author Matt Harbison <matt_harbison@yahoo.com>
Sun, 15 Oct 2017 22:48:02 -0400
changeset 34815 68e0bcb90357
parent 34654 4182d2065e7a
child 34879 7d51a7792f52
permissions -rw-r--r--
subrepo: share instead of clone if the parent repo is shared (issue5675) (BC) Previously, only the top level repo was shared, and then any subrepos were cloned on demand. This is problematic because commits to the parent repo would write an updated .hgsubstate to the share source, but the corresponding subrepo commit would be stuck in the local subrepo. That would prevent an update in the source repo. We already go to great lengths to avoid having inconsistent repos (e.g., `hg push -r rev` will push _everything_ in a subrepo, even if it isn't referenced in one of the parent's outgoing commits). Therefore, this seems like a bug fix, and there's no option to get the old behavior. I can't imagine the previous behavior was useful to anybody. There shouldn't be an issue with svn, since it is centralized. Maybe --git-dir can be used for git subrepos, but I'll leave that to someone more familiar with git. An integer was previously being implicitly returned from commands.share(), which caused dispatch() to start crashing when changing over to returning the shared repo. All error paths appear to raise, so this can be hardcoded to success. The clone command checks for 'is None' in a similar pattern, but since hg.clone() always returns a tuple, that seems wrong? .. fix:: Issue 5675 Creating a share of a repository with a Mercurial subrepository will now share the subrepository. and .. bc:: Mercurial subrepositories are now shared instead of cloned when the parent repository is shared. This prevents dangling subrepository references in the share source. Previously shared repositories with cloned subrepositories will continue to function unchanged.

#require serve

  $ hg init test
  $ cd test
  $ echo foo>foo
  $ hg commit -Am 1 -d '1 0'
  adding foo
  $ echo bar>bar
  $ hg commit -Am 2 -d '2 0'
  adding bar
  $ mkdir baz
  $ echo bletch>baz/bletch
  $ hg commit -Am 3 -d '1000000000 0'
  adding baz/bletch
  $ hg init subrepo
  $ touch subrepo/sub
  $ hg -q -R subrepo ci -Am "init subrepo"
  $ echo "subrepo = subrepo" > .hgsub
  $ hg add .hgsub
  $ hg ci -m "add subrepo"

  $ cat >> $HGRCPATH <<EOF
  > [extensions]
  > share =
  > EOF

hg subrepos are shared when the parent repo is shared

  $ cd ..
  $ hg share test shared1
  updating working directory
  sharing subrepo subrepo from $TESTTMP/test/subrepo
  5 files updated, 0 files merged, 0 files removed, 0 files unresolved
  $ cat shared1/subrepo/.hg/sharedpath
  $TESTTMP/test/subrepo/.hg (no-eol) (glob)

hg subrepos are shared into existence on demand if the parent was shared

  $ hg clone -qr 1 test clone1
  $ hg share clone1 share2
  updating working directory
  2 files updated, 0 files merged, 0 files removed, 0 files unresolved
  $ hg -R clone1 -q pull
  $ hg -R share2 update tip
  sharing subrepo subrepo from $TESTTMP/test/subrepo
  3 files updated, 0 files merged, 0 files removed, 0 files unresolved
  $ cat share2/subrepo/.hg/sharedpath
  $TESTTMP/test/subrepo/.hg (no-eol) (glob)
  $ echo 'mod' > share2/subrepo/sub
  $ hg -R share2 ci -Sqm 'subrepo mod'
  $ hg -R clone1 update -C tip
  cloning subrepo subrepo from $TESTTMP/test/subrepo
  3 files updated, 0 files merged, 0 files removed, 0 files unresolved
  $ rm -rf clone1

  $ hg clone -qr 1 test clone1
  $ hg share clone1 shared3
  updating working directory
  2 files updated, 0 files merged, 0 files removed, 0 files unresolved
  $ hg -R clone1 -q pull
  $ hg -R shared3 archive --config ui.archivemeta=False -r tip -S archive
  sharing subrepo subrepo from $TESTTMP/test/subrepo
  $ cat shared3/subrepo/.hg/sharedpath
  $TESTTMP/test/subrepo/.hg (no-eol) (glob)
  $ diff -r archive test
  Only in test: .hg
  Only in test/subrepo: .hg
  $ rm -rf archive

  $ cd test
  $ echo "[web]" >> .hg/hgrc
  $ echo "name = test-archive" >> .hg/hgrc
  $ echo "archivesubrepos = True" >> .hg/hgrc
  $ cp .hg/hgrc .hg/hgrc-base
  > test_archtype() {
  >     echo "allow_archive = $1" >> .hg/hgrc
  >     test_archtype_run "$@"
  > }
  > test_archtype_deprecated() {
  >     echo "allow$1 = True" >> .hg/hgrc
  >     test_archtype_run "$@"
  > }
  > test_archtype_run() {
  >     hg serve -p $HGPORT -d --pid-file=hg.pid -E errors.log \
  >         --config extensions.blackbox= --config blackbox.track=develwarn
  >     cat hg.pid >> $DAEMON_PIDS
  >     echo % $1 allowed should give 200
  >     get-with-headers.py localhost:$HGPORT "archive/tip.$2" | head -n 1
  >     echo % $3 and $4 disallowed should both give 403
  >     get-with-headers.py localhost:$HGPORT "archive/tip.$3" | head -n 1
  >     get-with-headers.py localhost:$HGPORT "archive/tip.$4" | head -n 1
  >     killdaemons.py
  >     cat errors.log
  >     hg blackbox --config extensions.blackbox= --config blackbox.track=
  >     cp .hg/hgrc-base .hg/hgrc
  > }

check http return codes

  $ test_archtype gz tar.gz tar.bz2 zip
  % gz allowed should give 200
  200 Script output follows
  % tar.bz2 and zip disallowed should both give 403
  403 Archive type not allowed: bz2
  403 Archive type not allowed: zip
  $ test_archtype bz2 tar.bz2 zip tar.gz
  % bz2 allowed should give 200
  200 Script output follows
  % zip and tar.gz disallowed should both give 403
  403 Archive type not allowed: zip
  403 Archive type not allowed: gz
  $ test_archtype zip zip tar.gz tar.bz2
  % zip allowed should give 200
  200 Script output follows
  % tar.gz and tar.bz2 disallowed should both give 403
  403 Archive type not allowed: gz
  403 Archive type not allowed: bz2

check http return codes (with deprecated option)

  $ test_archtype_deprecated gz tar.gz tar.bz2 zip
  % gz allowed should give 200
  200 Script output follows
  % tar.bz2 and zip disallowed should both give 403
  403 Archive type not allowed: bz2
  403 Archive type not allowed: zip
  $ test_archtype_deprecated bz2 tar.bz2 zip tar.gz
  % bz2 allowed should give 200
  200 Script output follows
  % zip and tar.gz disallowed should both give 403
  403 Archive type not allowed: zip
  403 Archive type not allowed: gz
  $ test_archtype_deprecated zip zip tar.gz tar.bz2
  % zip allowed should give 200
  200 Script output follows
  % tar.gz and tar.bz2 disallowed should both give 403
  403 Archive type not allowed: gz
  403 Archive type not allowed: bz2

  $ echo "allow_archive = gz bz2 zip" >> .hg/hgrc
  $ hg serve -p $HGPORT -d --pid-file=hg.pid -E errors.log
  $ cat hg.pid >> $DAEMON_PIDS

check archive links' order

  $ get-with-headers.py localhost:$HGPORT "?revcount=1" | grep '/archive/tip.'
  <a href="/archive/tip.zip">zip</a>
  <a href="/archive/tip.tar.gz">gz</a>
  <a href="/archive/tip.tar.bz2">bz2</a>

invalid arch type should give 404

  $ get-with-headers.py localhost:$HGPORT "archive/tip.invalid" | head -n 1
  404 Unsupported archive type: None

  $ TIP=`hg id -v | cut -f1 -d' '`
  $ QTIP=`hg id -q`
  $ cat > getarchive.py <<EOF
  > from __future__ import absolute_import
  > import os
  > import sys
  > from mercurial import (
  >     util,
  > )
  > try:
  >     # Set stdout to binary mode for win32 platforms
  >     import msvcrt
  >     msvcrt.setmode(sys.stdout.fileno(), os.O_BINARY)
  > except ImportError:
  >     pass
  > if len(sys.argv) <= 3:
  >     node, archive = sys.argv[1:]
  >     requeststr = 'cmd=archive;node=%s;type=%s' % (node, archive)
  > else:
  >     node, archive, file = sys.argv[1:]
  >     requeststr = 'cmd=archive;node=%s;type=%s;file=%s' % (node, archive, file)
  > try:
  >     stdout = sys.stdout.buffer
  > except AttributeError:
  >     stdout = sys.stdout
  > try:
  >     f = util.urlreq.urlopen('http://$LOCALIP:%s/?%s'
  >                     % (os.environ['HGPORT'], requeststr))
  >     stdout.write(f.read())
  > except util.urlerr.httperror as e:
  >     sys.stderr.write(str(e) + '\n')
  > EOF
  $ $PYTHON getarchive.py "$TIP" gz | gunzip | tar tf - 2>/dev/null
  $ $PYTHON getarchive.py "$TIP" bz2 | bunzip2 | tar tf - 2>/dev/null
  $ $PYTHON getarchive.py "$TIP" zip > archive.zip
  $ unzip -t archive.zip
  Archive:  archive.zip
      testing: test-archive-1701ef1f1510/.hg_archival.txt*OK (glob)
      testing: test-archive-1701ef1f1510/.hgsub*OK (glob)
      testing: test-archive-1701ef1f1510/.hgsubstate*OK (glob)
      testing: test-archive-1701ef1f1510/bar*OK (glob)
      testing: test-archive-1701ef1f1510/baz/bletch*OK (glob)
      testing: test-archive-1701ef1f1510/foo*OK (glob)
      testing: test-archive-1701ef1f1510/subrepo/sub*OK (glob)
  No errors detected in compressed data of archive.zip.

test that we can download single directories and files

  $ $PYTHON getarchive.py "$TIP" gz baz | gunzip | tar tf - 2>/dev/null
  $ $PYTHON getarchive.py "$TIP" gz foo | gunzip | tar tf - 2>/dev/null

test that we detect file patterns that match no files

  $ $PYTHON getarchive.py "$TIP" gz foobar
  HTTP Error 404: file(s) not found: foobar

test that we reject unsafe patterns

  $ $PYTHON getarchive.py "$TIP" gz relre:baz
  HTTP Error 404: file(s) not found: relre:baz

  $ killdaemons.py

  $ hg archive -t tar test.tar
  $ tar tf test.tar

  $ hg archive --debug -t tbz2 -X baz test.tar.bz2 --config progress.debug=true
  archiving: 0/4 files (0.00%)
  archiving: .hgsub 1/4 files (25.00%)
  archiving: .hgsubstate 2/4 files (50.00%)
  archiving: bar 3/4 files (75.00%)
  archiving: foo 4/4 files (100.00%)
  $ bunzip2 -dc test.tar.bz2 | tar tf - 2>/dev/null

  $ hg archive -t tgz -p %b-%h test-%h.tar.gz
  $ gzip -dc test-$QTIP.tar.gz | tar tf - 2>/dev/null

  $ hg archive autodetected_test.tar
  $ tar tf autodetected_test.tar

The '-t' should override autodetection

  $ hg archive -t tar autodetect_override_test.zip
  $ tar tf autodetect_override_test.zip

  $ for ext in tar tar.gz tgz tar.bz2 tbz2 zip; do
  >     hg archive auto_test.$ext
  >     if [ -d auto_test.$ext ]; then
  >         echo "extension $ext was not autodetected."
  >     fi
  > done

  $ cat > md5comp.py <<EOF
  > from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function
  > import hashlib
  > import sys
  > f1, f2 = sys.argv[1:3]
  > h1 = hashlib.md5(open(f1, 'rb').read()).hexdigest()
  > h2 = hashlib.md5(open(f2, 'rb').read()).hexdigest()
  > print(h1 == h2 or "md5 differ: " + repr((h1, h2)))
  > EOF

archive name is stored in the archive, so create similar archives and
rename them afterwards.

  $ hg archive -t tgz tip.tar.gz
  $ mv tip.tar.gz tip1.tar.gz
  $ sleep 1
  $ hg archive -t tgz tip.tar.gz
  $ mv tip.tar.gz tip2.tar.gz
  $ $PYTHON md5comp.py tip1.tar.gz tip2.tar.gz

  $ hg archive -t zip -p /illegal test.zip
  abort: archive prefix contains illegal components
  $ hg archive -t zip -p very/../bad test.zip

  $ hg archive --config ui.archivemeta=false -t zip -r 2 test.zip
  $ unzip -t test.zip
  Archive:  test.zip
      testing: test/bar*OK (glob)
      testing: test/baz/bletch*OK (glob)
      testing: test/foo*OK (glob)
  No errors detected in compressed data of test.zip.

  $ hg archive -t tar - | tar tf - 2>/dev/null

  $ hg archive -r 0 -t tar rev-%r.tar
  $ [ -f rev-0.tar ]

test .hg_archival.txt

  $ hg archive ../test-tags
  $ cat ../test-tags/.hg_archival.txt
  repo: daa7f7c60e0a224faa4ff77ca41b2760562af264
  node: 1701ef1f151069b8747038e93b5186bb43a47504
  branch: default
  latesttag: null
  latesttagdistance: 4
  changessincelatesttag: 4
  $ hg tag -r 2 mytag
  $ hg tag -r 2 anothertag
  $ hg archive -r 2 ../test-lasttag
  $ cat ../test-lasttag/.hg_archival.txt
  repo: daa7f7c60e0a224faa4ff77ca41b2760562af264
  node: 2c0277f05ed49d1c8328fb9ba92fba7a5ebcb33e
  branch: default
  tag: anothertag
  tag: mytag

  $ hg archive -t bogus test.bogus
  abort: unknown archive type 'bogus'

enable progress extension:

  $ cp $HGRCPATH $HGRCPATH.no-progress
  $ cat >> $HGRCPATH <<EOF
  > [progress]
  > assume-tty = 1
  > format = topic bar number
  > delay = 0
  > refresh = 0
  > width = 60
  > EOF

  $ hg archive ../with-progress
  \r (no-eol) (esc)
  archiving [                                           ] 0/6\r (no-eol) (esc)
  archiving [======>                                    ] 1/6\r (no-eol) (esc)
  archiving [=============>                             ] 2/6\r (no-eol) (esc)
  archiving [====================>                      ] 3/6\r (no-eol) (esc)
  archiving [===========================>               ] 4/6\r (no-eol) (esc)
  archiving [==================================>        ] 5/6\r (no-eol) (esc)
  archiving [==========================================>] 6/6\r (no-eol) (esc)
                                                              \r (no-eol) (esc)

cleanup after progress extension test:

  $ cp $HGRCPATH.no-progress $HGRCPATH

server errors

  $ cat errors.log

empty repo

  $ hg init ../empty
  $ cd ../empty
  $ hg archive ../test-empty
  abort: no working directory: please specify a revision

old file -- date clamped to 1980

  $ touch -t 197501010000 old
  $ hg add old
  $ hg commit -m old
  $ hg archive ../old.zip
  $ unzip -l ../old.zip | grep -v -- ----- | egrep -v files$
  Archive:  ../old.zip
  \s*Length.* (re)
  *172*80*00:00*old/.hg_archival.txt (glob)
  *0*80*00:00*old/old (glob)

show an error when a provided pattern matches no files

  $ hg archive -I file_that_does_not_exist.foo ../empty.zip
  abort: no files match the archive pattern

  $ hg archive -X * ../empty.zip
  abort: no files match the archive pattern

  $ cd ..

issue3600: check whether "hg archive" can create archive files which
are extracted with expected timestamp, even though TZ is not
configured as GMT.

  $ mkdir issue3600
  $ cd issue3600

  $ hg init repo
  $ echo a > repo/a
  $ hg -R repo add repo/a
  $ hg -R repo commit -m '#0' -d '456789012 21600'
  $ cat > show_mtime.py <<EOF
  > from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function
  > import os
  > import sys
  > print(int(os.stat(sys.argv[1]).st_mtime))
  > EOF

  $ hg -R repo archive --prefix tar-extracted archive.tar
  $ (TZ=UTC-3; export TZ; tar xf archive.tar)
  $ $PYTHON show_mtime.py tar-extracted/a

  $ hg -R repo archive --prefix zip-extracted archive.zip
  $ (TZ=UTC-3; export TZ; unzip -q archive.zip)
  $ $PYTHON show_mtime.py zip-extracted/a

  $ cd ..