author Georges Racinet on incendie.racinet.fr <georges@racinet.fr>
Fri, 27 Oct 2023 23:29:29 +0200
changeset 51238 633408a0f2e2
parent 50725 7e5be4a7cda7
permissions -rw-r--r--
revlog: always use a Rust index for REVLOGv1 if rustext is present We are about to change classes such as `rustext.AncestorsIterator` to take a Rust index, hence we cannot have the option not to use the Rust index. Note: this can be refined depending on whether we want to keep this option or not. We will have to make two versions of `AncestorsIterator` and its sibling to support REVLOGV2 and CHANGELOGv2 anyway. Meanwhile, this is the simplest change to make the tests pass.

#require test-repo slow docker

  $ . "$TESTDIR/helpers-testrepo.sh"
  $ testrepohgenv

Ensure debuild doesn't run the testsuite, as that could get silly.
  $ OUTPUTDIR=`pwd`
  $ export OUTPUTDIR

  $ cd "$TESTDIR"/..
  $ make docker-debian-buster > $OUTPUTDIR/build.log 2>&1
  $ ls *.deb
  mercurial-common_*.deb (glob)
  mercurial_*.deb (glob)

We check debian package contents with portable tools so that when
we're on non-debian machines we can still test the packages that are
built using docker.

main deb should have .so but no .py
  $ ar x mercurial_*.deb
  $ tar tf data.tar* | grep -E '(localrepo|parsers)'
  ./usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/mercurial/parsers*.so (glob)
mercurial-common should have .py but no .so or .pyc
  $ ar x mercurial-common_*.deb
  $ tar tf data.tar* | grep -E '(localrepo|parsers)'