author Martin von Zweigbergk <martinvonz@google.com>
Tue, 18 Jan 2022 12:57:55 -0800
changeset 48756 86e4b86df932
parent 47189 b0e92313107e
child 48741 46d12f7762e4
permissions -rw-r--r--
filemerge: when not keeping premerge, don't write markers to context When premerge is enabled (as it is for non-binary inputs by default) and the markers are not kept, we currently still write it to the output context and then restore the previous content right after. With the refactoring in the previous patch, we can easily avoid that step and instead write the output in the opposite case (i.e. when it's successful or when the markers are supposed to be kept). Differential Revision: https://phab.mercurial-scm.org/D12149

# this is hack to make sure no escape characters are inserted into the output

from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import print_function

import doctest
import os
import re
import subprocess
import sys

ispy3 = sys.version_info[0] >= 3

if 'TERM' in os.environ:
    del os.environ['TERM']

class py3docchecker(doctest.OutputChecker):
    def check_output(self, want, got, optionflags):
        want2 = re.sub(r'''\bu(['"])(.*?)\1''', r'\1\2\1', want)  # py2: u''
        got2 = re.sub(r'''\bb(['"])(.*?)\1''', r'\1\2\1', got)  # py3: b''
        # py3: <exc.name>: b'<msg>' -> <name>: <msg>
        #      <exc.name>: <others> -> <name>: <others>
        got2 = re.sub(
            r'''^mercurial\.\w+\.(\w+): (['"])(.*?)\2''',
            r'\1: \3',
        got2 = re.sub(r'^mercurial\.\w+\.(\w+): ', r'\1: ', got2, re.MULTILINE)
        return any(
            doctest.OutputChecker.check_output(self, w, g, optionflags)
            for w, g in [(want, got), (want2, got2)]

def testmod(name, optionflags=0, testtarget=None):
    mod = sys.modules[name]
    if testtarget is not None:
        mod = getattr(mod, testtarget)

    # minimal copy of doctest.testmod()
    finder = doctest.DocTestFinder()
    checker = None
    if ispy3:
        checker = py3docchecker()
    runner = doctest.DocTestRunner(checker=checker, optionflags=optionflags)
    for test in finder.find(mod, name):


# Exceptions to the defaults for a given detected module. The value for each
# module name is a list of dicts that specify the kwargs to pass to testmod.
# testmod is called once per item in the list, so an empty list will cause the
# module to not be tested.
testmod_arg_overrides = {
    'i18n.check-translation': DONT_RUN,  # may require extra installation
    'mercurial.dagparser': [{'optionflags': doctest.NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE}],
    'mercurial.keepalive': DONT_RUN,  # >>> is an example, not a doctest
    'mercurial.posix': DONT_RUN,  # run by mercurial.platform
    'mercurial.statprof': DONT_RUN,  # >>> is an example, not a doctest
    'mercurial.util': [{}, {'testtarget': 'platform'}],  # run twice!
    'mercurial.windows': DONT_RUN,  # run by mercurial.platform
    'tests.test-url': [{'optionflags': doctest.NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE}],

fileset = 'set:(**.py)'

cwd = os.path.dirname(os.environ["TESTDIR"])

if not os.path.isdir(os.path.join(cwd, ".hg")):

files = subprocess.check_output(
    "hg files --print0 \"%s\"" % fileset,

if sys.version_info[0] >= 3:
    cwd = os.fsencode(cwd)

mods_tested = set()
for f in files:
    if not f:

    with open(os.path.join(cwd, f), "rb") as fh:
        if not re.search(br'\n\s*>>>', fh.read()):

    if ispy3:
        f = f.decode()

    modname = f.replace('.py', '').replace('\\', '.').replace('/', '.')

    # Third-party modules aren't our responsibility to test, and the modules in
    # contrib generally do not have doctests in a good state, plus they're hard
    # to import if this test is running with py2, so we just skip both for now.
    if modname.startswith('mercurial.thirdparty.') or modname.startswith(

    for kwargs in testmod_arg_overrides.get(modname, [{}]):
        mods_tested.add((modname, '%r' % (kwargs,)))
        if modname.startswith('tests.'):
            # On py2, we can't import from tests.foo, but it works on both py2
            # and py3 with the way that PYTHONPATH is setup to import without
            # the 'tests.' prefix, so we do that.
            modname = modname[len('tests.') :]

        testmod(modname, **kwargs)

# Meta-test: let's make sure that we actually ran what we expected to, above.
# Each item in the set is a 2-tuple of module name and stringified kwargs passed
# to testmod.
expected_mods_tested = set(
        ('hgext.convert.convcmd', '{}'),
        ('hgext.convert.cvsps', '{}'),
        ('hgext.convert.filemap', '{}'),
        ('hgext.convert.p4', '{}'),
        ('hgext.convert.subversion', '{}'),
        ('hgext.fix', '{}'),
        ('hgext.mq', '{}'),
        ('mercurial.changelog', '{}'),
        ('mercurial.cmdutil', '{}'),
        ('mercurial.color', '{}'),
        ('mercurial.dagparser', "{'optionflags': 4}"),
        ('mercurial.encoding', '{}'),
        ('mercurial.fancyopts', '{}'),
        ('mercurial.formatter', '{}'),
        ('mercurial.hg', '{}'),
        ('mercurial.hgweb.hgwebdir_mod', '{}'),
        ('mercurial.match', '{}'),
        ('mercurial.mdiff', '{}'),
        ('mercurial.minirst', '{}'),
        ('mercurial.parser', '{}'),
        ('mercurial.patch', '{}'),
        ('mercurial.pathutil', '{}'),
        ('mercurial.pycompat', '{}'),
        ('mercurial.revlogutils.deltas', '{}'),
        ('mercurial.revset', '{}'),
        ('mercurial.revsetlang', '{}'),
        ('mercurial.simplemerge', '{}'),
        ('mercurial.smartset', '{}'),
        ('mercurial.store', '{}'),
        ('mercurial.subrepo', '{}'),
        ('mercurial.templater', '{}'),
        ('mercurial.ui', '{}'),
        ('mercurial.util', "{'testtarget': 'platform'}"),
        ('mercurial.util', '{}'),
        ('mercurial.utils.dateutil', '{}'),
        ('mercurial.utils.stringutil', '{}'),
        ('mercurial.utils.urlutil', '{}'),
        ('tests.drawdag', '{}'),
        ('tests.test-run-tests', '{}'),
        ('tests.test-url', "{'optionflags': 4}"),

unexpectedly_run = mods_tested.difference(expected_mods_tested)
not_run = expected_mods_tested.difference(mods_tested)

if unexpectedly_run:
    print('Unexpectedly ran (probably need to add to list):')
    for r in sorted(unexpectedly_run):
        print('  %r' % (r,))
if not_run:
    print('Expected to run, but was not run (doctest removed?):')
    for r in sorted(not_run):
        print('  %r' % (r,))