author Pierre-Yves David <pierre-yves.david@ens-lyon.org>
Wed, 20 Jun 2012 20:08:57 +0200
changeset 17005 50f434510da6
parent 16913 f2719b387380
child 18933 42b620fc89e2
permissions -rw-r--r--
rebase: do not add second parent to rebased changeset (drop detach option) (BC) Rebase now behaves as if --detach was always passed. Non-merges are rebased as non-merges, regardless of their parent being an ancestor of the destination. Merges will usually be rebased as merges unless both of their parents are ancestors of the destination, or one of their parents is pruned when rebased. This only alters the behavior of rebase when using the --source/--rev options. --detach option is deprecated. All test changes were carefully validated.

  $ cat >> $HGRCPATH <<EOF
  > [extensions]
  > graphlog=
  > rebase=
  > [phases]
  > publish=False
  > [alias]
  > tglog = log -G --template "{rev}: '{desc}' {branches}\n"
  > EOF

  $ hg init a
  $ cd a
  $ hg unbundle "$TESTDIR/bundles/rebase.hg"
  adding changesets
  adding manifests
  adding file changes
  added 8 changesets with 7 changes to 7 files (+2 heads)
  (run 'hg heads' to see heads, 'hg merge' to merge)
  $ hg up tip
  3 files updated, 0 files merged, 0 files removed, 0 files unresolved

  $ echo I > I
  $ hg ci -AmI
  adding I

  $ hg tglog
  @  8: 'I'
  o  7: 'H'
  | o  6: 'G'
  o |  5: 'F'
  | |
  | o  4: 'E'
  | o  3: 'D'
  | |
  | o  2: 'C'
  | |
  | o  1: 'B'
  o  0: 'A'
  $ cd ..

These fail:

  $ hg clone -q -u . a a1
  $ cd a1

  $ hg rebase -s 8 -d 7
  nothing to rebase

  $ hg rebase --continue --abort
  abort: cannot use both abort and continue

  $ hg rebase --continue --collapse
  abort: cannot use collapse with continue or abort

  $ hg rebase --continue --dest 4
  abort: abort and continue do not allow specifying revisions

  $ hg rebase --base 5 --source 4
  abort: cannot specify both a source and a base

  $ hg rebase --rev 5 --source 4
  abort: cannot specify both a revision and a source
  $ hg rebase --base 5 --rev 4
  abort: cannot specify both a revision and a base

  $ hg rebase
  nothing to rebase

  $ hg up -q 7

  $ hg rebase --traceback
  nothing to rebase

These work:

Rebase with no arguments (from 3 onto 8):

  $ hg up -q -C 3

  $ hg rebase
  saved backup bundle to $TESTTMP/a1/.hg/strip-backup/*-backup.hg (glob)

  $ hg tglog
  @  8: 'D'
  o  7: 'C'
  o  6: 'B'
  o  5: 'I'
  o  4: 'H'
  | o  3: 'G'
  o |  2: 'F'
  | |
  | o  1: 'E'
  o  0: 'A'
Try to rollback after a rebase (fail):

  $ hg rollback
  no rollback information available

  $ cd ..

Rebase with base == '.' => same as no arguments (from 3 onto 8):

  $ hg clone -q -u 3 a a2
  $ cd a2

  $ hg rebase --base .
  saved backup bundle to $TESTTMP/a2/.hg/strip-backup/*-backup.hg (glob)

  $ hg tglog
  @  8: 'D'
  o  7: 'C'
  o  6: 'B'
  o  5: 'I'
  o  4: 'H'
  | o  3: 'G'
  o |  2: 'F'
  | |
  | o  1: 'E'
  o  0: 'A'
  $ cd ..

Rebase with dest == branch(.) => same as no arguments (from 3 onto 8):

  $ hg clone -q -u 3 a a3
  $ cd a3

  $ hg rebase --dest 'branch(.)'
  saved backup bundle to $TESTTMP/a3/.hg/strip-backup/*-backup.hg (glob)

  $ hg tglog
  @  8: 'D'
  o  7: 'C'
  o  6: 'B'
  o  5: 'I'
  o  4: 'H'
  | o  3: 'G'
  o |  2: 'F'
  | |
  | o  1: 'E'
  o  0: 'A'
  $ cd ..

Specify only source (from 2 onto 8):

  $ hg clone -q -u . a a4
  $ cd a4

  $ hg rebase --source 'desc("C")'
  saved backup bundle to $TESTTMP/a4/.hg/strip-backup/*-backup.hg (glob)

  $ hg tglog
  @  8: 'D'
  o  7: 'C'
  o  6: 'I'
  o  5: 'H'
  | o  4: 'G'
  o |  3: 'F'
  | |
  | o  2: 'E'
  | o  1: 'B'
  o  0: 'A'
  $ cd ..

Specify only dest (from 3 onto 6):

  $ hg clone -q -u 3 a a5
  $ cd a5

  $ hg rebase --dest 6
  saved backup bundle to $TESTTMP/a5/.hg/strip-backup/*-backup.hg (glob)

  $ hg tglog
  @  8: 'D'
  o  7: 'C'
  o  6: 'B'
  | o  5: 'I'
  | |
  | o  4: 'H'
  | |
  o |  3: 'G'
  | o  2: 'F'
  | |
  o |  1: 'E'
  o  0: 'A'
  $ cd ..

Specify only base (from 1 onto 8):

  $ hg clone -q -u . a a6
  $ cd a6

  $ hg rebase --base 'desc("D")'
  saved backup bundle to $TESTTMP/a6/.hg/strip-backup/*-backup.hg (glob)

  $ hg tglog
  @  8: 'D'
  o  7: 'C'
  o  6: 'B'
  o  5: 'I'
  o  4: 'H'
  | o  3: 'G'
  o |  2: 'F'
  | |
  | o  1: 'E'
  o  0: 'A'
  $ cd ..

Specify source and dest (from 2 onto 7):

  $ hg clone -q -u . a a7
  $ cd a7

  $ hg rebase --source 2 --dest 7
  saved backup bundle to $TESTTMP/a7/.hg/strip-backup/*-backup.hg (glob)

  $ hg tglog
  @  8: 'D'
  o  7: 'C'
  | o  6: 'I'
  o  5: 'H'
  | o  4: 'G'
  o |  3: 'F'
  | |
  | o  2: 'E'
  | o  1: 'B'
  o  0: 'A'
  $ cd ..

Specify base and dest (from 1 onto 7):

  $ hg clone -q -u . a a8
  $ cd a8

  $ hg rebase --base 3 --dest 7
  saved backup bundle to $TESTTMP/a8/.hg/strip-backup/*-backup.hg (glob)

  $ hg tglog
  @  8: 'D'
  o  7: 'C'
  o  6: 'B'
  | o  5: 'I'
  o  4: 'H'
  | o  3: 'G'
  o |  2: 'F'
  | |
  | o  1: 'E'
  o  0: 'A'
  $ cd ..

Specify only revs (from 2 onto 8)

  $ hg clone -q -u . a a9
  $ cd a9

  $ hg rebase --rev 'desc("C")::'
  saved backup bundle to $TESTTMP/a9/.hg/strip-backup/*-backup.hg (glob)

  $ hg tglog
  @  8: 'D'
  o  7: 'C'
  o  6: 'I'
  o  5: 'H'
  | o  4: 'G'
  o |  3: 'F'
  | |
  | o  2: 'E'
  | o  1: 'B'
  o  0: 'A'
  $ cd ..

Test --tool parameter:

  $ hg init b
  $ cd b

  $ echo c1 > c1
  $ hg ci -Am c1
  adding c1

  $ echo c2 > c2
  $ hg ci -Am c2
  adding c2

  $ hg up -q 0
  $ echo c2b > c2
  $ hg ci -Am c2b
  adding c2
  created new head

  $ cd ..

  $ hg clone -q -u . b b1
  $ cd b1

  $ hg rebase -s 2 -d 1 --tool internal:local
  saved backup bundle to $TESTTMP/b1/.hg/strip-backup/*-backup.hg (glob)

  $ hg cat c2

  $ cd ..

  $ hg clone -q -u . b b2
  $ cd b2

  $ hg rebase -s 2 -d 1 --tool internal:other
  saved backup bundle to $TESTTMP/b2/.hg/strip-backup/*-backup.hg (glob)

  $ hg cat c2

  $ cd ..

  $ hg clone -q -u . b b3
  $ cd b3

  $ hg rebase -s 2 -d 1 --tool internal:fail
  abort: unresolved conflicts (see hg resolve, then hg rebase --continue)

  $ hg resolve -l
  U c2

  $ hg resolve -m c2
  $ hg rebase -c --tool internal:fail
  tool option will be ignored
  saved backup bundle to $TESTTMP/b3/.hg/strip-backup/*-backup.hg (glob)

  $ cd ..