author timeless <timeless@mozdev.org>
Tue, 12 Jan 2016 06:03:36 +0000
changeset 27729 58f8b29c37ff
parent 27056 01489fa0bbbe
child 28735 5edde05ff58e
permissions -rw-r--r--
minirst: change hgrole to use single quotes We decided to reserve double quotes for arguments to hg because cmd does not like single quotes, so switch the outer quotes to single

import os
from mercurial import hg, ui, context, encoding

u = ui.ui()

repo = hg.repository(u, 'test1', create=1)

# create 'foo' with fixed time stamp
f = open('foo', 'wb')
os.utime('foo', (1000, 1000))

# add+commit 'foo'
repo.commit(text='commit1', date="0 0")

if os.name == 'nt':
    d = repo[None]['foo'].date()
    print "workingfilectx.date = (%d, %d)" % (d[0], d[1])
    print "workingfilectx.date =", repo[None]['foo'].date()

# test memctx with non-ASCII commit message

def filectxfn(repo, memctx, path):
    return context.memfilectx(repo, "foo", "")

ctx = context.memctx(repo, ['tip', None],
                     ["foo"], filectxfn)
for enc in "ASCII", "Latin-1", "UTF-8":
    encoding.encoding = enc
    print "%-8s: %s" % (enc, repo["tip"].description())

# test performing a status

def getfilectx(repo, memctx, f):
    fctx = memctx.parents()[0][f]
    data, flags = fctx.data(), fctx.flags()
    if f == 'foo':
        data += 'bar\n'
    return context.memfilectx(repo, f, data, 'l' in flags, 'x' in flags)

ctxa = repo.changectx(0)
ctxb = context.memctx(repo, [ctxa.node(), None], "test diff", ["foo"],
                      getfilectx, ctxa.user(), ctxa.date())

print ctxb.status(ctxa)

# test performing a diff on a memctx

for d in ctxb.diff(ctxa, git=True):
    print d

# test safeness and correctness of "ctx.status()"
print '= checking context.status():'

# ancestor "wcctx ~ 2"
actx2 = repo['.']

repo.wwrite('bar-m', 'bar-m\n', '')
repo.wwrite('bar-r', 'bar-r\n', '')
repo[None].add(['bar-m', 'bar-r'])
repo.commit(text='add bar-m, bar-r', date="0 0")

# ancestor "wcctx ~ 1"
actx1 = repo['.']

repo.wwrite('bar-m', 'bar-m bar-m\n', '')
repo.wwrite('bar-a', 'bar-a\n', '')

# status at this point:
#   M bar-m
#   A bar-a
#   R bar-r
#   C foo

from mercurial import scmutil

print '== checking workingctx.status:'

wctx = repo[None]
print 'wctx._status=%s' % (str(wctx._status))

print '=== with "pattern match":'
print actx1.status(other=wctx,
                   match=scmutil.matchfiles(repo, ['bar-m', 'foo']))
print 'wctx._status=%s' % (str(wctx._status))
print actx2.status(other=wctx,
                   match=scmutil.matchfiles(repo, ['bar-m', 'foo']))
print 'wctx._status=%s' % (str(wctx._status))

print '=== with "always match" and "listclean=True":'
print actx1.status(other=wctx, listclean=True)
print 'wctx._status=%s' % (str(wctx._status))
print actx2.status(other=wctx, listclean=True)
print 'wctx._status=%s' % (str(wctx._status))

print "== checking workingcommitctx.status:"

wcctx = context.workingcommitctx(repo,
                                                [], [], [], []),
                                 text='', date='0 0')
print 'wcctx._status=%s' % (str(wcctx._status))

print '=== with "always match":'
print actx1.status(other=wcctx)
print 'wcctx._status=%s' % (str(wcctx._status))
print actx2.status(other=wcctx)
print 'wcctx._status=%s' % (str(wcctx._status))

print '=== with "always match" and "listclean=True":'
print actx1.status(other=wcctx, listclean=True)
print 'wcctx._status=%s' % (str(wcctx._status))
print actx2.status(other=wcctx, listclean=True)
print 'wcctx._status=%s' % (str(wcctx._status))

print '=== with "pattern match":'
print actx1.status(other=wcctx,
                   match=scmutil.matchfiles(repo, ['bar-m', 'foo']))
print 'wcctx._status=%s' % (str(wcctx._status))
print actx2.status(other=wcctx,
                   match=scmutil.matchfiles(repo, ['bar-m', 'foo']))
print 'wcctx._status=%s' % (str(wcctx._status))

print '=== with "pattern match" and "listclean=True":'
print actx1.status(other=wcctx,
                   match=scmutil.matchfiles(repo, ['bar-r', 'foo']),
print 'wcctx._status=%s' % (str(wcctx._status))
print actx2.status(other=wcctx,
                   match=scmutil.matchfiles(repo, ['bar-r', 'foo']),
print 'wcctx._status=%s' % (str(wcctx._status))