author Gregory Szorc <>
Tue, 06 Feb 2018 11:08:36 -0800
changeset 35976 48a3a9283f09
parent 35900 72de5c504833
child 35982 5a56bf4180ad
permissions -rw-r--r--
sshpeer: initial definition and implementation of new SSH protocol The existing SSH protocol has several design flaws. Future commits will elaborate on these flaws as new features are introduced to combat these flaws. For now, hopefully you can take me for my word that a ground up rewrite of the SSH protocol is needed. This commit lays the foundation for a new SSH protocol by defining a mechanism to upgrade the SSH transport channel away from the default (version 1) protocol to something modern (which we'll call "version 2" for now). This upgrade process is detailed in the internals documentation for the wire protocol. The gist of it is the client sends a request line preceding the "hello" command/line which basically says "I'm requesting an upgrade: here's what I support." If the server recognizes that line, it processes the upgrade request and the transport channel is switched to use the new version of the protocol. If not, it sends an empty response, which is how all Mercurial SSH servers from the beginning of time reacted to unknown commands. The upgrade request is effectively ignored and the client continues to use the existing version of the protocol as if nothing happened. The new version of the SSH protocol is completely identical to version 1 aside from the upgrade dance and the bytes that follow. The immediate bytes that follow the protocol switch are defined to be a length framed "capabilities: " line containing the remote's advertised capabilities. In reality, this looks very similar to what the "hello" response would look like. But it will evolve quickly. The methodology by which the protocol will evolve is important. I'm not going to introduce the new protocol all at once. That would likely lead to endless bike shedding and forward progress would stall. Instead, I intend to tricle out new features and diversions from the existing protocol in small, incremental changes. To support the gradual evolution of the protocol, the on-the-wire advertised protocol name contains an "exp" to denote "experimental" and a 4 digit field to capture the sub-version of the protocol. Whenever we make a BC change to the wire protocol, we can increment this version and lock out all older clients because it will appear as a completely different protocol version. This means we can incur as many breaking changes as we want. We don't have to commit to supporting any one feature or idea for a long period of time. We can even evolve the handshake mechanism, because that is defined as being an implementation detail of the negotiated protocol version! Hopefully this lowers the barrier to accepting changes to the protocol and for experimenting with "radical" ideas during its development. In core, sshpeer received most of the attention. We haven't even implemented the server bits for the new protocol in core yet. Instead, we add very primitive support to our test server, mainly just to exercise the added code paths in sshpeer. Differential Revision: # no-check-commit because of required foo_bar naming

# Copyright 21 May 2005 - (c) 2005 Jake Edge <>
# Copyright 2005-2007 Matt Mackall <>
# This software may be used and distributed according to the terms of the
# GNU General Public License version 2 or any later version.

from __future__ import absolute_import

import abc
import cgi
import struct
import sys

from .i18n import _
from . import (

stringio = util.stringio

urlerr = util.urlerr
urlreq = util.urlreq

HTTP_OK = 200

HGTYPE = 'application/mercurial-0.1'
HGTYPE2 = 'application/mercurial-0.2'
HGERRTYPE = 'application/hg-error'

# Names of the SSH protocol implementations.
SSHV1 = 'ssh-v1'
# This is advertised over the wire. Incremental the counter at the end
# to reflect BC breakages.
SSHV2 = 'exp-ssh-v2-0001'

class abstractserverproto(object):
    """abstract class that summarizes the protocol API

    Used as reference and documentation.

    __metaclass__ = abc.ABCMeta

    def name(self):
        """The name of the protocol implementation.

        Used for uniquely identifying the transport type.

    def getargs(self, args):
        """return the value for arguments in <args>

        returns a list of values (same order as <args>)"""

    def getfile(self, fp):
        """write the whole content of a file into a file like object

        The file is in the form::


        chunk size is the ascii version of the int.

    def redirect(self):
        """may setup interception for stdout and stderr

        See also the `restore` method."""

    # If the `redirect` function does install interception, the `restore`
    # function MUST be defined. If interception is not used, this function
    # MUST NOT be defined.
    # left commented here on purpose
    #def restore(self):
    #    """reinstall previous stdout and stderr and return intercepted stdout
    #    """
    #    raise NotImplementedError()

def decodevaluefromheaders(req, headerprefix):
    """Decode a long value from multiple HTTP request headers.

    Returns the value as a bytes, not a str.
    chunks = []
    i = 1
    prefix = headerprefix.upper().replace(r'-', r'_')
    while True:
        v = req.env.get(r'HTTP_%s_%d' % (prefix, i))
        if v is None:
        i += 1

    return ''.join(chunks)

class webproto(abstractserverproto):
    def __init__(self, req, ui):
        self._req = req
        self._ui = ui

    def name(self):
        return 'http'

    def getargs(self, args):
        knownargs = self._args()
        data = {}
        keys = args.split()
        for k in keys:
            if k == '*':
                star = {}
                for key in knownargs.keys():
                    if key != 'cmd' and key not in keys:
                        star[key] = knownargs[key][0]
                data['*'] = star
                data[k] = knownargs[k][0]
        return [data[k] for k in keys]

    def _args(self):
        args = util.rapply(pycompat.bytesurl, self._req.form.copy())
        postlen = int(self._req.env.get(r'HTTP_X_HGARGS_POST', 0))
        if postlen:
      , keep_blank_values=True))
            return args

        argvalue = decodevaluefromheaders(self._req, r'X-HgArg')
        args.update(cgi.parse_qs(argvalue, keep_blank_values=True))
        return args

    def getfile(self, fp):
        length = int(self._req.env[r'CONTENT_LENGTH'])
        # If httppostargs is used, we need to read Content-Length
        # minus the amount that was consumed by args.
        length -= int(self._req.env.get(r'HTTP_X_HGARGS_POST', 0))
        for s in util.filechunkiter(self._req, limit=length):

    def redirect(self):
        self._oldio = self._ui.fout, self._ui.ferr
        self._ui.ferr = self._ui.fout = stringio()

    def restore(self):
        val = self._ui.fout.getvalue()
        self._ui.ferr, self._ui.fout = self._oldio
        return val

    def _client(self):
        return 'remote:%s:%s:%s' % (
            self._req.env.get('wsgi.url_scheme') or 'http',
            urlreq.quote(self._req.env.get('REMOTE_HOST', '')),
            urlreq.quote(self._req.env.get('REMOTE_USER', '')))

    def responsetype(self, prefer_uncompressed):
        """Determine the appropriate response type and compression settings.

        Returns a tuple of (mediatype, compengine, engineopts).
        # Determine the response media type and compression engine based
        # on the request parameters.
        protocaps = decodevaluefromheaders(self._req, r'X-HgProto').split(' ')

        if '0.2' in protocaps:
            # All clients are expected to support uncompressed data.
            if prefer_uncompressed:
                return HGTYPE2, util._noopengine(), {}

            # Default as defined by wire protocol spec.
            compformats = ['zlib', 'none']
            for cap in protocaps:
                if cap.startswith('comp='):
                    compformats = cap[5:].split(',')

            # Now find an agreed upon compression format.
            for engine in wireproto.supportedcompengines(self._ui, self,
                if engine.wireprotosupport().name in compformats:
                    opts = {}
                    level = self._ui.configint('server',
                                              '%slevel' %
                    if level is not None:
                        opts['level'] = level

                    return HGTYPE2, engine, opts

            # No mutually supported compression format. Fall back to the
            # legacy protocol.

        # Don't allow untrusted settings because disabling compression or
        # setting a very high compression level could lead to flooding
        # the server's network or CPU.
        opts = {'level': self._ui.configint('server', 'zliblevel')}
        return HGTYPE, util.compengines['zlib'], opts

def iscmd(cmd):
    return cmd in wireproto.commands

def callhttp(repo, req, cmd):
    proto = webproto(req, repo.ui)

    def genversion2(gen, engine, engineopts):
        # application/mercurial-0.2 always sends a payload header
        # identifying the compression engine.
        name = engine.wireprotosupport().name
        assert 0 < len(name) < 256
        yield struct.pack('B', len(name))
        yield name

        for chunk in gen:
            yield chunk

    rsp = wireproto.dispatch(repo, proto, cmd)
    if isinstance(rsp, bytes):
        req.respond(HTTP_OK, HGTYPE, body=rsp)
        return []
    elif isinstance(rsp, wireproto.streamres_legacy):
        gen = rsp.gen
        req.respond(HTTP_OK, HGTYPE)
        return gen
    elif isinstance(rsp, wireproto.streamres):
        gen = rsp.gen

        # This code for compression should not be streamres specific. It
        # is here because we only compress streamres at the moment.
        mediatype, engine, engineopts = proto.responsetype(
        gen = engine.compressstream(gen, engineopts)

        if mediatype == HGTYPE2:
            gen = genversion2(gen, engine, engineopts)

        req.respond(HTTP_OK, mediatype)
        return gen
    elif isinstance(rsp, wireproto.pushres):
        val = proto.restore()
        rsp = '%d\n%s' % (rsp.res, val)
        req.respond(HTTP_OK, HGTYPE, body=rsp)
        return []
    elif isinstance(rsp, wireproto.pusherr):
        # drain the incoming bundle
        rsp = '0\n%s\n' % rsp.res
        req.respond(HTTP_OK, HGTYPE, body=rsp)
        return []
    elif isinstance(rsp, wireproto.ooberror):
        rsp = rsp.message
        req.respond(HTTP_OK, HGERRTYPE, body=rsp)
        return []
    raise error.ProgrammingError('hgweb.protocol internal failure', rsp)

class sshserver(abstractserverproto):
    def __init__(self, ui, repo):
        self._ui = ui
        self._repo = repo
        self._fin = ui.fin
        self._fout = ui.fout

        ui.fout = repo.ui.fout = ui.ferr

        # Prevent insertion/deletion of CRs

    def name(self):
        return 'ssh'

    def getargs(self, args):
        data = {}
        keys = args.split()
        for n in xrange(len(keys)):
            argline = self._fin.readline()[:-1]
            arg, l = argline.split()
            if arg not in keys:
                raise error.Abort(_("unexpected parameter %r") % arg)
            if arg == '*':
                star = {}
                for k in xrange(int(l)):
                    argline = self._fin.readline()[:-1]
                    arg, l = argline.split()
                    val =
                    star[arg] = val
                data['*'] = star
                val =
                data[arg] = val
        return [data[k] for k in keys]

    def getfile(self, fpout):
        count = int(self._fin.readline())
        while count:
            count = int(self._fin.readline())

    def redirect(self):

    def _sendresponse(self, v):
        self._fout.write("%d\n" % len(v))

    def _sendstream(self, source):
        write = self._fout.write
        for chunk in source.gen:

    def _sendpushresponse(self, rsp):

    def _sendpusherror(self, rsp):

    def _sendooberror(self, rsp):
        self._ui.ferr.write('%s\n-\n' % rsp.message)

    def serve_forever(self):
        while self.serve_one():

    _handlers = {
        str: _sendresponse,
        wireproto.streamres: _sendstream,
        wireproto.streamres_legacy: _sendstream,
        wireproto.pushres: _sendpushresponse,
        wireproto.pusherr: _sendpusherror,
        wireproto.ooberror: _sendooberror,

    def serve_one(self):
        cmd = self._fin.readline()[:-1]
        if cmd and cmd in wireproto.commands:
            rsp = wireproto.dispatch(self._repo, self, cmd)
            self._handlers[rsp.__class__](self, rsp)
        elif cmd:
        return cmd != ''

    def _client(self):
        client = encoding.environ.get('SSH_CLIENT', '').split(' ', 1)[0]
        return 'remote:ssh:' + client