author Sandu Turcan <idlsoft@gmail.com>
Tue, 03 May 2022 21:44:30 -0400
changeset 49241 6b10151b9621
parent 33594 283a7da602ae
child 48988 8d7eaff92f9c
permissions -rw-r--r--
narrow_widen_acl: enforce narrowacl in narrow_widen (SEC) Reviewer note: this was sent by the author as a simple bugfix, but can be considered a security patch, since it allows users to access things outside of the ACL, hence the (SEC) prefix. However, this affects the `narrow` extention which is still marked as experimental and has relatively few users aside from large companies with their own security layers on top from what we can gather. We feel (Alphare: or at least, I feel) like pinging the packaging list is enough in this case.

#require test-repo slow osx osxpackaging

  $ . "$TESTDIR/helpers-testrepo.sh"
  $ testrepohgenv

  $ OUTPUTDIR="`pwd`"
  $ export OUTPUTDIR
  $ KEEPMPKG=yes
  $ export KEEPMPKG

  $ cd "$TESTDIR"/..
  $ contrib/genosxversion.py --selftest ignoredarg
  $ make osx > "$OUTPUTDIR/build.log" 2>&1
  $ cd "$OUTPUTDIR"
  $ ls -d *.pkg
  Mercurial-*-macosx10.*.pkg (glob)

  $ xar -xf Mercurial*.pkg

Gather list of all installed files:
  $ lsbom mercurial.pkg/Bom > boms.txt

We've had problems with the filter logic in the past. Make sure no
.DS_Store files ended up in the final package:
  $ grep DS_S boms.txt

Spot-check some randomly selected files:
  $ grep bdiff boms.txt | cut -d '	' -f 1,2,3
  ./Library/Python/2.7/site-packages/mercurial/cext/bdiff.so	100755	0/0
  ./Library/Python/2.7/site-packages/mercurial/cffi/bdiff.py	100644	0/0
  ./Library/Python/2.7/site-packages/mercurial/cffi/bdiff.pyc	100644	0/0
  ./Library/Python/2.7/site-packages/mercurial/cffi/bdiff.pyo	100644	0/0
  ./Library/Python/2.7/site-packages/mercurial/cffi/bdiffbuild.py	100644	0/0
  ./Library/Python/2.7/site-packages/mercurial/cffi/bdiffbuild.pyc	100644	0/0
  ./Library/Python/2.7/site-packages/mercurial/cffi/bdiffbuild.pyo	100644	0/0
  ./Library/Python/2.7/site-packages/mercurial/pure/bdiff.py	100644	0/0
  ./Library/Python/2.7/site-packages/mercurial/pure/bdiff.pyc	100644	0/0
  ./Library/Python/2.7/site-packages/mercurial/pure/bdiff.pyo	100644	0/0
  $ grep zsh/site-functions/_hg boms.txt | cut -d '	' -f 1,2,3
  ./usr/local/share/zsh/site-functions/_hg	100644	0/0
  $ grep hg-completion.bash boms.txt | cut -d '	' -f 1,2,3
  ./usr/local/hg/contrib/hg-completion.bash	100644	0/0
  $ egrep 'man[15]' boms.txt | cut -d '	' -f 1,2,3
  ./usr/local/share/man/man1	40755	0/0
  ./usr/local/share/man/man1/chg.1	100644	0/0
  ./usr/local/share/man/man1/hg.1	100644	0/0
  ./usr/local/share/man/man5	40755	0/0
  ./usr/local/share/man/man5/hgignore.5	100644	0/0
  ./usr/local/share/man/man5/hgrc.5	100644	0/0
  $ grep bser boms.txt | cut -d '	' -f 1,2,3
  ./Library/Python/2.7/site-packages/hgext/fsmonitor/pywatchman/bser.so	100755	0/0
  ./Library/Python/2.7/site-packages/hgext/fsmonitor/pywatchman/pybser.py	100644	0/0
  ./Library/Python/2.7/site-packages/hgext/fsmonitor/pywatchman/pybser.pyc	100644	0/0
  ./Library/Python/2.7/site-packages/hgext/fsmonitor/pywatchman/pybser.pyo	100644	0/0
  $ grep localrepo boms.txt | cut -d '	' -f 1,2,3
  ./Library/Python/2.7/site-packages/mercurial/localrepo.py	100644	0/0
  ./Library/Python/2.7/site-packages/mercurial/localrepo.pyc	100644	0/0
  ./Library/Python/2.7/site-packages/mercurial/localrepo.pyo	100644	0/0
  $ egrep 'bin/' boms.txt | cut -d '	' -f 1,2,3
  ./usr/local/bin/chg	100755	0/0
  ./usr/local/bin/hg	100755	0/0

Make sure the built binary uses the system Python interpreter
  $ bsdtar xf mercurial.pkg/Payload usr/local/bin
Use a glob to find this to avoid check-code whining about a fixed path.
  $ head -n 1 usr/local/b?n/hg

Note that we're not currently installing any /etc/mercurial stuff,
including merge-tool configurations.