author Pierre-Yves David <>
Fri, 05 Apr 2024 14:13:47 +0200
changeset 51584 5b99b64328f2
parent 48697 fba2d7fab11e
permissions -rwxr-xr-x
phases: use revision number in `_pushdiscoveryphase` We now reach our target checkpoint in terms of rev-num conversion. The `_pushdiscoveryphase` function is now performing graph computation based on revision number only. Avoiding repeated conversion from node-id to rev-num. See previous changeset updated `new_heads` for rationnal. Again, time saved in the 100 milliseconds order of magnitude for the mozilla-try benchmark I have been using. However, wow that the logic is done using revision number, we can look into having better logic in the next changesets, which will provide a much bigger speedup.

set -eu

if [[ "$PHABRICATOR_TOKEN" == "NO-PHAB" ]]; then
    echo 'Skipping Phabricator Step' >&2
    exit 0

revision_in_stack=`hg log \
    --rev '.#stack and ::. and topic()' \
    -T '\nONE-REV\n' \
    | grep 'ONE-REV' | wc -l`
revision_on_phab=`hg log \
    --rev '.#stack and ::. and topic() and desc("re:\nDifferential Revision: [^\n]+D\d+$")'\
    -T '\nONE-REV\n' \
    | grep 'ONE-REV' | wc -l`

if [[ $revision_in_stack -eq 0 ]]; then
    echo "stack is empty" >&2
    exit 0

if [[ $revision_on_phab -eq 0 ]]; then
    echo "no tracked diff in this stack" >&2
    exit 0

if [[ $revision_on_phab -lt $revision_in_stack ]]; then
    echo "not all stack changesets (${revision_in_stack}) have matching Phabricator Diff (${revision_on_phab})" >&2
    exit 2

if [[ "$PHABRICATOR_TOKEN" == "" ]]; then
    echo 'missing $PHABRICATOR_TOKEN variable' >&2
    echo '(use PHABRICATOR_TOKEN="NO-PHAB" to disable this step)' >&2
    exit 2

hg \
--config extensions.phabricator= \
--config phabricator.url= \
--config phabricator.callsign=HG \
--config auth.phabricator.schemes=https \
--config \
--config auth.phabricator.phabtoken=$PHABRICATOR_TOKEN \
phabsend --rev '.#stack and ::. and topic()' \