author Augie Fackler <augie@google.com>
Mon, 08 Jul 2019 13:12:20 -0400
changeset 42562 97ada9b8d51b
parent 41694 0c7b353ce100
child 43076 2372284d9457
permissions -rw-r--r--
posix: always seek to EOF when opening a file in append mode Python 3 already does this, so skip it there. Consider the program: #include <stdio.h> int main() { FILE *f = fopen("narf", "w"); fprintf(f, "narf\n"); fclose(f); f = fopen("narf", "a"); printf("%ld\n", ftell(f)); fprintf(f, "troz\n"); printf("%ld\n", ftell(f)); return 0; } on macOS, FreeBSD, and Linux with glibc, this program prints 5 10 but on musl libc (Alpine Linux and probably others) this prints 0 10 By my reading of https://pubs.opengroup.org/onlinepubs/009695399/functions/fopen.html this is technically correct, specifically: > Opening a file with append mode (a as the first character in the > mode argument) shall cause all subsequent writes to the file to be > forced to the then current end-of-file, regardless of intervening > calls to fseek(). in other words, the file position doesn't really matter in append-mode files, and we can't depend on it being at all meaningful unless we perform a seek() before tell() after open(..., 'a'). Experimentally after a .write() we can do a .tell() and it'll always be reasonable, but I'm unclear from reading the specification if that's a smart thing to rely on. This matches what we do on Windows and what Python 3 does for free, so let's just be consistent. Thanks to Yuya for the idea.

from __future__ import absolute_import
import sys
import unittest

from mercurial import (

    from mercurial import rustext
    rustext.__name__  # trigger immediate actual import
except ImportError:
    rustext = None
    # this would fail already without appropriate ancestor.__package__
    from mercurial.rustext.ancestor import (
    from mercurial.rustext import dagop

    from mercurial.cext import parsers as cparsers
except ImportError:
    cparsers = None

# picked from test-parse-index2, copied rather than imported
# so that it stays stable even if test-parse-index2 changes or disappears.
data_non_inlined = (

@unittest.skipIf(rustext is None or cparsers is None,
                 "rustext or the C Extension parsers module "
                 "ancestor relies on is not available")
class rustancestorstest(unittest.TestCase):
    """Test the correctness of binding to Rust code.

    This test is merely for the binding to Rust itself: extraction of
    Python variable, giving back the results etc.

    It is not meant to test the algorithmic correctness of the operations
    on ancestors it provides. Hence the very simple embedded index data is
    good enough.

    Algorithmic correctness is asserted by the Rust unit tests.

    def parseindex(self):
        return cparsers.parse_index2(data_non_inlined, False)[0]

    def testiteratorrevlist(self):
        idx = self.parseindex()
        # checking test assumption about the index binary data:
        self.assertEqual({i: (r[5], r[6]) for i, r in enumerate(idx)},
                         {0: (-1, -1),
                          1: (0, -1),
                          2: (1, -1),
                          3: (2, -1)})
        ait = AncestorsIterator(idx, [3], 0, True)
        self.assertEqual([r for r in ait], [3, 2, 1, 0])

        ait = AncestorsIterator(idx, [3], 0, False)
        self.assertEqual([r for r in ait], [2, 1, 0])

    def testlazyancestors(self):
        idx = self.parseindex()
        start_count = sys.getrefcount(idx)  # should be 2 (see Python doc)
        self.assertEqual({i: (r[5], r[6]) for i, r in enumerate(idx)},
                         {0: (-1, -1),
                          1: (0, -1),
                          2: (1, -1),
                          3: (2, -1)})
        lazy = LazyAncestors(idx, [3], 0, True)
        # we have two more references to the index:
        # - in its inner iterator for __contains__ and __bool__
        # - in the LazyAncestors instance itself (to spawn new iterators)
        self.assertEqual(sys.getrefcount(idx), start_count + 2)

        self.assertTrue(2 in lazy)
        self.assertEqual(list(lazy), [3, 2, 1, 0])
        # a second time to validate that we spawn new iterators
        self.assertEqual(list(lazy), [3, 2, 1, 0])

        # now let's watch the refcounts closer
        ait = iter(lazy)
        self.assertEqual(sys.getrefcount(idx), start_count + 3)
        del ait
        self.assertEqual(sys.getrefcount(idx), start_count + 2)
        del lazy
        self.assertEqual(sys.getrefcount(idx), start_count)

        # let's check bool for an empty one
        self.assertFalse(LazyAncestors(idx, [0], 0, False))

    def testmissingancestors(self):
        idx = self.parseindex()
        missanc = MissingAncestors(idx, [1])
        self.assertEqual(missanc.missingancestors([3]), [2, 3])
        self.assertEqual(missanc.bases(), {1, 2})
        self.assertEqual(missanc.missingancestors([3]), [3])
        self.assertEqual(missanc.basesheads(), {2})

    def testmissingancestorsremove(self):
        idx = self.parseindex()
        missanc = MissingAncestors(idx, [1])
        revs = {0, 1, 2, 3}
        self.assertEqual(revs, {2, 3})

    def testrefcount(self):
        idx = self.parseindex()
        start_count = sys.getrefcount(idx)

        # refcount increases upon iterator init...
        ait = AncestorsIterator(idx, [3], 0, True)
        self.assertEqual(sys.getrefcount(idx), start_count + 1)
        self.assertEqual(next(ait), 3)

        # and decreases once the iterator is removed
        del ait
        self.assertEqual(sys.getrefcount(idx), start_count)

        # and removing ref to the index after iterator init is no issue
        ait = AncestorsIterator(idx, [3], 0, True)
        del idx
        self.assertEqual(list(ait), [3, 2, 1, 0])

    def testgrapherror(self):
        data = (data_non_inlined[:64 + 27] +
                b'\xf2' +
                data_non_inlined[64 + 28:])
        idx = cparsers.parse_index2(data, False)[0]
        with self.assertRaises(rustext.GraphError) as arc:
            AncestorsIterator(idx, [1], -1, False)
        exc = arc.exception
        self.assertIsInstance(exc, ValueError)
        # rust-cpython issues appropriate str instances for Python 2 and 3
        self.assertEqual(exc.args, ('ParentOutOfRange', 1))

    def testwdirunsupported(self):
        # trying to access ancestors of the working directory raises
        # WdirUnsupported directly
        idx = self.parseindex()
        with self.assertRaises(error.WdirUnsupported):
            list(AncestorsIterator(idx, [node.wdirrev], -1, False))

    def testheadrevs(self):
        idx = self.parseindex()
        self.assertEqual(dagop.headrevs(idx, [1, 2, 3]), {3})

if __name__ == '__main__':
    import silenttestrunner