author Pierre-Yves David <pierre-yves.david@octobus.net>
Fri, 05 Apr 2024 14:13:47 +0200
changeset 51584 5b99b64328f2
parent 48875 6000f5b25c9b
permissions -rw-r--r--
phases: use revision number in `_pushdiscoveryphase` We now reach our target checkpoint in terms of rev-num conversion. The `_pushdiscoveryphase` function is now performing graph computation based on revision number only. Avoiding repeated conversion from node-id to rev-num. See previous changeset updated `new_heads` for rationnal. Again, time saved in the 100 milliseconds order of magnitude for the mozilla-try benchmark I have been using. However, wow that the logic is done using revision number, we can look into having better logic in the next changesets, which will provide a much bigger speedup.

import unittest

from mercurial import encoding

class IsasciistrTest(unittest.TestCase):
    asciistrs = [

    def testascii(self):
        for s in self.asciistrs:

    def testnonasciichar(self):
        for s in self.asciistrs:
            for i in range(len(s)):
                t = bytearray(s)
                t[i] |= 0x80

class LocalEncodingTest(unittest.TestCase):
    def testasciifastpath(self):
        s = b'\0' * 100
        self.assertTrue(s is encoding.tolocal(s))
        self.assertTrue(s is encoding.fromlocal(s))

class Utf8bEncodingTest(unittest.TestCase):
    def setUp(self):
        self.origencoding = encoding.encoding

    def tearDown(self):
        encoding.encoding = self.origencoding

    def testasciifastpath(self):
        s = b'\0' * 100
        self.assertTrue(s is encoding.toutf8b(s))
        self.assertTrue(s is encoding.fromutf8b(s))

    def testlossylatin(self):
        encoding.encoding = b'ascii'
        s = u'\xc0'.encode('utf-8')
        l = encoding.tolocal(s)
        self.assertEqual(l, b'?')  # lossy
        self.assertEqual(s, encoding.toutf8b(l))  # utf8 sequence preserved

    def testlosslesslatin(self):
        encoding.encoding = b'latin-1'
        s = u'\xc0'.encode('utf-8')
        l = encoding.tolocal(s)
        self.assertEqual(l, b'\xc0')  # lossless
        self.assertEqual(s, encoding.toutf8b(l))  # convert back to utf-8

    def testlossy0xed(self):
        encoding.encoding = b'euc-kr'  # U+Dxxx Hangul
        s = u'\ud1bc\xc0'.encode('utf-8')
        l = encoding.tolocal(s)
        self.assertIn(b'\xed', l)
        self.assertTrue(l.endswith(b'?'))  # lossy
        self.assertEqual(s, encoding.toutf8b(l))  # utf8 sequence preserved

    def testlossless0xed(self):
        encoding.encoding = b'euc-kr'  # U+Dxxx Hangul
        s = u'\ud1bc'.encode('utf-8')
        l = encoding.tolocal(s)
        self.assertEqual(l, b'\xc5\xed')  # lossless
        self.assertEqual(s, encoding.toutf8b(l))  # convert back to utf-8

if __name__ == '__main__':
    import silenttestrunner
