author Martin von Zweigbergk <martinvonz@google.com>
Tue, 31 Mar 2015 15:06:55 -0700
changeset 24570 487245cbf1ab
parent 24569 5491248e148a
child 24572 b83679eb5f86
permissions -rw-r--r--
test-manifest: extract constants for binary hashes The binary hashes are used quite frequently, so let's extract constants for them so we don't have to repeat binascii.unhexlify() so often.

import binascii
import unittest
import itertools

import silenttestrunner

from mercurial import manifest as manifestmod
from mercurial import match as matchmod


HASH_1 = '1' * 40
BIN_HASH_1 = binascii.unhexlify(HASH_1)
HASH_2 = 'f' * 40
BIN_HASH_2 = binascii.unhexlify(HASH_2)
HASH_3 = '1234567890abcdef0987654321deadbeef0fcafe'
BIN_HASH_3 = binascii.unhexlify(HASH_3)
    ) % {'hash1': HASH_1,
         'flag1': '',
         'hash2': HASH_2,
         'flag2': 'l',

    ) % {'hash1': HASH_1,
         'flag1': '',
         'hash2': HASH_2,
         'flag2': 'l',
         'hash3': HASH_3,


A_HUGE_MANIFEST = ''.join(sorted(
    'file%d\0%s%s\n' % (i, h, f) for i, h, f in
                   itertools.cycle((HASH_1, HASH_2)),
                   itertools.cycle(('', 'x', 'l')))))

def parsemanifest(text):
    return manifestmod.manifestdict(text)

class testmanifest(unittest.TestCase):

    def assertIn(self, thing, container, msg=None):
        # assertIn new in 2.7, use it if available, otherwise polyfill
        sup = getattr(unittest.TestCase, 'assertIn', False)
        if sup:
            return sup(self, thing, container, msg=msg)
        if not msg:
            msg = 'Expected %r in %r' % (thing, container)
        self.assert_(thing in container, msg)

    def testEmptyManifest(self):
        m = parsemanifest(EMTPY_MANIFEST)
        self.assertEqual(0, len(m))
        self.assertEqual([], list(m))

    def testManifest(self):
        m = parsemanifest(A_SHORT_MANIFEST)
        self.assertEqual(['bar/baz/qux.py', 'foo'], list(m))
        self.assertEqual(BIN_HASH_2, m['bar/baz/qux.py'])
        self.assertEqual('l', m.flags('bar/baz/qux.py'))
        self.assertEqual(BIN_HASH_1, m['foo'])
        self.assertEqual('', m.flags('foo'))
        self.assertRaises(KeyError, lambda : m['wat'])

    def testSetItem(self):
        want = BIN_HASH_1

        m = parsemanifest(EMTPY_MANIFEST)
        m['a'] = want
        self.assertIn('a', m)
        self.assertEqual(want, m['a'])
        self.assertEqual('a\0' + HASH_1 + '\n', m.text())

        m = parsemanifest(A_SHORT_MANIFEST)
        m['a'] = want
        self.assertEqual(want, m['a'])
        self.assertEqual('a\0' + HASH_1 + '\n' + A_SHORT_MANIFEST,

    def testSetFlag(self):
        want = 'x'

        m = parsemanifest(EMTPY_MANIFEST)
        # first add a file; a file-less flag makes no sense
        m['a'] = BIN_HASH_1
        m.setflag('a', want)
        self.assertEqual(want, m.flags('a'))
        self.assertEqual('a\0' + HASH_1 + want + '\n', m.text())

        m = parsemanifest(A_SHORT_MANIFEST)
        # first add a file; a file-less flag makes no sense
        m['a'] = BIN_HASH_1
        m.setflag('a', want)
        self.assertEqual(want, m.flags('a'))
        self.assertEqual('a\0' + HASH_1 + want + '\n' + A_SHORT_MANIFEST,

    def testCopy(self):
        m = parsemanifest(A_SHORT_MANIFEST)
        m['a'] =  BIN_HASH_1
        m2 = m.copy()
        del m
        del m2 # make sure we don't double free() anything

    def testCompaction(self):
        unhex = binascii.unhexlify
        h1, h2 = unhex(HASH_1), unhex(HASH_2)
        m = parsemanifest(A_SHORT_MANIFEST)
        m['alpha'] = h1
        m['beta'] = h2
        del m['foo']
        want = 'alpha\0%s\nbar/baz/qux.py\0%sl\nbeta\0%s\n' % (
            HASH_1, HASH_2, HASH_2)
        self.assertEqual(want, m.text())
        self.assertEqual(3, len(m))
        self.assertEqual(['alpha', 'bar/baz/qux.py', 'beta'], list(m))
        self.assertEqual(h1, m['alpha'])
        self.assertEqual(h2, m['bar/baz/qux.py'])
        self.assertEqual(h2, m['beta'])
        self.assertEqual('', m.flags('alpha'))
        self.assertEqual('l', m.flags('bar/baz/qux.py'))
        self.assertEqual('', m.flags('beta'))
        self.assertRaises(KeyError, lambda : m['foo'])

    def testSetGetNodeSuffix(self):
        clean = parsemanifest(A_SHORT_MANIFEST)
        m = parsemanifest(A_SHORT_MANIFEST)
        h = m['foo']
        f = m.flags('foo')
        want = h + 'a'
        # Merge code wants to set 21-byte fake hashes at times
        m['foo'] = want
        self.assertEqual(want, m['foo'])
        self.assertEqual([('bar/baz/qux.py', BIN_HASH_2),
                          ('foo', BIN_HASH_1 + 'a')],
        # Sometimes it even tries a 22-byte fake hash, but we can
        # return 21 and it'll work out
        m['foo'] = want + '+'
        self.assertEqual(want, m['foo'])
        # make sure the suffix survives a copy
        match = matchmod.match('', '', ['re:foo'])
        m2 = m.matches(match)
        self.assertEqual(want, m2['foo'])
        self.assertEqual(1, len(m2))
        m2 = m.copy()
        self.assertEqual(want, m2['foo'])
        # suffix with iteration
        self.assertEqual([('bar/baz/qux.py', BIN_HASH_2),
                          ('foo', want)],

        # shows up in diff
        self.assertEqual({'foo': ((want, f), (h, ''))}, m.diff(clean))
        self.assertEqual({'foo': ((h, ''), (want, f))}, clean.diff(m))

    def testMatchException(self):
        m = parsemanifest(A_SHORT_MANIFEST)
        match = matchmod.match('', '', ['re:.*'])
        def filt(path):
            if path == 'foo':
                assert False
            return True
        match.matchfn = filt
        self.assertRaises(AssertionError, m.matches, match)

    def testRemoveItem(self):
        m = parsemanifest(A_SHORT_MANIFEST)
        del m['foo']
        self.assertRaises(KeyError, lambda : m['foo'])
        self.assertEqual(1, len(m))
        self.assertEqual(1, len(list(m)))
        # now restore and make sure everything works right
        m['foo'] = 'a' * 20
        self.assertEqual(2, len(m))
        self.assertEqual(2, len(list(m)))

    def testManifestDiff(self):
        MISSING = (None, '')
        addl = 'z-only-in-left\0' + HASH_1 + '\n'
        addr = 'z-only-in-right\0' + HASH_2 + 'x\n'
        left = parsemanifest(
            A_SHORT_MANIFEST.replace(HASH_1, HASH_3 + 'x') + addl)
        right = parsemanifest(A_SHORT_MANIFEST + addr)
        want = {
            'foo': ((BIN_HASH_3, 'x'),
                    (BIN_HASH_1, '')),
            'z-only-in-left': ((BIN_HASH_1, ''), MISSING),
            'z-only-in-right': (MISSING, (BIN_HASH_2, 'x')),
        self.assertEqual(want, left.diff(right))

        want = {
            'bar/baz/qux.py': (MISSING, (BIN_HASH_2, 'l')),
            'foo': (MISSING, (BIN_HASH_3, 'x')),
            'z-only-in-left': (MISSING, (BIN_HASH_1, '')),
        self.assertEqual(want, parsemanifest(EMTPY_MANIFEST).diff(left))

        want = {
            'bar/baz/qux.py': ((BIN_HASH_2, 'l'), MISSING),
            'foo': ((BIN_HASH_3, 'x'), MISSING),
            'z-only-in-left': ((BIN_HASH_1, ''), MISSING),
        self.assertEqual(want, left.diff(parsemanifest(EMTPY_MANIFEST)))
        copy = right.copy()
        del copy['z-only-in-right']
        del right['foo']
        want = {
            'foo': (MISSING, (BIN_HASH_1, '')),
            'z-only-in-right': ((BIN_HASH_2, 'x'), MISSING),
        self.assertEqual(want, right.diff(copy))

        short = parsemanifest(A_SHORT_MANIFEST)
        pruned = short.copy()
        del pruned['foo']
        want = {
            'foo': ((BIN_HASH_1, ''), MISSING),
        self.assertEqual(want, short.diff(pruned))
        want = {
            'foo': (MISSING, (BIN_HASH_1, '')),
        self.assertEqual(want, pruned.diff(short))
        want = {
            'bar/baz/qux.py': None,
            'foo': (MISSING, (BIN_HASH_1, '')),
        self.assertEqual(want, pruned.diff(short, True))

    def testReversedLines(self):
        backwards = ''.join(
            l + '\n' for l in reversed(A_SHORT_MANIFEST.split('\n')) if l)
            self.fail('Should have raised ValueError')
        except ValueError, v:
            self.assertIn('Manifest lines not in sorted order.', str(v))

    def testNoTerminalNewline(self):
            parsemanifest(A_SHORT_MANIFEST + 'wat')
            self.fail('Should have raised ValueError')
        except ValueError, v:
            self.assertIn('Manifest did not end in a newline.', str(v))

    def testNoNewLineAtAll(self):
            self.fail('Should have raised ValueError')
        except ValueError, v:
            self.assertIn('Manifest did not end in a newline.', str(v))

    def testHugeManifest(self):
        m = parsemanifest(A_HUGE_MANIFEST)
        self.assertEqual(HUGE_MANIFEST_ENTRIES, len(m))
        self.assertEqual(len(m), len(list(m)))

    def testMatchesMetadata(self):
        '''Tests matches() for a few specific files to make sure that both
        the set of files as well as their flags and nodeids are correct in
        the resulting manifest.'''
        m = parsemanifest(A_HUGE_MANIFEST)

        match = matchmod.match('/', '',
                ['file1', 'file200', 'file300'], exact=True)
        m2 = m.matches(match)

        w = ('file1\0%sx\n'
             'file300\0%s\n') % (HASH_2, HASH_1, HASH_1)
        self.assertEqual(w, m2.text())

    def testMatchesNonexistentFile(self):
        '''Tests matches() for a small set of specific files, including one
        nonexistent file to make sure in only matches against existing files.
        m = parsemanifest(A_DEEPER_MANIFEST)

        match = matchmod.match('/', '',
                ['a/b/c/bar.txt', 'a/b/d/qux.py', 'readme.txt', 'nonexistent'],
        m2 = m.matches(match)

                ['a/b/c/bar.txt', 'a/b/d/qux.py', 'readme.txt'],

    def testMatchesNonexistentDirectory(self):
        '''Tests matches() for a relpath match on a directory that doesn't
        actually exist.'''
        m = parsemanifest(A_DEEPER_MANIFEST)

        match = matchmod.match('/', '', ['a/f'], default='relpath')
        m2 = m.matches(match)

        self.assertEqual([], m2.keys())

    def testMatchesExactLarge(self):
        '''Tests matches() for files matching a large list of exact files.
        m = parsemanifest(A_HUGE_MANIFEST)

        flist = m.keys()[80:300]
        match = matchmod.match('/', '', flist, exact=True)
        m2 = m.matches(match)

        self.assertEqual(flist, m2.keys())

    def testMatchesFull(self):
        '''Tests matches() for what should be a full match.'''
        m = parsemanifest(A_DEEPER_MANIFEST)

        match = matchmod.match('/', '', [''])
        m2 = m.matches(match)

        self.assertEqual(m.keys(), m2.keys())

    def testMatchesDirectory(self):
        '''Tests matches() on a relpath match on a directory, which should
        match against all files within said directory.'''
        m = parsemanifest(A_DEEPER_MANIFEST)

        match = matchmod.match('/', '', ['a/b'], default='relpath')
        m2 = m.matches(match)

            'a/b/c/bar.py', 'a/b/c/bar.txt', 'a/b/c/foo.py', 'a/b/c/foo.txt',
            'a/b/d/baz.py', 'a/b/d/qux.py', 'a/b/d/ten.txt', 'a/b/dog.py',
            'a/b/fish.py'], m2.keys())

    def testMatchesExactPath(self):
        '''Tests matches() on an exact match on a directory, which should
        result in an empty manifest because you can't perform an exact match
        against a directory.'''
        m = parsemanifest(A_DEEPER_MANIFEST)

        match = matchmod.match('/', '', ['a/b'], exact=True)
        m2 = m.matches(match)

        self.assertEqual([], m2.keys())

    def testMatchesCwd(self):
        '''Tests matches() on a relpath match with the current directory ('.')
        when not in the root directory.'''
        m = parsemanifest(A_DEEPER_MANIFEST)

        match = matchmod.match('/', 'a/b', ['.'], default='relpath')
        m2 = m.matches(match)

            'a/b/c/bar.py', 'a/b/c/bar.txt', 'a/b/c/foo.py', 'a/b/c/foo.txt',
            'a/b/d/baz.py', 'a/b/d/qux.py', 'a/b/d/ten.txt', 'a/b/dog.py',
            'a/b/fish.py'], m2.keys())

    def testMatchesWithPattern(self):
        '''Tests matches() for files matching a pattern that reside
        deeper than the specified directory.'''
        m = parsemanifest(A_DEEPER_MANIFEST)

        match = matchmod.match('/', '', ['a/b/*/*.txt'])
        m2 = m.matches(match)

                ['a/b/c/bar.txt', 'a/b/c/foo.txt', 'a/b/d/ten.txt'],

if __name__ == '__main__':