author Sandu Turcan <idlsoft@gmail.com>
Tue, 03 May 2022 21:44:30 -0400
changeset 49241 6b10151b9621
parent 47063 1d075b857c90
child 48876 42d2b31cee0b
permissions -rw-r--r--
narrow_widen_acl: enforce narrowacl in narrow_widen (SEC) Reviewer note: this was sent by the author as a simple bugfix, but can be considered a security patch, since it allows users to access things outside of the ACL, hence the (SEC) prefix. However, this affects the `narrow` extention which is still marked as experimental and has relatively few users aside from large companies with their own security layers on top from what we can gather. We feel (Alphare: or at least, I feel) like pinging the packaging list is enough in this case.

#require execbit unix-permissions no-chg

Checking that experimental.atomic-file works.

  $ cat > $TESTTMP/show_mode.py <<EOF
  > from __future__ import print_function
  > import os
  > import stat
  > import sys
  > ST_MODE = stat.ST_MODE
  > for file_path in sys.argv[1:]:
  >     file_stat = os.stat(file_path)
  >     octal_mode = oct(file_stat[ST_MODE] & 0o777).replace('o', '')
  >     print("%s:%s" % (file_path, octal_mode))
  > EOF

  $ hg init repo
  $ cd repo

  $ cat > .hg/showwrites.py <<EOF
  > from __future__ import print_function
  > from mercurial import pycompat
  > from mercurial.utils import stringutil
  > def uisetup(ui):
  >   from mercurial import vfs
  >   class newvfs(vfs.vfs):
  >     def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
  >       print(pycompat.sysstr(stringutil.pprint(
  >           ('vfs open', args, sorted(list(kwargs.items()))))))
  >       return super(newvfs, self).__call__(*args, **kwargs)
  >   vfs.vfs = newvfs
  > EOF

  $ for v in a1 a2 b1 b2 c ro; do echo $v > $v; done
  $ chmod +x b*
  $ hg commit -Aqm _

# We check that
# - the changes are actually atomic
# - that permissions are correct (all 4 cases of (executable before) * (executable after))
# - that renames work, though they should be atomic anyway
# - that it works when source files are read-only (but directories are read-write still)

  $ for v in a1 a2 b1 b2 ro; do echo changed-$v > $v; done
  $ chmod -x *1; chmod +x *2
  $ hg rename c d
  $ hg commit -qm _

Check behavior without update.atomic-file

  $ hg update -r 0 -q
  $ hg update -r 1 --config extensions.showwrites=.hg/showwrites.py 2>&1 | grep "a1'.*wb"
  ('vfs open', ('a1', 'wb'), [('atomictemp', False), ('backgroundclose', True)])

  $ "$PYTHON" $TESTTMP/show_mode.py *

Add a second revision for the ro file so we can test update when the file is
present or not

  $ echo "ro" > ro

  $ hg commit -qm _

Check behavior without update.atomic-file first

  $ hg update -C -r 0 -q

  $ hg update -r 1
  6 files updated, 0 files merged, 1 files removed, 0 files unresolved

  $ "$PYTHON" $TESTTMP/show_mode.py *

Manually reset the mode of the read-only file

  $ chmod a-w ro

  $ "$PYTHON" $TESTTMP/show_mode.py ro

Now the file is present, try to update and check the permissions of the file

  $ hg up -r 2
  1 files updated, 0 files merged, 0 files removed, 0 files unresolved

  $ "$PYTHON" $TESTTMP/show_mode.py ro

# The file which was read-only is now writable in the default behavior

Check behavior with update.atomic-files

  $ cat >> .hg/hgrc <<EOF
  > [experimental]
  > update.atomic-file = true
  > EOF

  $ hg update -C -r 0 -q
  $ hg update -r 1 --config extensions.showwrites=.hg/showwrites.py 2>&1 | grep "a1'.*wb"
  ('vfs open', ('a1', 'wb'), [('atomictemp', True), ('backgroundclose', True)])
  $ hg st -A --rev 1
  C a1
  C a2
  C b1
  C b2
  C d
  C ro

Check the file permission after update
  $ "$PYTHON" $TESTTMP/show_mode.py *

Manually reset the mode of the read-only file

  $ chmod a-w ro

  $ "$PYTHON" $TESTTMP/show_mode.py ro

Now the file is present, try to update and check the permissions of the file

  $ hg update -r 2 --traceback
  1 files updated, 0 files merged, 0 files removed, 0 files unresolved

  $ "$PYTHON" $TESTTMP/show_mode.py ro

# The behavior is the same as without atomic update