author FUJIWARA Katsunori <foozy@lares.dti.ne.jp>
Wed, 13 Nov 2013 15:55:30 +0900
changeset 20176 4c96c50ef937
parent 19380 ee07f9d142c9
child 35393 4441705b7111
permissions -rw-r--r--
subrepo: check phase of state in each subrepositories before committing Before this patch, phase of newly created commit is determined by "phases.new-commit" configuration regardless of phase of state in each subrepositories. For example, this may cause the "public" revision in the parent repository referring the "secret" one in subrepository. This patch checks phase of state in each subrepositories before committing in the parent, and aborts or changes phase of newly created commit if subrepositories have more restricted phase than the parent. This patch uses "follow" as default value of "phases.checksubrepos" configuration, because it can keep consistency between phases of the parent and subrepositories without breaking existing tool chains.

  $ hg init outer
  $ cd outer

  $ echo '[paths]' >> .hg/hgrc
  $ echo 'default = http://example.net/' >> .hg/hgrc

hg debugsub with no remapping

  $ echo 'sub = libfoo' > .hgsub
  $ hg add .hgsub

  $ hg debugsub
  path sub
   source   libfoo

hg debugsub with remapping

  $ echo '[subpaths]' >> .hg/hgrc
  $ printf 'http://example.net/lib(.*) = C:\\libs\\\\1-lib\\\n' >> .hg/hgrc

  $ hg debugsub
  path sub
   source   C:\libs\foo-lib\

test cumulative remapping, the $HGRCPATH file is loaded first

  $ echo '[subpaths]' >> $HGRCPATH
  $ echo 'libfoo = libbar' >> $HGRCPATH
  $ hg debugsub
  path sub
   source   C:\libs\bar-lib\

test absolute source path -- testing with a URL is important since
standard os.path.join wont treat that as an absolute path

  $ echo 'abs = http://example.net/abs' > .hgsub
  $ hg debugsub
  path abs
   source   http://example.net/abs

  $ echo 'abs = /abs' > .hgsub
  $ hg debugsub
  path abs
   source   /abs

test bad subpaths pattern

  $ cat > .hg/hgrc <<EOF
  > [subpaths]
  > .* = \1
  > EOF
  $ hg debugsub
  abort: bad subrepository pattern in $TESTTMP/outer/.hg/hgrc:2: invalid group reference (glob)

  $ cd ..