author Matt Harbison <>
Sat, 16 Mar 2019 14:40:21 -0400
changeset 41977 4ea21df312ec
parent 31050 206532700213
child 43076 2372284d9457
permissions -rw-r--r--
record: prevent commits that don't pick up dirty subrepo changes (issue6102) This path covers interactive mode for commit, amend, and shelve, as well as the deprecated record extension. Since shelf creation uses commit without -S in the non-interactive case, aborting here should be OK. (I didn't check what happens to non interactive shelve creation if `ui.commitsubrepos=True` is set.) subrepoutil.precommit() will abort on a dirty subrepo if the config option isn't set, but the hint recommends using --subrepos to commit. Since only the commit command currently supports that option, the error has to be raised here to omit the hint. Doing the check before asking about all of the hunks in the MQ test seems like an improvement on its own. There's probably an additional check on this path that can be removed.

# - transaction related utilities
#  Copyright FUJIWARA Katsunori <> and others
# This software may be used and distributed according to the terms of the
# GNU General Public License version 2 or any later version.

from __future__ import absolute_import

import errno

from . import (

def mayhavepending(root):
    '''return whether 'root' may have pending changes, which are
    visible to this process.
    return root == encoding.environ.get('HG_PENDING')

def trypending(root, vfs, filename, **kwargs):
    '''Open  file to be read according to HG_PENDING environment variable

    This opens '.pending' of specified 'filename' only when HG_PENDING
    is equal to 'root'.

    This returns '(fp, is_pending_opened)' tuple.
    if mayhavepending(root):
            return (vfs('%s.pending' % filename, **kwargs), True)
        except IOError as inst:
            if inst.errno != errno.ENOENT:
    return (vfs(filename, **kwargs), False)