author Gregory Szorc <>
Sun, 04 Oct 2020 22:32:41 -0700
changeset 45685 57b5452a55d5
parent 45643 6a36e2d2011f
child 45689 ef8eccefe0c3
permissions -rw-r--r--
pyoxidizer: produce working Python 3 Windows installers (issue6366) While we've had code to produce Python 3 Windows installers with PyOxidizer, we haven't been advertising them on the web site due to a bug in making TLS connections and issues around resource handling. This commit upgrades our PyOxidizer install and configuration to use a recent Git commit of PyOxidizer. This new version of PyOxidizer contains a *ton* of changes, improvements, and bug fixes. Notably, Windows shared distributions now mostly "just work" and the TLS bug and random problems with Python extension modules in the standard library go away. And Python has been upgraded from 3.7 to 3.8.6. The price we pay for this upgrade is a ton of backwards incompatible changes to Starlark. I applied this commit (the overall series actually) on stable to produce Windows installers for Mercurial 5.5.2, which I published shortly before submitting this commit for review. In order to get the stable branch working, I decided to take a less aggressive approach to Python resource management. Previously, we were attempting to load all Python modules from memory and were performing some hacks to copy Mercurial's non-module resources into additional directories in Starlark. This commit implements a resource callback function in Starlark (a new feature since PyOxidizer 0.7) to dynamically assign standard library resources to in-memory loading and all other resources to filesystem loading. This means that Mercurial's files and all the other packages we ship in the Windows installers (e.g. certifi and pygments) are loaded from the filesystem instead of from memory. This avoids issues due to lack of __file__ and enables us to ship a working Python 3 installer on Windows. The end state of the install layout after this patch is not ideal for @: we still copy resource files like templates and help text to directories next to the hg.exe executable. There is code in @ to use importlib.resources to load these files and we could likely remove these copies once this lands on @. But for now, the install layout mimics what we've shipped for seemingly forever and is backwards compatible. It allows us to achieve the milestone of working Python 3 Windows installers and gets us a giant step closer to deleting Python 2. Differential Revision:

# install-dependencies.ps1 - Install Windows dependencies for building Mercurial
# Copyright 2019 Gregory Szorc <>
# This software may be used and distributed according to the terms of the
# GNU General Public License version 2 or any later version.

# This script can be used to bootstrap a Mercurial build environment on
# Windows.
# The script makes a lot of assumptions about how things should work.
# For example, the install location of Python is hardcoded to c:\hgdev\*.
# The script should be executed from a PowerShell with elevated privileges
# if you don't want to see a UAC prompt for various installers.
# The script is tested on Windows 10 and Windows Server 2019 (in EC2).

$VS_BUILD_TOOLS_SHA256 = "911E292B8E6E5F46CBC17003BDCD2D27A70E616E8D5E6E69D5D489A605CAA139"

$VC9_PYTHON_SHA256 = "070474db76a2e625513a5835df4595df9324d820f9cc97eab2a596dcbc2f5cbf"

$PYTHON27_x64_URL = ""
$PYTHON27_x64_SHA256 = "b74a3afa1e0bf2a6fc566a7b70d15c9bfabba3756fb077797d16fffa27800c05"
$PYTHON27_X86_URL = ""
$PYTHON27_X86_SHA256 = "d901802e90026e9bad76b8a81f8dd7e43c7d7e8269d9281c9e9df7a9c40480a9"

$PYTHON35_x86_URL = ""
$PYTHON35_x86_SHA256 = "F27C2D67FD9688E4970F3BFF799BB9D722A0D6C2C13B04848E1F7D620B524B0E"
$PYTHON35_x64_URL = ""
$PYTHON35_x64_SHA256 = "9B7741CC32357573A77D2EE64987717E527628C38FD7EAF3E2AACA853D45A1EE"

$PYTHON36_x86_URL = ""
$PYTHON36_x86_SHA256 = "89871D432BC06E4630D7B64CB1A8451E53C80E68DE29029976B12AAD7DBFA5A0"
$PYTHON36_x64_URL = ""
$PYTHON36_x64_SHA256 = "96088A58B7C43BC83B84E6B67F15E8706C614023DD64F9A5A14E81FF824ADADC"

$PYTHON37_x86_URL = ""
$PYTHON37_x86_SHA256 = "769bb7c74ad1df6d7d74071cc16a984ff6182e4016e11b8949b93db487977220"
$PYTHON37_X64_URL = ""
$PYTHON37_x64_SHA256 = "e69ed52afb5a722e5c56f6c21d594e85c17cb29f12f18bb69751cf1714e0f987"

$PYTHON38_x86_URL = ""
$PYTHON38_x86_SHA256 = "287d5df01ff22ff09e6a487ae018603ee19eade71d462ec703850c96f1d5e8a0"
$PYTHON38_x64_URL = ""
$PYTHON38_x64_SHA256 = "328a257f189cb500606bb26ab0fbdd298ed0e05d8c36540a322a1744f489a0a0"

# PIP 19.2.3.
$PIP_URL = ""
$PIP_SHA256 = "57e3643ff19f018f8a00dfaa6b7e4620e3c1a7a2171fd218425366ec006b3bfe"

$VIRTUALENV_SHA256 = "f78d81b62d3147396ac33fc9d77579ddc42cc2a98dd9ea38886f616b33bc7fb2"

$INNO_SETUP_SHA256 = "27D49E9BC769E9D1B214C153011978DB90DC01C2ACD1DDCD9ED7B3FE3B96B538"

$MINGW_BIN_SHA256 = "2AB8EFD7C7D1FC8EAF8B2FA4DA4EEF8F3E47768284C021599BC7435839A046DF"

$MERCURIAL_WHEEL_FILENAME = "mercurial-5.1.2-cp27-cp27m-win_amd64.whl"
$MERCURIAL_WHEEL_SHA256 = "1d18c7f6ca1456f0f62ee65c9a50c14cbba48ce6e924930cdb10537f5c9eaf5f"

$RUSTUP_INIT_SHA256 = "d17df34ba974b9b19cf5c75883a95475aa22ddc364591d75d174090d55711c72"

# Writing progress slows down downloads substantially. So disable it.
$progressPreference = 'silentlyContinue'

function Secure-Download($url, $path, $sha256) {
    if (Test-Path -Path $path) {
        Get-FileHash -Path $path -Algorithm SHA256 -OutVariable hash

        if ($hash.Hash -eq $sha256) {
            Write-Output "SHA256 of $path verified as $sha256"

        Write-Output "hash mismatch on $path; downloading again"

    Write-Output "downloading $url to $path"
    Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $url -OutFile $path
    Get-FileHash -Path $path -Algorithm SHA256 -OutVariable hash

    if ($hash.Hash -ne $sha256) {
        Remove-Item -Path $path
        throw "hash mismatch when downloading $url; got $($hash.Hash), expected $sha256"

function Invoke-Process($path, $arguments) {
    $p = Start-Process -FilePath $path -ArgumentList $arguments -Wait -PassThru -WindowStyle Hidden

    if ($p.ExitCode -ne 0) {
        throw "process exited non-0: $($p.ExitCode)"

function Install-Python3($name, $installer, $dest, $pip) {
    Write-Output "installing $name"

    # We hit this when running the script as part of Simple Systems Manager in
    # EC2. The Python 3 installer doesn't seem to like per-user installs
    # when running as the SYSTEM user. So enable global installs if executed in
    # this mode.
    if ($env:USERPROFILE -eq "C:\Windows\system32\config\systemprofile") {
        Write-Output "running with SYSTEM account; installing for all users"
        $allusers = "1"
    else {
        $allusers = "0"

    Invoke-Process $installer "/quiet TargetDir=${dest} InstallAllUsers=${allusers} AssociateFiles=0 CompileAll=0 PrependPath=0 Include_doc=0 Include_launcher=0 InstallLauncherAllUsers=0 Include_pip=0 Include_test=0"
    Invoke-Process ${dest}\python.exe $pip

function Install-Rust($prefix) {
    Write-Output "installing Rust"
    $Env:RUSTUP_HOME = "${prefix}\rustup"
    $Env:CARGO_HOME = "${prefix}\cargo"

    Invoke-Process "${prefix}\assets\rustup-init.exe" "-y --default-host x86_64-pc-windows-msvc"
    Invoke-Process "${prefix}\cargo\bin\rustup.exe" "target add i686-pc-windows-msvc"
    Invoke-Process "${prefix}\cargo\bin\rustup.exe" "install 1.46.0"
    Invoke-Process "${prefix}\cargo\bin\rustup.exe" "component add clippy"

    # Install PyOxidizer for packaging.
    Invoke-Process "${prefix}\cargo\bin\cargo.exe" "install --git --rev 4697fb25918dfad6dc73288daeea501063963a08 pyoxidizer"

function Install-Dependencies($prefix) {
    if (!(Test-Path -Path $prefix\assets)) {
        New-Item -Path $prefix\assets -ItemType Directory

    $pip = "${prefix}\assets\"

    Secure-Download $VC9_PYTHON_URL ${prefix}\assets\VCForPython27.msi $VC9_PYTHON_SHA256
    Secure-Download $PYTHON27_x86_URL ${prefix}\assets\python27-x86.msi $PYTHON27_x86_SHA256
    Secure-Download $PYTHON27_x64_URL ${prefix}\assets\python27-x64.msi $PYTHON27_x64_SHA256
    Secure-Download $PYTHON35_x86_URL ${prefix}\assets\python35-x86.exe $PYTHON35_x86_SHA256
    Secure-Download $PYTHON35_x64_URL ${prefix}\assets\python35-x64.exe $PYTHON35_x64_SHA256
    Secure-Download $PYTHON36_x86_URL ${prefix}\assets\python36-x86.exe $PYTHON36_x86_SHA256
    Secure-Download $PYTHON36_x64_URL ${prefix}\assets\python36-x64.exe $PYTHON36_x64_SHA256
    Secure-Download $PYTHON37_x86_URL ${prefix}\assets\python37-x86.exe $PYTHON37_x86_SHA256
    Secure-Download $PYTHON37_x64_URL ${prefix}\assets\python37-x64.exe $PYTHON37_x64_SHA256
    Secure-Download $PYTHON38_x86_URL ${prefix}\assets\python38-x86.exe $PYTHON38_x86_SHA256
    Secure-Download $PYTHON38_x64_URL ${prefix}\assets\python38-x64.exe $PYTHON38_x64_SHA256
    Secure-Download $PIP_URL ${pip} $PIP_SHA256
    Secure-Download $VIRTUALENV_URL ${prefix}\assets\virtualenv.tar.gz $VIRTUALENV_SHA256
    Secure-Download $VS_BUILD_TOOLS_URL ${prefix}\assets\vs_buildtools.exe $VS_BUILD_TOOLS_SHA256
    Secure-Download $INNO_SETUP_URL ${prefix}\assets\InnoSetup.exe $INNO_SETUP_SHA256
    Secure-Download $MINGW_BIN_URL ${prefix}\assets\ $MINGW_BIN_SHA256
    Secure-Download $RUSTUP_INIT_URL ${prefix}\assets\rustup-init.exe $RUSTUP_INIT_SHA256

    Write-Output "installing Python 2.7 32-bit"
    Invoke-Process msiexec.exe "/i ${prefix}\assets\python27-x86.msi /l* ${prefix}\assets\python27-x86.log /q TARGETDIR=${prefix}\python27-x86 ALLUSERS="
    Invoke-Process ${prefix}\python27-x86\python.exe ${prefix}\assets\
    Invoke-Process ${prefix}\python27-x86\Scripts\pip.exe "install ${prefix}\assets\virtualenv.tar.gz"

    Write-Output "installing Python 2.7 64-bit"
    Invoke-Process msiexec.exe "/i ${prefix}\assets\python27-x64.msi /l* ${prefix}\assets\python27-x64.log /q TARGETDIR=${prefix}\python27-x64 ALLUSERS="
    Invoke-Process ${prefix}\python27-x64\python.exe ${prefix}\assets\
    Invoke-Process ${prefix}\python27-x64\Scripts\pip.exe "install ${prefix}\assets\virtualenv.tar.gz"

    Install-Python3 "Python 3.5 32-bit" ${prefix}\assets\python35-x86.exe ${prefix}\python35-x86 ${pip}
    Install-Python3 "Python 3.5 64-bit" ${prefix}\assets\python35-x64.exe ${prefix}\python35-x64 ${pip}
    Install-Python3 "Python 3.6 32-bit" ${prefix}\assets\python36-x86.exe ${prefix}\python36-x86 ${pip}
    Install-Python3 "Python 3.6 64-bit" ${prefix}\assets\python36-x64.exe ${prefix}\python36-x64 ${pip}
    Install-Python3 "Python 3.7 32-bit" ${prefix}\assets\python37-x86.exe ${prefix}\python37-x86 ${pip}
    Install-Python3 "Python 3.7 64-bit" ${prefix}\assets\python37-x64.exe ${prefix}\python37-x64 ${pip}
    Install-Python3 "Python 3.8 32-bit" ${prefix}\assets\python38-x86.exe ${prefix}\python38-x86 ${pip}
    Install-Python3 "Python 3.8 64-bit" ${prefix}\assets\python38-x64.exe ${prefix}\python38-x64 ${pip}

    Write-Output "installing Visual Studio 2017 Build Tools and SDKs"
    Invoke-Process ${prefix}\assets\vs_buildtools.exe "--quiet --wait --norestart --nocache --channelUri --add Microsoft.VisualStudio.Workload.MSBuildTools --add Microsoft.VisualStudio.Component.Windows10SDK.17763 --add Microsoft.VisualStudio.Workload.VCTools --add Microsoft.VisualStudio.Component.Windows10SDK --add Microsoft.VisualStudio.Component.VC.140"

    Install-Rust ${prefix}

    Write-Output "installing Visual C++ 9.0 for Python 2.7"
    Invoke-Process msiexec.exe "/i ${prefix}\assets\VCForPython27.msi /l* ${prefix}\assets\VCForPython27.log /q"

    Write-Output "installing Inno Setup"
    Invoke-Process ${prefix}\assets\InnoSetup.exe "/SP- /VERYSILENT /SUPPRESSMSGBOXES"

    Write-Output "extracting MinGW base archive"
    Expand-Archive -Path ${prefix}\assets\ -DestinationPath "${prefix}\MinGW" -Force

    Write-Output "updating MinGW package catalogs"
    Invoke-Process ${prefix}\MinGW\bin\mingw-get.exe "update"

    Write-Output "installing MinGW packages"
    Invoke-Process ${prefix}\MinGW\bin\mingw-get.exe "install msys-base msys-coreutils msys-diffutils msys-unzip"

    # Construct a virtualenv useful for bootstrapping. It conveniently contains a
    # Mercurial install.
    Write-Output "creating bootstrap virtualenv with Mercurial"
    Invoke-Process "$prefix\python27-x64\Scripts\virtualenv.exe" "${prefix}\venv-bootstrap"
    Invoke-Process "${prefix}\venv-bootstrap\Scripts\pip.exe" "install ${prefix}\assets\${MERCURIAL_WHEEL_FILENAME}"

function Clone-Mercurial-Repo($prefix, $repo_url, $dest) {
    Write-Output "cloning $repo_url to $dest"
    # TODO Figure out why CA verification isn't working in EC2 and remove
    # --insecure.
    Invoke-Process "${prefix}\venv-bootstrap\Scripts\hg.exe" "clone --insecure $repo_url $dest"

    # Mark repo as non-publishing by default for convenience.
    Add-Content -Path "$dest\.hg\hgrc" -Value "`n[phases]`npublish = false"

$prefix = "c:\hgdev"
Install-Dependencies $prefix
Clone-Mercurial-Repo $prefix "" $prefix\src