author Patrick Mezard <pmezard@gmail.com>
Mon, 01 Aug 2011 23:58:50 +0200
changeset 15005 4a43e23b8c55
parent 13236 3f299f5d9a29
child 14838 5d261fd00446
permissions -rw-r--r--
hgweb: do not ignore [auth] if url has a username (issue2822) The [auth] section was ignored when handling URLs like: http://user@example.com/foo Instead, we look in [auth] for an entry matching the URL and supplied user name. Entries without username can match URL with a username. Prefix length ties are resolved in favor of entries matching the username. With: foo.prefix = http://example.org foo.username = user foo.password = password bar.prefix = http://example.org/bar and the input URL: http://user@example.org/bar the 'bar' entry will be selected because of prefix length, therefore prompting for a password. This behaviour ensure that entries selection is consistent when looking for credentials or for certificates, and that certificates can be picked even if their entries do no define usernames while the URL does. Additionally, entries without a username matched against a username are returned as if they did have requested username set to avoid prompting again for a username if the password is not set. v2: reparse the URL in readauthforuri() to handle HTTP and HTTPS similarly. v3: allow unset usernames to match URL usernames to pick certificates. Resolve prefix length ties in favor of entries with usernames.

  $ cat > loop.py <<EOF
  > from mercurial import commands
  > def loop(ui, loops, **opts):
  >     loops = int(loops)
  >     total = None
  >     if loops >= 0:
  >         total = loops
  >     if opts.get('total', None):
  >         total = int(opts.get('total'))
  >     loops = abs(loops)
  >     for i in range(loops):
  >         ui.progress('loop', i, 'loop.%d' % i, 'loopnum', total)
  >     ui.progress('loop', None, 'loop.done', 'loopnum', total)
  > commands.norepo += " loop"
  > cmdtable = {
  >     "loop": (loop, [('', 'total', '', 'override for total')],
  >              'hg loop LOOPS'),
  > }
  > EOF

  $ echo "[extensions]" >> $HGRCPATH
  $ echo "progress=" >> $HGRCPATH
  $ echo "loop=`pwd`/loop.py" >> $HGRCPATH
  $ echo "[progress]" >> $HGRCPATH
  $ echo  "format = topic bar number" >> $HGRCPATH
  $ echo "assume-tty=1" >> $HGRCPATH
  $ echo "width=60" >> $HGRCPATH

test default params, display nothing because of delay

  $ hg -y loop 3 2>&1 | $TESTDIR/filtercr.py
  $ echo "delay=0" >> $HGRCPATH
  $ echo "refresh=0" >> $HGRCPATH

test with delay=0, refresh=0

  $ hg -y loop 3 2>&1 | $TESTDIR/filtercr.py
  loop [                                                ] 0/3
  loop [===============>                                ] 1/3
  loop [===============================>                ] 2/3
                                                              \r (esc)

test refresh is taken in account

  $ hg -y --config progress.refresh=100 loop 3 2>&1 | $TESTDIR/filtercr.py

test format options 1

  $ hg -y --config 'progress.format=number topic item+2' loop 2 2>&1 \
  > | $TESTDIR/filtercr.py
  0/2 loop lo
  1/2 loop lo
                                                              \r (esc)

test format options 2

  $ hg -y --config 'progress.format=number item-3 bar' loop 2 2>&1 \
  > | $TESTDIR/filtercr.py
  0/2 p.0 [                                                 ]
  1/2 p.1 [=======================>                         ]
                                                              \r (esc)

test format options and indeterminate progress

  $ hg -y --config 'progress.format=number item bar' loop -- -2 2>&1 \
  > | $TESTDIR/filtercr.py
  0 loop.0               [ <=>                              ]
  1 loop.1               [  <=>                             ]
                                                              \r (esc)

make sure things don't fall over if count > total

  $ hg -y loop --total 4 6 2>&1 | $TESTDIR/filtercr.py
  loop [                                                ] 0/4
  loop [===========>                                    ] 1/4
  loop [=======================>                        ] 2/4
  loop [===================================>            ] 3/4
  loop [===============================================>] 4/4
  loop [ <=>                                            ] 5/4
                                                              \r (esc)

test immediate progress completion

  $ hg -y loop 0 2>&1 | $TESTDIR/filtercr.py

test delay time estimates

  $ cat > mocktime.py <<EOF
  > import os
  > import time
  > class mocktime(object):
  >     def __init__(self, increment):
  >         self.time = 0
  >         self.increment = increment
  >     def __call__(self):
  >         self.time += self.increment
  >         return self.time
  > def uisetup(ui):
  >     time.time = mocktime(int(os.environ.get('MOCKTIME', '11')))
  > EOF

  $ echo "[extensions]" > $HGRCPATH
  $ echo "mocktime=`pwd`/mocktime.py" >> $HGRCPATH
  $ echo "progress=" >> $HGRCPATH
  $ echo "loop=`pwd`/loop.py" >> $HGRCPATH
  $ echo "[progress]" >> $HGRCPATH
  $ echo "assume-tty=1" >> $HGRCPATH
  $ echo "delay=25" >> $HGRCPATH
  $ echo "width=60" >> $HGRCPATH

  $ hg -y loop 8 2>&1 | python $TESTDIR/filtercr.py
  loop [=========>                                ] 2/8 1m07s
  loop [===============>                            ] 3/8 56s
  loop [=====================>                      ] 4/8 45s
  loop [==========================>                 ] 5/8 34s
  loop [================================>           ] 6/8 23s
  loop [=====================================>      ] 7/8 12s
                                                              \r (esc)

  $ MOCKTIME=10000 hg -y loop 4 2>&1 | python $TESTDIR/filtercr.py
  loop [                                                ] 0/4
  loop [=========>                                ] 1/4 8h21m
  loop [====================>                     ] 2/4 5h34m
  loop [==============================>           ] 3/4 2h47m
                                                              \r (esc)

  $ MOCKTIME=1000000 hg -y loop 4 2>&1 | python $TESTDIR/filtercr.py
  loop [                                                ] 0/4
  loop [=========>                                ] 1/4 5w00d
  loop [====================>                     ] 2/4 3w03d
  loop [=============================>           ] 3/4 11d14h
                                                              \r (esc)

  $ MOCKTIME=14000000 hg -y loop 4 2>&1 | python $TESTDIR/filtercr.py
  loop [                                                ] 0/4
  loop [=========>                                ] 1/4 1y18w
  loop [===================>                     ] 2/4 46w03d
  loop [=============================>           ] 3/4 23w02d
                                                              \r (esc)

Time estimates should not fail when there's no end point:
  $ hg -y loop -- -4 2>&1 | python $TESTDIR/filtercr.py
  loop [ <=>                                              ] 2
  loop [  <=>                                             ] 3
                                                              \r (esc)