author Pierre-Yves David <pierre-yves.david@octobus.net>
Thu, 17 Feb 2022 07:34:49 +0100
changeset 48793 6e559391f96e
parent 48116 5ced12cfa41b
child 48875 6000f5b25c9b
permissions -rw-r--r--
tracked-key: remove the dual write and rename to tracked-hint The dual-write approach was mostly useless. As explained in the previous version of the help, the key had to be read twice before we could cache a value. However this "read twice" limitation actually also apply to any usage of the key. If some operation wants to rely of the "same value == same tracked set" property it would need to read the value before, and after running that operation (or at least, after, in all cases). So it cannot be sure the operation it did is "valid" until checking the key after the operation. As a resultat such operation can only be read-only or rollbackable. This reduce the utility of the "same value == same tracked set" a lot. So it seems simpler to drop the double write and to update the documentation to highlight that this file does not garantee race-free operation. As a result the "key" is demoted to a "hint". Documentation is updated accordingly. Differential Revision: https://phab.mercurial-scm.org/D12201

# Copyright 2020 Joerg Sonnenberger <joerg@bec.de>
# This software may be used and distributed according to the terms of the
# GNU General Public License version 2 or any later version.
"""export repositories as git fast-import stream"""

# The format specification for fast-import streams can be found at
# https://git-scm.com/docs/git-fast-import#_input_format

from __future__ import absolute_import
import re

from mercurial.i18n import _
from mercurial.node import hex, nullrev
from mercurial.utils import stringutil
from mercurial import (
from .convert import convcmd

# Note for extension authors: ONLY specify testedwith = 'ships-with-hg-core' for
# extensions which SHIP WITH MERCURIAL. Non-mainline extensions should
# be specifying the version(s) of Mercurial they are tested with, or
# leave the attribute unspecified.
testedwith = b"ships-with-hg-core"

cmdtable = {}
command = registrar.command(cmdtable)

GIT_PERSON_PROHIBITED = re.compile(b'[<>\n"]')
GIT_EMAIL_PROHIBITED = re.compile(b"[<> \n]")

def convert_to_git_user(authormap, user, rev):
    mapped_user = authormap.get(user, user)
    user_person = stringutil.person(mapped_user)
    user_email = stringutil.email(mapped_user)
    if GIT_EMAIL_PROHIBITED.match(user_email) or GIT_PERSON_PROHIBITED.match(
        raise error.Abort(
            _(b"Unable to parse user into person and email for revision %s")
            % rev
    if user_person:
        return b'"' + user_person + b'" <' + user_email + b'>'
        return b"<" + user_email + b">"

def convert_to_git_date(date):
    timestamp, utcoff = date
    tzsign = b"+" if utcoff <= 0 else b"-"
    if utcoff % 60 != 0:
        raise error.Abort(
            _(b"UTC offset in %b is not an integer number of seconds") % (date,)
    utcoff = abs(utcoff) // 60
    tzh = utcoff // 60
    tzmin = utcoff % 60
    return b"%d " % int(timestamp) + tzsign + b"%02d%02d" % (tzh, tzmin)

def convert_to_git_ref(branch):
    # XXX filter/map depending on git restrictions
    return b"refs/heads/" + branch

def write_data(buf, data, skip_newline):
    buf.append(b"data %d\n" % len(data))
    if not skip_newline or data[-1:] != b"\n":

def export_commit(ui, repo, rev, marks, authormap):
    ctx = repo[rev]
    revid = ctx.hex()
    if revid in marks:
        ui.debug(b"warning: revision %s already exported, skipped\n" % revid)
    parents = [p for p in ctx.parents() if p.rev() != nullrev]
    for p in parents:
        if p.hex() not in marks:
                _(b"warning: parent %s of %s has not been exported, skipped\n")
                % (p, revid)

    # For all files modified by the commit, check if they have already
    # been exported and otherwise dump the blob with the new mark.
    for fname in ctx.files():
        if fname not in ctx:
        filectx = ctx.filectx(fname)
        filerev = hex(filectx.filenode())
        if filerev not in marks:
            mark = len(marks) + 1
            marks[filerev] = mark
            data = filectx.data()
            buf = [b"blob\n", b"mark :%d\n" % mark]
            write_data(buf, data, False)
            ui.write(*buf, keepprogressbar=True)
            del buf

    # Assign a mark for the current revision for references by
    # latter merge commits.
    mark = len(marks) + 1
    marks[revid] = mark

    ref = convert_to_git_ref(ctx.branch())
    buf = [
        b"commit %s\n" % ref,
        b"mark :%d\n" % mark,
        b"committer %s %s\n"
        % (
            convert_to_git_user(authormap, ctx.user(), revid),
    write_data(buf, ctx.description(), True)
    if parents:
        buf.append(b"from :%d\n" % marks[parents[0].hex()])
    if len(parents) == 2:
        buf.append(b"merge :%d\n" % marks[parents[1].hex()])
        p0ctx = repo[parents[0]]
        files = ctx.manifest().diff(p0ctx.manifest())
        files = ctx.files()
    filebuf = []
    for fname in files:
        if fname not in ctx:
            filebuf.append((fname, b"D %s\n" % fname))
            filectx = ctx.filectx(fname)
            filerev = filectx.filenode()
            fileperm = b"755" if filectx.isexec() else b"644"
            changed = b"M %s :%d %s\n" % (fileperm, marks[hex(filerev)], fname)
            filebuf.append((fname, changed))
    buf.extend(changed for (fname, changed) in filebuf)
    del filebuf
    ui.write(*buf, keepprogressbar=True)
    del buf

isrev = re.compile(b"^[0-9a-f]{40}$")

        (b"r", b"rev", [], _(b"revisions to export"), _(b"REV")),
        (b"i", b"import-marks", b"", _(b"old marks file to read"), _(b"FILE")),
        (b"e", b"export-marks", b"", _(b"new marks file to write"), _(b"FILE")),
            _(b"remap usernames using this file"),
    _(b"[OPTION]... [REV]..."),
def fastexport(ui, repo, *revs, **opts):
    """export repository as git fast-import stream

    This command lets you dump a repository as a human-readable text stream.
    It can be piped into corresponding import routines like "git fast-import".
    Incremental dumps can be created by using marks files.
    opts = pycompat.byteskwargs(opts)

    revs += tuple(opts.get(b"rev", []))
    if not revs:
        revs = scmutil.revrange(repo, [b":"])
        revs = logcmdutil.revrange(repo, revs)
    if not revs:
        raise error.Abort(_(b"no revisions matched"))
    authorfile = opts.get(b"authormap")
    if authorfile:
        authormap = convcmd.readauthormap(ui, authorfile)
        authormap = {}

    import_marks = opts.get(b"import_marks")
    marks = {}
    if import_marks:
        with open(import_marks, "rb") as import_marks_file:
            for line in import_marks_file:
                line = line.strip()
                if not isrev.match(line) or line in marks:
                    raise error.Abort(_(b"Corrupted marks file"))
                marks[line] = len(marks) + 1

    with ui.makeprogress(
        _(b"exporting"), unit=_(b"revisions"), total=len(revs)
    ) as progress:
        for rev in revs:
            export_commit(ui, repo, rev, marks, authormap)

    export_marks = opts.get(b"export_marks")
    if export_marks:
        with open(export_marks, "wb") as export_marks_file:
            output_marks = [None] * len(marks)
            for k, v in marks.items():
                output_marks[v - 1] = k
            for k in output_marks:
                export_marks_file.write(k + b"\n")