author Bryan O'Sullivan <>
Tue, 18 Sep 2012 15:42:19 -0700
changeset 17616 9535a0dc41f2
parent 16834 cafd8a8fb713
child 20225 d2704c48f417
permissions -rw-r--r--
store: implement fncache basic path encoding in C (This is not yet enabled; it will be turned on in a followup patch.) The path encoding performed by fncache is complex and (perhaps surprisingly) slow enough to negatively affect the overall performance of Mercurial. For a short path (< 120 bytes), the Python code can be reduced to a fairly tractable state machine that either determines that nothing needs to be done in a single pass, or performs the encoding in a second pass. For longer paths, we avoid the more complicated hashed encoding scheme for now, and fall back to Python. Raw performance: I measured in a repo containing 150,000 files in its tip manifest, with a median path name length of 57 bytes, and 95th percentile of 96 bytes. In this repo, the Python code takes 3.1 seconds to encode all path names, while the hybrid C-and-Python code (called from Python) takes 0.21 seconds, for a speedup of about 14. Across several other large repositories, I've measured the speedup from the C code at between 26x and 40x. For path names above 120 bytes where we must fall back to Python for hashed encoding, the speedup is about 1.7x. Thus absolute performance will depend strongly on the characteristics of a particular repository.

# - protocol changeset discovery functions
# Copyright 2010 Matt Mackall <>
# This software may be used and distributed according to the terms of the
# GNU General Public License version 2 or any later version.

from node import nullid, short
from i18n import _
import util, error

def findcommonincoming(repo, remote, heads=None, force=False):
    """Return a tuple (common, fetch, heads) used to identify the common
    subset of nodes between repo and remote.

    "common" is a list of (at least) the heads of the common subset.
    "fetch" is a list of roots of the nodes that would be incoming, to be
      supplied to changegroupsubset.
    "heads" is either the supplied heads, or else the remote's heads.

    m = repo.changelog.nodemap
    search = []
    fetch = set()
    seen = set()
    seenbranch = set()
    base = set()

    if not heads:
        heads = remote.heads()

    if repo.changelog.tip() == nullid:
        if heads != [nullid]:
            return [nullid], [nullid], list(heads)
        return [nullid], [], heads

    # assume we're closer to the tip than the root
    # and start by examining the heads
    repo.ui.status(_("searching for changes\n"))

    unknown = []
    for h in heads:
        if h not in m:

    if not unknown:
        return list(base), [], list(heads)

    req = set(unknown)
    reqcnt = 0

    # search through remote branches
    # a 'branch' here is a linear segment of history, with four parts:
    # head, root, first parent, second parent
    # (a branch always has two parents (or none) by definition)
    unknown = util.deque(remote.branches(unknown))
    while unknown:
        r = []
        while unknown:
            n = unknown.popleft()
            if n[0] in seen:

            repo.ui.debug("examining %s:%s\n"
                          % (short(n[0]), short(n[1])))
            if n[0] == nullid: # found the end of the branch
            elif n in seenbranch:
                repo.ui.debug("branch already found\n")
            elif n[1] and n[1] in m: # do we know the base?
                repo.ui.debug("found incomplete branch %s:%s\n"
                              % (short(n[0]), short(n[1])))
                search.append(n[0:2]) # schedule branch range for scanning
                if n[1] not in seen and n[1] not in fetch:
                    if n[2] in m and n[3] in m:
                        repo.ui.debug("found new changeset %s\n" %
                        fetch.add(n[1]) # earliest unknown
                    for p in n[2:4]:
                        if p in m:
                            base.add(p) # latest known

                for p in n[2:4]:
                    if p not in req and p not in m:

        if r:
            reqcnt += 1
            repo.ui.progress(_('searching'), reqcnt, unit=_('queries'))
            repo.ui.debug("request %d: %s\n" %
                        (reqcnt, " ".join(map(short, r))))
            for p in xrange(0, len(r), 10):
                for b in remote.branches(r[p:p + 10]):
                    repo.ui.debug("received %s:%s\n" %
                                  (short(b[0]), short(b[1])))

    # do binary search on the branches we found
    while search:
        newsearch = []
        reqcnt += 1
        repo.ui.progress(_('searching'), reqcnt, unit=_('queries'))
        for n, l in zip(search, remote.between(search)):
            p = n[0]
            f = 1
            for i in l:
                repo.ui.debug("narrowing %d:%d %s\n" % (f, len(l), short(i)))
                if i in m:
                    if f <= 2:
                        repo.ui.debug("found new branch changeset %s\n" %
                        repo.ui.debug("narrowed branch search to %s:%s\n"
                                      % (short(p), short(i)))
                        newsearch.append((p, i))
                p, f = i, f * 2
            search = newsearch

    # sanity check our fetch list
    for f in fetch:
        if f in m:
            raise error.RepoError(_("already have changeset ")
                                  + short(f[:4]))

    base = list(base)
    if base == [nullid]:
        if force:
            repo.ui.warn(_("warning: repository is unrelated\n"))
            raise util.Abort(_("repository is unrelated"))

    repo.ui.debug("found new changesets starting at " +
                 " ".join([short(f) for f in fetch]) + "\n")

    repo.ui.progress(_('searching'), None)
    repo.ui.debug("%d total queries\n" % reqcnt)

    return base, list(fetch), heads