author Gregory Szorc <gregory.szorc@gmail.com>
Tue, 10 Jan 2017 11:20:32 -0800
changeset 30758 76104a4899ad
parent 30442 41a8106789ca
child 31473 ffed3bf5cd4c
permissions -rw-r--r--
commands: config option to control bundle compression level Currently, bundle compression uses the default compression level for the active compression engine. The default compression level is tuned as a compromise between speed and size. Some scenarios may call for a different compression level. For example, with clone bundles, bundles are generated once and used several times. Since the cost to generate is paid infrequently, server operators may wish to trade extra CPU time for better compression ratios. This patch introduces an experimental and undocumented config option to control the bundle compression level. As the inline comment says, this approach is a bit hacky. I'd prefer for the compression level to be encoded in the bundle spec. e.g. "zstd-v2;complevel=15." However, given that the 4.1 freeze is imminent, I'm not comfortable implementing this user-facing change without much time to test and consider the implications. So, we're going with the quick and dirty solution for now. Having this option in the 4.1 release will enable Mozilla to easily produce and test zlib and zstd bundles with non-default compression levels in production. This will help drive future development of the feature and zstd integration with Mercurial.

  $ cat << EOF >> $HGRCPATH
  > [format]
  > usegeneraldelta=yes
  > EOF

bundle w/o type option

  $ hg init t1
  $ hg init t2
  $ cd t1
  $ echo blablablablabla > file.txt
  $ hg ci -Ama
  adding file.txt
  $ hg log | grep summary
  summary:     a
  $ hg bundle ../b1 ../t2
  searching for changes
  1 changesets found

  $ cd ../t2
  $ hg pull ../b1
  pulling from ../b1
  requesting all changes
  adding changesets
  adding manifests
  adding file changes
  added 1 changesets with 1 changes to 1 files
  (run 'hg update' to get a working copy)
  $ hg up
  1 files updated, 0 files merged, 0 files removed, 0 files unresolved
  $ hg log | grep summary
  summary:     a
  $ cd ..

test bundle types

  $ testbundle() {
  >   echo % test bundle type $1
  >   hg init t$1
  >   cd t1
  >   hg bundle -t $1 ../b$1 ../t$1
  >   f -q -B6 -D ../b$1; echo
  >   cd ../t$1
  >   hg debugbundle ../b$1
  >   hg debugbundle --spec ../b$1
  >   echo
  >   cd ..
  > }

  $ for t in "None" "bzip2" "gzip" "none-v2" "v2" "v1" "gzip-v1"; do
  >   testbundle $t
  > done
  % test bundle type None
  searching for changes
  1 changesets found
  HG20\x00\x00 (esc)
  Stream params: {}
  changegroup -- "sortdict([('version', '02'), ('nbchanges', '1')])"
  % test bundle type bzip2
  searching for changes
  1 changesets found
  HG20\x00\x00 (esc)
  Stream params: sortdict([('Compression', 'BZ')])
  changegroup -- "sortdict([('version', '02'), ('nbchanges', '1')])"
  % test bundle type gzip
  searching for changes
  1 changesets found
  HG20\x00\x00 (esc)
  Stream params: sortdict([('Compression', 'GZ')])
  changegroup -- "sortdict([('version', '02'), ('nbchanges', '1')])"
  % test bundle type none-v2
  searching for changes
  1 changesets found
  HG20\x00\x00 (esc)
  Stream params: {}
  changegroup -- "sortdict([('version', '02'), ('nbchanges', '1')])"
  % test bundle type v2
  searching for changes
  1 changesets found
  HG20\x00\x00 (esc)
  Stream params: sortdict([('Compression', 'BZ')])
  changegroup -- "sortdict([('version', '02'), ('nbchanges', '1')])"
  % test bundle type v1
  searching for changes
  1 changesets found
  % test bundle type gzip-v1
  searching for changes
  1 changesets found

Compression level can be adjusted for bundle2 bundles

  $ hg init test-complevel
  $ cd test-complevel

  $ cat > file0 << EOF
  > this is a file
  > with some text
  > and some more text
  > and other content
  > EOF
  $ cat > file1 << EOF
  > this is another file
  > with some other content
  > and repeated, repeated, repeated, repeated content
  > EOF
  $ hg -q commit -A -m initial

  $ hg bundle -a -t gzip-v2 gzip-v2.hg
  1 changesets found
  $ f --size gzip-v2.hg
  gzip-v2.hg: size=427

  $ hg --config experimental.bundlecomplevel=1 bundle -a -t gzip-v2 gzip-v2-level1.hg
  1 changesets found
  $ f --size gzip-v2-level1.hg
  gzip-v2-level1.hg: size=435

  $ cd ..

#if zstd

  $ for t in "zstd" "zstd-v2"; do
  >   testbundle $t
  > done
  % test bundle type zstd
  searching for changes
  1 changesets found
  HG20\x00\x00 (esc)
  Stream params: sortdict([('Compression', 'ZS')])
  changegroup -- "sortdict([('version', '02'), ('nbchanges', '1')])"
  % test bundle type zstd-v2
  searching for changes
  1 changesets found
  HG20\x00\x00 (esc)
  Stream params: sortdict([('Compression', 'ZS')])
  changegroup -- "sortdict([('version', '02'), ('nbchanges', '1')])"

zstd is a valid engine but isn't available

  $ hg -R t1 bundle -a -t zstd irrelevant.hg
  abort: compression engine zstd could not be loaded


test garbage file

  $ echo garbage > bgarbage
  $ hg init tgarbage
  $ cd tgarbage
  $ hg pull ../bgarbage
  pulling from ../bgarbage
  abort: ../bgarbage: not a Mercurial bundle
  $ cd ..

test invalid bundle type

  $ cd t1
  $ hg bundle -a -t garbage ../bgarbage
  abort: garbage is not a recognized bundle specification
  (see 'hg help bundle' for supported values for --type)
  $ cd ..