author Patrick Mezard <pmezard@gmail.com>
Mon, 01 Aug 2011 23:58:50 +0200
changeset 15005 4a43e23b8c55
parent 13749 8bb03283e9b9
child 15615 41885892796e
permissions -rw-r--r--
hgweb: do not ignore [auth] if url has a username (issue2822) The [auth] section was ignored when handling URLs like: http://user@example.com/foo Instead, we look in [auth] for an entry matching the URL and supplied user name. Entries without username can match URL with a username. Prefix length ties are resolved in favor of entries matching the username. With: foo.prefix = http://example.org foo.username = user foo.password = password bar.prefix = http://example.org/bar and the input URL: http://user@example.org/bar the 'bar' entry will be selected because of prefix length, therefore prompting for a password. This behaviour ensure that entries selection is consistent when looking for credentials or for certificates, and that certificates can be picked even if their entries do no define usernames while the URL does. Additionally, entries without a username matched against a username are returned as if they did have requested username set to avoid prompting again for a username if the password is not set. v2: reparse the URL in readauthforuri() to handle HTTP and HTTPS similarly. v3: allow unset usernames to match URL usernames to pick certificates. Resolve prefix length ties in favor of entries with usernames.

# reproduce issue2264, issue2516

create test repo
  $ cat <<EOF >> $HGRCPATH
  > [extensions]
  > transplant =
  > graphlog =
  > EOF
  $ hg init repo
  $ cd repo
  $ template="{rev}  {desc|firstline}  [{branch}]\n"

# we need to start out with two changesets on the default branch
# in order to avoid the cute little optimization where transplant
# pulls rather than transplants
add initial changesets
  $ echo feature1 > file1
  $ hg ci -Am"feature 1"
  adding file1
  $ echo feature2 >> file2
  $ hg ci -Am"feature 2"
  adding file2

# The changes to 'bugfix' are enough to show the bug: in fact, with only
# those changes, it's a very noisy crash ("RuntimeError: nothing
# committed after transplant").  But if we modify a second file in the
# transplanted changesets, the bug is much more subtle: transplant
# silently drops the second change to 'bugfix' on the floor, and we only
# see it when we run 'hg status' after transplanting.  Subtle data loss
# bugs are worse than crashes, so reproduce the subtle case here.
commit bug fixes on bug fix branch
  $ hg branch fixes
  marked working directory as branch fixes
  $ echo fix1 > bugfix
  $ echo fix1 >> file1
  $ hg ci -Am"fix 1"
  adding bugfix
  $ echo fix2 > bugfix
  $ echo fix2 >> file1
  $ hg ci -Am"fix 2"
  $ hg glog --template="$template"
  @  3  fix 2  [fixes]
  o  2  fix 1  [fixes]
  o  1  feature 2  [default]
  o  0  feature 1  [default]
transplant bug fixes onto release branch
  $ hg update 0
  1 files updated, 0 files merged, 2 files removed, 0 files unresolved
  $ hg branch release
  marked working directory as branch release
  $ hg transplant 2 3
  applying [0-9a-f]{12} (re)
  [0-9a-f]{12} transplanted to [0-9a-f]{12} (re)
  applying [0-9a-f]{12} (re)
  [0-9a-f]{12} transplanted to [0-9a-f]{12} (re)
  $ hg glog --template="$template"
  @  5  fix 2  [release]
  o  4  fix 1  [release]
  | o  3  fix 2  [fixes]
  | |
  | o  2  fix 1  [fixes]
  | |
  | o  1  feature 2  [default]
  o  0  feature 1  [default]
  $ hg status
  $ hg status --rev 0:4
  M file1
  A bugfix
  $ hg status --rev 4:5
  M bugfix
  M file1

now test that we fixed the bug for all scripts/extensions
  $ cat > $TESTTMP/committwice.py <<__EOF__
  > from mercurial import ui, hg, match, node
  > from time import sleep
  > def replacebyte(fn, b):
  >     f = open(fn, "rb+")
  >     f.seek(0, 0)
  >     f.write(b)
  >     f.close()
  > def printfiles(repo, rev):
  >     print "revision %s files: %s" % (rev, repo[rev].files())
  > repo = hg.repository(ui.ui(), '.')
  > assert len(repo) == 6, \
  >        "initial: len(repo): %d, expected: 6" % len(repo)
  > replacebyte("bugfix", "u")
  > sleep(2)
  > try:
  >     print "PRE: len(repo): %d" % len(repo)
  >     wlock = repo.wlock()
  >     lock = repo.lock()
  >     replacebyte("file1", "x")
  >     repo.commit(text="x", user="test", date=(0, 0))
  >     replacebyte("file1", "y")
  >     repo.commit(text="y", user="test", date=(0, 0))
  >     print "POST: len(repo): %d" % len(repo)
  > finally:
  >     lock.release()
  >     wlock.release()
  > printfiles(repo, 6)
  > printfiles(repo, 7)
  > __EOF__
  $ $PYTHON $TESTTMP/committwice.py
  PRE: len(repo): 6
  POST: len(repo): 8
  revision 6 files: ['bugfix', 'file1']
  revision 7 files: ['file1']

Do a size-preserving modification outside of that process
  $ echo abcd > bugfix
  $ hg status
  M bugfix
  $ hg log --template "{rev}  {desc}  {files}\n" -r5:
  5  fix 2  bugfix file1
  6  x  bugfix file1
  7  y  file1