author Mike Edgar <>
Fri, 23 Jan 2015 17:01:39 -0500
changeset 24118 76f6ae06ddf5
parent 21243 8b5c039f2b4f
child 27721 e4b512bb6386
permissions -rw-r--r--
revlog: add "iscensored()" to revlog public API The iscensored method will be used by the exchange layer to reject nonconforming deltas involving censored revisions (and to produce conforming deltas). For background and broader design of the censorship feature, see:

# debugshell extension
"""a python shell with repo, changelog & manifest objects"""

import sys
import mercurial
import code
from mercurial import cmdutil

cmdtable = {}
command = cmdutil.command(cmdtable)

def pdb(ui, repo, msg, **opts):
    objects = {
        'mercurial': mercurial,
        'repo': repo,
        'cl': repo.changelog,
        'mf': repo.manifest,

    code.interact(msg, local=objects)

def ipdb(ui, repo, msg, **opts):
    import IPython

    cl = repo.changelog
    mf = repo.manifest
    cl, mf # use variables to appease pyflakes


@command('debugshell|dbsh', [])
def debugshell(ui, repo, **opts):
    bannermsg = "loaded repo : %s\n" \
                "using source: %s" % (repo.root,

    pdbmap = {
        'pdb'  : 'code',
        'ipdb' : 'IPython'

    debugger = ui.config("ui", "debugger")
    if not debugger:
        debugger = 'pdb'

    # if IPython doesn't exist, fallback to code.interact
    except ImportError:
        ui.warn("%s debugger specified but %s module was not found\n"
                % (debugger, pdbmap[debugger]))
        debugger = 'pdb'

    getattr(sys.modules[__name__], debugger)(ui, repo, bannermsg, **opts)