author Simon Sapin <>
Fri, 26 Feb 2021 12:16:43 +0100
changeset 46608 4e4c70401028
parent 46601 755c31a1caf9
child 46665 7284b524b441
permissions -rw-r--r--
rhg: Use clap’s support for global CLI arguments By default, clap only accepts app-level arguments (as opposed to sub-command level) to be specified before a sub-command: `rhg -R ./foo log`. Specifying them after would be rejected: `rhg log -R ./foo`. Previously we worked around that by registering global arguments both at the app level and on each sub-command, but that required looking for their value in two places. It turns out that Clap has built-in support for what we want to do, so let’s use it. Also, Clap "settings" turn out to be either global or not too. Let’s make `AllowInvalidUtf8` apply to sub-commands too. Differential Revision:

extern crate log;
use crate::ui::Ui;
use clap::App;
use clap::AppSettings;
use clap::Arg;
use clap::ArgMatches;
use format_bytes::format_bytes;
use hg::config::Config;
use hg::repo::{Repo, RepoError};
use std::path::{Path, PathBuf};

mod blackbox;
mod error;
mod exitcode;
mod ui;
use error::CommandError;

fn main_with_result(
    ui: &ui::Ui,
    process_start_time: &blackbox::ProcessStartTime,
) -> Result<(), CommandError> {
    let app = App::new("rhg")
                .help("repository root directory")
                // Both ok: `hg -R ./foo log` or `hg log -R ./foo`
                .help("set/override config option (use '')")
                // Ok: `--config section.key1=val --config section.key2=val2`
                // Not ok: `--config section.key1=val section.key2=val2`
    let app = add_subcommand_args(app);

    let matches = app.clone().get_matches_safe()?;

    let (subcommand_name, subcommand_matches) = matches.subcommand();
    let run = subcommand_run_fn(subcommand_name)
        .expect("unknown subcommand name from clap despite AppSettings::SubcommandRequired");
    let subcommand_args = subcommand_matches
        .expect("no subcommand arguments from clap despite AppSettings::SubcommandRequired");

    let config_args = matches
        // Turn `Option::None` into an empty iterator:
    let non_repo_config = &hg::config::Config::load(config_args)?;

    let repo_path = matches.value_of_os("repository").map(Path::new);
    let repo = match Repo::find(non_repo_config, repo_path) {
        Ok(repo) => Ok(repo),
        Err(RepoError::NotFound { at }) if repo_path.is_none() => {
            // Not finding a repo is not fatal yet, if `-R` was not given
            Err(NoRepoInCwdError { cwd: at })
        Err(error) => return Err(error.into()),

    let invocation = CliInvocation {
        repo: repo.as_ref(),
    let blackbox = blackbox::Blackbox::new(&invocation, process_start_time)?;
    let result = run(&invocation);

fn main() {
    // Run this first, before we find out if the blackbox extension is even
    // enabled, in order to include everything in-between in the duration
    // measurements. Reading config files can be slow if they’re on NFS.
    let process_start_time = blackbox::ProcessStartTime::now();

    let ui = ui::Ui::new();

    let result = main_with_result(&ui, &process_start_time);
    if let Err(CommandError::Abort { message }) = &result {
        if !message.is_empty() {
            // Ignore errors when writing to stderr, we’re already exiting
            // with failure code so there’s not much more we can do.
            let _ = ui.write_stderr(&format_bytes!(b"abort: {}\n", message));

fn exit_code(result: &Result<(), CommandError>) -> i32 {
    match result {
        Ok(()) => exitcode::OK,
        Err(CommandError::Abort { .. }) => exitcode::ABORT,

        // Exit with a specific code and no error message to let a potential
        // wrapper script fallback to Python-based Mercurial.
        Err(CommandError::Unimplemented) => exitcode::UNIMPLEMENTED,

macro_rules! subcommands {
    ($( $command: ident )+) => {
        mod commands {
                pub mod $command;

        fn add_subcommand_args<'a, 'b>(app: App<'a, 'b>) -> App<'a, 'b> {

        pub type RunFn = fn(&CliInvocation) -> Result<(), CommandError>;

        fn subcommand_run_fn(name: &str) -> Option<RunFn> {
            match name {
                    stringify!($command) => Some(commands::$command::run),
                _ => None,

subcommands! {
pub struct CliInvocation<'a> {
    ui: &'a Ui,
    subcommand_args: &'a ArgMatches<'a>,
    non_repo_config: &'a Config,
    /// References inside `Result` is a bit peculiar but allow
    /// `invocation.repo?` to work out with `&CliInvocation` since this
    /// `Result` type is `Copy`.
    repo: Result<&'a Repo, &'a NoRepoInCwdError>,

struct NoRepoInCwdError {
    cwd: PathBuf,

impl CliInvocation<'_> {
    fn config(&self) -> &Config {
        if let Ok(repo) = self.repo {
        } else {