author Paul Morelle <paul.morelle@octobus.net>
Thu, 21 Jun 2018 18:19:57 +0200
changeset 38646 93313f66b69b
parent 37725 3ea8323d6f95
child 39378 0f549da54379
permissions -rw-r--r--
debugdeltachain: avoid division by zero when a chain is empty The two ratios chainratio and extraratio are computed using dividers that may be zero when the file is empty. As the denominators are integers, the limit of the ratio "just before zero" is the numerator value itself. If the numerator itself is zero, the ratio value is still meaningful: in both cases, a "good" value is a low ratio, and a size of zero is the optimal case.

  $ . $TESTDIR/wireprotohelpers.sh

  $ hg init server
  $ enablehttpv2 server
  $ cd server
  $ hg debugdrawdag << EOF
  > H I J
  > | | |
  > E F G
  > | |/
  > C D
  > |/
  > B
  > |
  > A
  > EOF

  $ hg phase --force --secret J
  $ hg phase --public E

  $ hg log -r 'E + H + I + G + J' -T '{rev}:{node} {desc} {phase}\n'
  4:78d2dca436b2f5b188ac267e29b81e07266d38fc E public
  7:ae492e36b0c8339ffaf328d00b85b4525de1165e H draft
  8:1d6f6b91d44aaba6d5e580bc30a9948530dbe00b I draft
  6:29446d2dc5419c5f97447a8bc062e4cc328bf241 G draft
  9:dec04b246d7cbb670c6689806c05ad17c835284e J secret

  $ hg serve -p $HGPORT -d --pid-file hg.pid -E error.log
  $ cat hg.pid > $DAEMON_PIDS

All non-secret heads returned by default

  $ sendhttpv2peer << EOF
  > command heads
  > EOF
  creating http peer for wire protocol version 2
  sending heads command
  s>     POST /api/exp-http-v2-0001/ro/heads HTTP/1.1\r\n
  s>     Accept-Encoding: identity\r\n
  s>     accept: application/mercurial-exp-framing-0005\r\n
  s>     content-type: application/mercurial-exp-framing-0005\r\n
  s>     content-length: 20\r\n
  s>     host: $LOCALIP:$HGPORT\r\n (glob)
  s>     user-agent: Mercurial debugwireproto\r\n
  s>     \r\n
  s>     \x0c\x00\x00\x01\x00\x01\x01\x11\xa1DnameEheads
  s> makefile('rb', None)
  s>     HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n
  s>     Server: testing stub value\r\n
  s>     Date: $HTTP_DATE$\r\n
  s>     Content-Type: application/mercurial-exp-framing-0005\r\n
  s>     Transfer-Encoding: chunked\r\n
  s>     \r\n
  s>     53\r\n
  s>     K\x00\x00\x01\x00\x02\x012
  s>     \xa1FstatusBok\x83T\x1dok\x91\xd4J\xab\xa6\xd5\xe5\x80\xbc0\xa9\x94\x850\xdb\xe0\x0bT\xaeI.6\xb0\xc83\x9f\xfa\xf3(\xd0\x0b\x85\xb4R]\xe1\x16^T)Dm-\xc5A\x9c_\x97Dz\x8b\xc0b\xe4\xcc2\x8b\xf2A
  s>     \r\n
  received frame(size=75; request=1; stream=2; streamflags=stream-begin; type=command-response; flags=eos)
  s>     0\r\n
  s>     \r\n
  response: [b'\x1dok\x91\xd4J\xab\xa6\xd5\xe5\x80\xbc0\xa9\x94\x850\xdb\xe0\x0b', b'\xaeI.6\xb0\xc83\x9f\xfa\xf3(\xd0\x0b\x85\xb4R]\xe1\x16^', b')Dm-\xc5A\x9c_\x97Dz\x8b\xc0b\xe4\xcc2\x8b\xf2A']

Requesting just the public heads works

  $ sendhttpv2peer << EOF
  > command heads
  >     publiconly 1
  > EOF
  creating http peer for wire protocol version 2
  sending heads command
  s>     POST /api/exp-http-v2-0001/ro/heads HTTP/1.1\r\n
  s>     Accept-Encoding: identity\r\n
  s>     accept: application/mercurial-exp-framing-0005\r\n
  s>     content-type: application/mercurial-exp-framing-0005\r\n
  s>     content-length: 39\r\n
  s>     host: $LOCALIP:$HGPORT\r\n (glob)
  s>     user-agent: Mercurial debugwireproto\r\n
  s>     \r\n
  s>     \x1f\x00\x00\x01\x00\x01\x01\x11\xa2Dargs\xa1JpubliconlyA1DnameEheads
  s> makefile('rb', None)
  s>     HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n
  s>     Server: testing stub value\r\n
  s>     Date: $HTTP_DATE$\r\n
  s>     Content-Type: application/mercurial-exp-framing-0005\r\n
  s>     Transfer-Encoding: chunked\r\n
  s>     \r\n
  s>     29\r\n
  s>     !\x00\x00\x01\x00\x02\x012
  s>     \xa1FstatusBok\x81Tx\xd2\xdc\xa46\xb2\xf5\xb1\x88\xac&~)\xb8\x1e\x07&m8\xfc
  s>     \r\n
  received frame(size=33; request=1; stream=2; streamflags=stream-begin; type=command-response; flags=eos)
  s>     0\r\n
  s>     \r\n
  response: [b'x\xd2\xdc\xa46\xb2\xf5\xb1\x88\xac&~)\xb8\x1e\x07&m8\xfc']

  $ cat error.log