author Pierre-Yves David <pierre-yves.david@octobus.net>
Thu, 07 Mar 2024 04:15:23 +0100
changeset 51536 718f28ea3af4
parent 50391 9fa3cda7449e
permissions -rw-r--r--
branchcache: add a "pure topological head" fast path In a narrow but actually quick common case, all topological heads are all on the same branch and all open. In this case, computing the branch map is very simple. We can quickly detect situation where this situation will not change. So we update the V3 format to be able to express this situation and upgrade the update code to detect we remains in that mode. The branch cache is populated with the actual value when the branch map is accessed, but the update_disk method can do the update without needing to populate it.

#require test-repo

  $ . "$TESTDIR/helpers-testrepo.sh"
  $ check_code="$TESTDIR"/../contrib/check-code.py
  $ cd "$TESTDIR"/..

New errors are not allowed. Warnings are strongly discouraged.
(The writing "no-che?k-code" is for not skipping this file when checking.)

  $ testrepohg locate \
  > -X contrib/python-zstandard \
  > -X hgext/fsmonitor/pywatchman \
  > -X mercurial/thirdparty \
  > -X mercurial/pythoncapi_compat.h \
  > | sed 's-\\-/-g' | "$check_code" --warnings --per-file=0 - || false
  Skipping contrib/automation/hgautomation/__init__.py it has no-che?k-code (glob)
  Skipping contrib/automation/hgautomation/aws.py it has no-che?k-code (glob)
  Skipping contrib/automation/hgautomation/cli.py it has no-che?k-code (glob)
  Skipping contrib/automation/hgautomation/linux.py it has no-che?k-code (glob)
  Skipping contrib/automation/hgautomation/pypi.py it has no-che?k-code (glob)
  Skipping contrib/automation/hgautomation/ssh.py it has no-che?k-code (glob)
  Skipping contrib/automation/hgautomation/try_server.py it has no-che?k-code (glob)
  Skipping contrib/automation/hgautomation/windows.py it has no-che?k-code (glob)
  Skipping contrib/automation/hgautomation/winrm.py it has no-che?k-code (glob)
  Skipping contrib/fuzz/FuzzedDataProvider.h it has no-che?k-code (glob)
  Skipping contrib/fuzz/standalone_fuzz_target_runner.cc it has no-che?k-code (glob)
  Skipping contrib/packaging/hgpackaging/cli.py it has no-che?k-code (glob)
  Skipping contrib/packaging/hgpackaging/downloads.py it has no-che?k-code (glob)
  Skipping contrib/packaging/hgpackaging/inno.py it has no-che?k-code (glob)
  Skipping contrib/packaging/hgpackaging/pyoxidizer.py it has no-che?k-code (glob)
  Skipping contrib/packaging/hgpackaging/util.py it has no-che?k-code (glob)
  Skipping contrib/packaging/hgpackaging/wix.py it has no-che?k-code (glob)
  Skipping hgext/fsmonitor/__init__.py it has no-che?k-code (glob)
  Skipping i18n/polib.py it has no-che?k-code (glob)
  Skipping mercurial/statprof.py it has no-che?k-code (glob)
  Skipping tests/testlib/badserverext.py it has no-che?k-code (glob)

@commands in debugcommands.py should be in alphabetical order.

  >>> import re
  >>> commands = []
  >>> with open('mercurial/debugcommands.py', 'rb') as fh:
  ...     for line in fh:
  ...         m = re.match(br"^@command\('([a-z]+)", line)
  ...         if m:
  ...             commands.append(m.group(1))
  >>> scommands = list(sorted(commands))
  >>> for i, command in enumerate(scommands):
  ...     if command != commands[i]:
  ...         print('commands in debugcommands.py not sorted; first differing '
  ...               'command is %s; expected %s' % (commands[i], command))
  ...         break

Prevent adding new files in the root directory accidentally.

  $ testrepohg files 'glob:*'

Prevent adding modules which could be shadowed by ancient .so/.dylib.

  $ testrepohg files \
  > mercurial/base85.py \
  > mercurial/bdiff.py \
  > mercurial/diffhelpers.py \
  > mercurial/mpatch.py \
  > mercurial/osutil.py \
  > mercurial/parsers.py \
  > mercurial/zstd.py

Keep python3 tests sorted:
  $ sort < contrib/python3-whitelist > $TESTTMP/py3sorted
  $ cmp contrib/python3-whitelist $TESTTMP/py3sorted || echo 'Please sort passing tests!'

Keep Windows line endings in check

  $ testrepohg files 'set:eol(dos)'