author Mathias De Mare <mathias.de_mare@nokia.com>
Thu, 20 Apr 2023 11:23:45 +0200
changeset 50542 7b723217d368
parent 36224 d0a3fa849cb8
permissions -rw-r--r--
clonebundles: filter out invalid schemes instead of failing on them Previously, an invalid clonebundle scheme would result in a failed clone. By specifying a list of schemes we support, we can make sure adding a new scheme (like the one for inline clonebundles) does not result in clones failing for older clients.

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IndentWidth: 8
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BreakBeforeBraces: Linux
AllowShortIfStatementsOnASingleLine: false
IndentCaseLabels: false
AllowShortBlocksOnASingleLine: false
AllowShortFunctionsOnASingleLine: false
  - Regex:           '^<'
    Priority:        1
  - Regex:           '^"'
    Priority:        2