author Pierre-Yves David <>
Tue, 04 Nov 2014 10:40:06 +0000
changeset 23171 8afae1d5d108
parent 21243 8b5c039f2b4f
child 27721 e4b512bb6386
permissions -rw-r--r--
perf: use a formatter for output We use a `formatter` object in the perf extensions. This allow the use of formatted output like json. To avoid adding logic to create a formatter and pass it around to the timer function in every command, we add a `gettimer` function in charge of returning a `timer` function as simple as before but embedding an appropriate formatter. This new `gettimer` function also return the formatter as it needs to be explicitly closed at the end of the command. example output: $ hg --config ui.formatjson=True perfvolatilesets visible obsolete [ { "comb": 0.02, "count": 126, "sys": 0.0, "title": "obsolete", "user": 0.02, "wall": 0.0199398994446 }, { "comb": 0.02, "count": 117, "sys": 0.0, "title": "visible", "user": 0.02, "wall": 0.0250301361084 } ]

# debugshell extension
"""a python shell with repo, changelog & manifest objects"""

import sys
import mercurial
import code
from mercurial import cmdutil

cmdtable = {}
command = cmdutil.command(cmdtable)

def pdb(ui, repo, msg, **opts):
    objects = {
        'mercurial': mercurial,
        'repo': repo,
        'cl': repo.changelog,
        'mf': repo.manifest,

    code.interact(msg, local=objects)

def ipdb(ui, repo, msg, **opts):
    import IPython

    cl = repo.changelog
    mf = repo.manifest
    cl, mf # use variables to appease pyflakes


@command('debugshell|dbsh', [])
def debugshell(ui, repo, **opts):
    bannermsg = "loaded repo : %s\n" \
                "using source: %s" % (repo.root,

    pdbmap = {
        'pdb'  : 'code',
        'ipdb' : 'IPython'

    debugger = ui.config("ui", "debugger")
    if not debugger:
        debugger = 'pdb'

    # if IPython doesn't exist, fallback to code.interact
    except ImportError:
        ui.warn("%s debugger specified but %s module was not found\n"
                % (debugger, pdbmap[debugger]))
        debugger = 'pdb'

    getattr(sys.modules[__name__], debugger)(ui, repo, bannermsg, **opts)