author Sandu Turcan <idlsoft@gmail.com>
Tue, 03 May 2022 21:44:30 -0400
changeset 49241 6b10151b9621
parent 43076 2372284d9457
child 48875 6000f5b25c9b
permissions -rw-r--r--
narrow_widen_acl: enforce narrowacl in narrow_widen (SEC) Reviewer note: this was sent by the author as a simple bugfix, but can be considered a security patch, since it allows users to access things outside of the ACL, hence the (SEC) prefix. However, this affects the `narrow` extention which is still marked as experimental and has relatively few users aside from large companies with their own security layers on top from what we can gather. We feel (Alphare: or at least, I feel) like pinging the packaging list is enough in this case.

# sshprotoext.py - Extension to test behavior of SSH protocol
# Copyright 2018 Gregory Szorc <gregory.szorc@gmail.com>
# This software may be used and distributed according to the terms of the
# GNU General Public License version 2 or any later version.

# This extension replaces the SSH server started via `hg serve --stdio`.
# The server behaves differently depending on environment variables.

from __future__ import absolute_import

from mercurial import (

configtable = {}
configitem = registrar.configitem(configtable)

configitem(b'sshpeer', b'mode', default=None)
configitem(b'sshpeer', b'handshake-mode', default=None)

class bannerserver(wireprotoserver.sshserver):
    """Server that sends a banner to stdout."""

    def serve_forever(self):
        for i in range(10):
            self._fout.write(b'banner: line %d\n' % i)

        super(bannerserver, self).serve_forever()

class prehelloserver(wireprotoserver.sshserver):
    """Tests behavior when connecting to <0.9.1 servers.

    The ``hello`` wire protocol command was introduced in Mercurial
    0.9.1. Modern clients send the ``hello`` command when connecting
    to SSH servers. This mock server tests behavior of the handshake
    when ``hello`` is not supported.

    def serve_forever(self):
        l = self._fin.readline()
        assert l == b'hello\n'
        # Respond to unknown commands with an empty reply.
        wireprotoserver._sshv1respondbytes(self._fout, b'')
        l = self._fin.readline()
        assert l == b'between\n'
        proto = wireprotoserver.sshv1protocolhandler(
            self._ui, self._fin, self._fout
        rsp = wireprotov1server.dispatch(self._repo, proto, b'between')
        wireprotoserver._sshv1respondbytes(self._fout, rsp.data)

        super(prehelloserver, self).serve_forever()

def performhandshake(orig, ui, stdin, stdout, stderr):
    """Wrapped version of sshpeer._performhandshake to send extra commands."""
    mode = ui.config(b'sshpeer', b'handshake-mode')
    if mode == b'pre-no-args':
        ui.debug(b'sending no-args command\n')
        return orig(ui, stdin, stdout, stderr)
    elif mode == b'pre-multiple-no-args':
        ui.debug(b'sending unknown1 command\n')
        ui.debug(b'sending unknown2 command\n')
        ui.debug(b'sending unknown3 command\n')
        return orig(ui, stdin, stdout, stderr)
        raise error.ProgrammingError(b'unknown HANDSHAKECOMMANDMODE: %s' % mode)

def extsetup(ui):
    # It's easier for tests to define the server behavior via environment
    # variables than config options. This is because `hg serve --stdio`
    # has to be invoked with a certain form for security reasons and
    # `dummyssh` can't just add `--config` flags to the command line.
    servermode = ui.environ.get(b'SSHSERVERMODE')

    if servermode == b'banner':
        wireprotoserver.sshserver = bannerserver
    elif servermode == b'no-hello':
        wireprotoserver.sshserver = prehelloserver
    elif servermode:
        raise error.ProgrammingError(b'unknown server mode: %s' % servermode)

    peermode = ui.config(b'sshpeer', b'mode')

    if peermode == b'extra-handshake-commands':
        extensions.wrapfunction(sshpeer, '_performhandshake', performhandshake)
    elif peermode:
        raise error.ProgrammingError(b'unknown peer mode: %s' % peermode)