author FUJIWARA Katsunori <foozy@lares.dti.ne.jp>
Sun, 01 Nov 2015 08:38:56 +0900
changeset 26838 47dd34f2e727
parent 19378 9de689d20230
child 28747 779addce6910
permissions -rw-r--r--
i18n: look translation of both "DEPRECATED" and "(DEPRECATED)" up Since 44cc9f63a2f1, deprecated commands, options and so on are detected by "(DEPRECATED)" instead of "DEPRECATED". "hg.pot" generated from recent source files doesn't contain msgid "DEPRECATED", and looking the translation of "DEPRECATED" up in up-to-date *.po files works incorrectly. But on the other hand, there are still old *.po files, which contain msgid "DEPRECATED" but not "(DEPRECATED)". Looking the translation of "(DEPRECATED)" up in such old *.po files also works incorrectly. This patch resolves this problem by looking translation of both "DEPRECATED" and "(DEPRECATED)" up. This should work correctly, because previous patch makes "deprecated" checker be applied only on translations, of which msgid contains exact "(DEPRECATED)" string. 'p.msgstr' examination in 'deprecatedsetup()' is needed to ignore untranslated entries. This also makes 'deprecatedpe.msgstr' examination in 'deprecated()' meaningless.

from mercurial import demandimport; demandimport.enable()
import urllib2
from mercurial import ui, util
from mercurial import url
from mercurial.error import Abort

class myui(ui.ui):
    def interactive(self):
        return False

origui = myui()

def writeauth(items):
    ui = origui.copy()
    for name, value in items.iteritems():
        ui.setconfig('auth', name, value)
    return ui

def dumpdict(dict):
    return '{' + ', '.join(['%s: %s' % (k, dict[k])
                            for k in sorted(dict.iterkeys())]) + '}'

def test(auth, urls=None):
    print 'CFG:', dumpdict(auth)
    prefixes = set()
    for k in auth:
        prefixes.add(k.split('.', 1)[0])
    for p in prefixes:
        for name in ('.username', '.password'):
            if (p + name) not in auth:
                auth[p + name] = p
    auth = dict((k, v) for k, v in auth.iteritems() if v is not None)

    ui = writeauth(auth)

    def _test(uri):
        print 'URI:', uri
            pm = url.passwordmgr(ui)
            u, authinfo = util.url(uri).authinfo()
            if authinfo is not None:
            print '    ', pm.find_user_password('test', u)
        except Abort:
            print 'abort'

    if not urls:
        urls = [
    for u in urls:

print '\n*** Test in-uri schemes\n'
test({'x.prefix': 'http://example.org'})
test({'x.prefix': 'https://example.org'})
test({'x.prefix': 'http://example.org', 'x.schemes': 'https'})
test({'x.prefix': 'https://example.org', 'x.schemes': 'http'})

print '\n*** Test separately configured schemes\n'
test({'x.prefix': 'example.org', 'x.schemes': 'http'})
test({'x.prefix': 'example.org', 'x.schemes': 'https'})
test({'x.prefix': 'example.org', 'x.schemes': 'http https'})

print '\n*** Test prefix matching\n'
test({'x.prefix': 'http://example.org/foo',
      'y.prefix': 'http://example.org/bar'})
test({'x.prefix': 'http://example.org/foo',
      'y.prefix': 'http://example.org/foo/bar'})
test({'x.prefix': '*', 'y.prefix': 'https://example.org/bar'})

print '\n*** Test user matching\n'
test({'x.prefix': 'http://example.org/foo',
      'x.username': None,
      'x.password': 'xpassword'},
test({'x.prefix': 'http://example.org/foo',
      'x.username': None,
      'x.password': 'xpassword',
      'y.prefix': 'http://example.org/foo',
      'y.username': 'y',
      'y.password': 'ypassword'},
test({'x.prefix': 'http://example.org/foo/bar',
      'x.username': None,
      'x.password': 'xpassword',
      'y.prefix': 'http://example.org/foo',
      'y.username': 'y',
      'y.password': 'ypassword'},

def testauthinfo(fullurl, authurl):
    print 'URIs:', fullurl, authurl
    pm = urllib2.HTTPPasswordMgrWithDefaultRealm()
    print pm.find_user_password('test', authurl)

print '\n*** Test urllib2 and util.url\n'
testauthinfo('http://user@example.com:8080/foo', 'http://example.com:8080/foo')