test
  |  b
  o  0:cb9a9f314b8b test
Make sure it throws error while passing --continue or --abort with --dry-run
  $ hg rebase -s 2 -d 6 -n --continue
  abort: cannot specify both --dry-run and --continue
  $ hg rebase -s 2 -d 6 -n --abort
  abort: cannot specify both --dry-run and --abort

Check dryrun gives correct results when there is no conflict in rebasing
  $ hg rebase -s 2 -d 6 -n
  starting dry-run rebase; repository will not be changed
  rebasing 2:177f92b77385 "c"
  rebasing 3:055a42cdd887 "d"
  rebasing 4:e860deea161a "e"
  dry-run rebase completed successfully; run without -n/--dry-run to perform this rebase

  $ hg diff
  $ hg status

  $ hg log -G --template "{rev}:{short(node)} {person(author)}\n{firstline(desc)} {topic}\n\n"
  @  6:baf10c5166d4 test
  |  g
  o  5:6343ca3eff20 test
  |  f
  | o  4:e860deea161a test
  | |  e
  | |
  | o  3:055a42cdd887 test
  | |  d
  | |
  | o  2:177f92b77385 test
  |/   c
  o  1:d2ae7f538514 test
  |  b
  o  0:cb9a9f314b8b test
Check dryrun working with --collapse when there is no conflict
  $ hg rebase -s 2 -d 6 -n --collapse
  starting dry-run rebase; repository will not be changed
  rebasing 2:177f92b77385 "c"
  rebasing 3:055a42cdd887 "d"
  rebasing 4:e860deea161a "e"
  dry-run rebase completed successfully; run without -n/--dry-run to perform this rebase

Check dryrun gives correct results when there is conflict in rebasing
Make a conflict:
  $ hg up 6 -q
  $ echo conflict>e
  $ hg ci -Aqm "conflict with e"
  $ hg log -G --template "{rev}:{short(node)} {person(author)}\n{firstline(desc)} {topic}\n\n"
  @  7:d2c195b28050 test
  |  conflict with e
  o  6:baf10c5166d4 test
  |  g
  o  5:6343ca3eff20 test
  |  f
  | o  4:e860deea161a test
  | |  e
  | |
  | o  3:055a42cdd887 test
  | |  d
  | |
  | o  2:177f92b77385 test
  |/   c
  o  1:d2ae7f538514 test
  |  b
  o  0:cb9a9f314b8b test
  $ hg rebase -s 2 -d 7 -n
  starting dry-run rebase; repository will not be changed
  rebasing 2:177f92b77385 "c"
  rebasing 3:055a42cdd887 "d"
  rebasing 4:e860deea161a "e"
  merging e
  transaction abort!
  rollback completed
  hit a merge conflict
  $ hg diff
  $ hg status
  $ hg log -G --template "{rev}:{short(node)} {person(author)}\n{firstline(desc)} {topic}\n\n"
  @  7:d2c195b28050 test
  |  conflict with e
  o  6:baf10c5166d4 test
  |  g
  o  5:6343ca3eff20 test
  |  f
  | o  4:e860deea161a test
  | |  e
  | |
  | o  3:055a42cdd887 test
  | |  d
  | |
  | o  2:177f92b77385 test
  |/   c
  o  1:d2ae7f538514 test
  |  b
  o  0:cb9a9f314b8b test
Check dryrun working with --collapse when there is conflicts
  $ hg rebase -s 2 -d 7 -n --collapse
  starting dry-run rebase; repository will not be changed
  rebasing 2:177f92b77385 "c"
  rebasing 3:055a42cdd887 "d"
  rebasing 4:e860deea161a "e"
  merging e
  hit a merge conflict

In-memory rebase that fails due to merge conflicts

  $ hg rebase -s 2 -d 7
  rebasing 2:177f92b77385 "c"
  rebasing 3:055a42cdd887 "d"
  rebasing 4:e860deea161a "e"
  merging e
  transaction abort!
  rollback completed
  hit merge conflicts; re-running rebase without in-memory merge
  rebasing 2:177f92b77385 "c"
  rebasing 3:055a42cdd887 "d"
  rebasing 4:e860deea161a "e"
  merging e
  warning: conflicts while merging e! (edit, then use 'hg resolve --mark')
  unresolved conflicts (see hg resolve, then hg rebase --continue)
  $ hg rebase --abort
  saved backup bundle to $TESTTMP/repo3/.hg/strip-backup/c1e524d4287c-f91f82e1-backup.hg
  rebase aborted

Retrying without in-memory merge won't lose working copy changes
  $ cd ..
  $ hg clone repo3 repo3-dirty -q
  $ cd repo3-dirty
  $ echo dirty > a
  $ hg rebase -s 2 -d 7
  rebasing 2:177f92b77385 "c"
  rebasing 3:055a42cdd887 "d"
  rebasing 4:e860deea161a "e"
  merging e
  transaction abort!
  rollback completed
  hit merge conflicts; re-running rebase without in-memory merge
  abort: uncommitted changes
  $ cat a

Retrying without in-memory merge won't lose merge state
  $ cd ..
  $ hg clone repo3 repo3-merge-state -q
  $ cd repo3-merge-state
  $ hg merge 4
  merging e
  warning: conflicts while merging e! (edit, then use 'hg resolve --mark')
  2 files updated, 0 files merged, 0 files removed, 1 files unresolved
  use 'hg resolve' to retry unresolved file merges or 'hg merge --abort' to abandon
  $ hg resolve -l
  U e
  $ hg rebase -s 2 -d 7
  rebasing 2:177f92b77385 "c"
  abort: outstanding merge conflicts
  $ hg resolve -l
  U e

Test for --confirm option|
  $ cd ..
  $ hg clone repo3 repo4 -q
  $ cd repo4
  $ hg strip 7 -q
  $ hg log -G --template "{rev}:{short(node)} {person(author)}\n{firstline(desc)} {topic}\n\n"
  @  6:baf10c5166d4 test
  |  g
  o  5:6343ca3eff20 test
  |  f
  | o  4:e860deea161a test
  | |  e
  | |
  | o  3:055a42cdd887 test
  | |  d
  | |
  | o  2:177f92b77385 test
  |/   c
  o  1:d2ae7f538514 test
  |  b
  o  0:cb9a9f314b8b test
Check it gives error when both --dryrun and --confirm is used:
  $ hg rebase -s 2 -d . --confirm --dry-run
  abort: cannot specify both --confirm and --dry-run
  $ hg rebase -s 2 -d . --confirm --abort
  abort: cannot specify both --confirm and --abort
  $ hg rebase -s 2 -d . --confirm --continue
  abort: cannot specify both --confirm and --continue

Test --confirm option when there are no conflicts:
  $ hg rebase -s 2 -d . --keep --config ui.interactive=True --confirm << EOF
  > n
  > EOF
  starting in-memory rebase
  rebasing 2:177f92b77385 "c"
  rebasing 3:055a42cdd887 "d"
  rebasing 4:e860deea161a "e"
  rebase completed successfully
  apply changes (yn)? n
  $ hg log -G --template "{rev}:{short(node)} {person(author)}\n{firstline(desc)} {topic}\n\n"
  @  6:baf10c5166d4 test
  |  g
  o  5:6343ca3eff20 test
  |  f
  | o  4:e860deea161a test
  | |  e
  | |
  | o  3:055a42cdd887 test
  | |  d
  | |
  | o  2:177f92b77385 test
  |/   c
  o  1:d2ae7f538514 test
  |  b
  o  0:cb9a9f314b8b test
  $ hg rebase -s 2 -d . --keep --config ui.interactive=True --confirm << EOF
  > y
  > EOF
  starting in-memory rebase
  rebasing 2:177f92b77385 "c"
  rebasing 3:055a42cdd887 "d"
  rebasing 4:e860deea161a "e"
  rebase completed successfully
  apply changes (yn)? y
  $ hg log -G --template "{rev}:{short(node)} {person(author)}\n{firstline(desc)} {topic}\n\n"
  o  9:9fd28f55f6dc test
  |  e
  o  8:12cbf031f469 test
  |  d
  o  7:c83b1da5b1ae test
  |  c
  @  6:baf10c5166d4 test
  |  g
  o  5:6343ca3eff20 test
  |  f
  | o  4:e860deea161a test
  | |  e
  | |
  | o  3:055a42cdd887 test
  | |  d
  | |
  | o  2:177f92b77385 test
  |/   c
  o  1:d2ae7f538514 test
  |  b
  o  0:cb9a9f314b8b test
Test --confirm option when there is a conflict
  $ hg up tip -q
  $ echo ee>e
  $ hg ci --amend -m "conflict with e" -q
  $ hg log -G --template "{rev}:{short(node)} {person(author)}\n{firstline(desc)} {topic}\n\n"
  @  9:906d72f66a59 test
  |  conflict with e
  o  8:12cbf031f469 test
  |  d
  o  7:c83b1da5b1ae test
  |  c
  o  6:baf10c5166d4 test
  |  g
  o  5:6343ca3eff20 test
  |  f
  | o  4:e860deea161a test
  | |  e
  | |
  | o  3:055a42cdd887 test
  | |  d
  | |
  | o  2:177f92b77385 test
  |/   c
  o  1:d2ae7f538514 test
  |  b
  o  0:cb9a9f314b8b test
  $ hg rebase -s 4 -d . --keep --confirm
  starting in-memory rebase
  rebasing 4:e860deea161a "e"
  merging e
  hit a merge conflict
  $ hg log -G --template "{rev}:{short(node)} {person(author)}\n{firstline(desc)} {topic}\n\n"
  @  9:906d72f66a59 test
  |  conflict with e
  o  8:12cbf031f469 test
  |  d
  o  7:c83b1da5b1ae test
  |  c
  o  6:baf10c5166d4 test
  |  g
  o  5:6343ca3eff20 test
  |  f
  | o  4:e860deea161a test
  | |  e
  | |
  | o  3:055a42cdd887 test
  | |  d
  | |
  | o  2:177f92b77385 test
  |/   c
  o  1:d2ae7f538514 test
  |  b
  o  0:cb9a9f314b8b test
Test a metadata-only in-memory merge
  $ cd $TESTTMP
  $ hg init no_exception
  $ cd no_exception
# Produce the following graph:
#   o  'add +x to foo.txt'
#   | o  r1  (adds bar.txt, just for something to rebase to)
#   |/
#   o  r0   (adds foo.txt, no +x)
  $ echo hi > foo.txt
  $ hg ci -qAm r0
  $ echo hi > bar.txt
  $ hg ci -qAm r1
  $ hg co -qr ".^"
  $ chmod +x foo.txt
  $ hg ci -qAm 'add +x to foo.txt'
issue5960: this was raising an AttributeError exception
  $ hg rebase -r . -d 1
  rebasing 2:539b93e77479 "add +x to foo.txt" (tip)
  saved backup bundle to $TESTTMP/no_exception/.hg/strip-backup/*.hg (glob)
  $ hg diff -c tip
  diff --git a/foo.txt b/foo.txt
  old mode 100644
  new mode 100755

Test rebasing a commit with copy information, but no content changes

  $ cd ..
  $ hg clone -q repo1 merge-and-rename
  $ cd merge-and-rename
  $ cat << EOF >> .hg/hgrc
  > [experimental]
  > evolution.createmarkers=True
  > evolution.allowunstable=True
  > EOF
  $ hg co -q 1
  $ hg mv d e
  $ hg ci -qm 'rename d to e'
  $ hg co -q 3
  $ hg merge -q 4
  $ hg ci -m 'merge'
  $ hg co -q 2
  $ mv d e
  $ hg addremove -qs 0
  $ hg ci -qm 'untracked rename of d to e'
  $ hg debugobsolete -q `hg log -T '{node}' -r 4` `hg log -T '{node}' -r .`
  1 new orphan changesets
  $ hg tglog
  @  6: 676538af172d 'untracked rename of d to e'
  | *    5: 574d92ad16fc 'merge'
  | |\
  | | x  4: 2c8b5dad7956 'rename d to e'
  | | |
  | o |  3: ca58782ad1e4 'b'
  |/ /
  o /  2: 814f6bd05178 'c'
  o  1: 02952614a83d 'd'
  o  0: b173517d0057 'a'
  $ hg rebase -b 5 -d tip
  rebasing 3:ca58782ad1e4 "b"
  rebasing 5:574d92ad16fc "merge"
  note: not rebasing 5:574d92ad16fc "merge", its destination already has all its changes

  $ cd ..

Test rebasing a commit with copy information

  $ hg init rebase-rename
  $ cd rebase-rename
  $ echo a > a
  $ hg ci -Aqm 'add a'
  $ echo a2 > a
  $ hg ci -m 'modify a'
  $ hg co -q 0
  $ hg mv a b
  $ hg ci -qm 'rename a to b'
  $ hg rebase -d 1
  rebasing 2:b977edf6f839 "rename a to b" (tip)
  merging a and b to b
  saved backup bundle to $TESTTMP/rebase-rename/.hg/strip-backup/b977edf6f839-0864f570-rebase.hg
  $ hg st --copies --change .
  A b
  R a
  $ cd ..

Test rebasing a commit with copy information, where the target is empty

  $ hg init rebase-rename-empty
  $ cd rebase-rename-empty
  $ echo a > a
  $ hg ci -Aqm 'add a'
  $ cat > a
  $ hg ci -m 'make a empty'
  $ hg co -q 0
  $ hg mv a b
  $ hg ci -qm 'rename a to b'
  $ hg rebase -d 1
  rebasing 2:b977edf6f839 "rename a to b" (tip)
  merging a and b to b
  saved backup bundle to $TESTTMP/rebase-rename-empty/.hg/strip-backup/b977edf6f839-0864f570-rebase.hg
  $ hg st --copies --change .
  A b
  R a
  $ cd ..
Rebase across a copy with --collapse

  $ hg init rebase-rename-collapse
  $ cd rebase-rename-collapse
  $ echo a > a
  $ hg ci -Aqm 'add a'
  $ hg mv a b
  $ hg ci -m 'rename a to b'
  $ hg co -q 0
  $ echo a2 > a
  $ hg ci -qm 'modify a'
  $ hg rebase -r . -d 1 --collapse
  rebasing 2:41c4ea50d4cf "modify a" (tip)
  merging b and a to b
  saved backup bundle to $TESTTMP/rebase-rename-collapse/.hg/strip-backup/41c4ea50d4cf-b90b7994-rebase.hg
  $ cd ..

Test rebasing when the file we are merging in destination is empty

  $ hg init test
  $ cd test
  $ echo a > foo
  $ hg ci -Aqm 'added a to foo'

  $ rm foo
  $ touch foo
  $ hg di
  diff --git a/foo b/foo
  --- a/foo
  +++ b/foo
  @@ -1,1 +0,0 @@

  $ hg ci -m "make foo an empty file"

  $ hg up '.^'
  1 files updated, 0 files merged, 0 files removed, 0 files unresolved
  $ echo b > foo
  $ hg di
  diff --git a/foo b/foo
  --- a/foo
  +++ b/foo
  @@ -1,1 +1,1 @@
  $ hg ci -m "add b to foo"
  created new head

  $ hg rebase -r . -d 1 --config ui.merge=internal:merge3
  rebasing 2:fb62b706688e "add b to foo" (tip)
  merging foo
  hit merge conflicts; re-running rebase without in-memory merge
  rebasing 2:fb62b706688e "add b to foo" (tip)
  merging foo
  warning: conflicts while merging foo! (edit, then use 'hg resolve --mark')
  unresolved conflicts (see hg resolve, then hg rebase --continue)