author Kyle Lippincott <spectral@google.com>
Tue, 06 Apr 2021 14:21:03 -0700
changeset 46847 47a9527731c3
parent 45771 f90a5c211251
child 46874 84a93fa7ecfd
permissions -rw-r--r--
remotefilelog: include file contents in bundles produced during strip `hg strip` and other things that use repair.strip (such as the narrow extension's `hg tracked --removeinclude`) will "save" some commits that have a higher revision number than the oldest commit we're stripping, but aren't actually descended from any of the commits that we're stripping. It saves them in a bundle, and then reapplies them to the repo. Remotefilelog doesn't generally participate in strip, it doesn't contribute files to either the backup bundle or the "saved" bundle, and doesn't adjust linknodes when commits are stripped. This can break things like push, which rely on the linknodes. This change makes it so that remotefilelog includes files in these bundles during strip operations. During reapplication, the files are reapplied from the bundle, and the linknode is properly updated. Differential Revision: https://phab.mercurial-scm.org/D10320

#require no-windows

  $ . "$TESTDIR/remotefilelog-library.sh"

  $ hg init master
  $ cd master
  $ cat >> .hg/hgrc <<EOF
  > [remotefilelog]
  > server=True
  > EOF
  $ echo x > x
  $ echo z > z
  $ hg commit -qAm x1
  $ echo x2 > x
  $ echo z2 > z
  $ hg commit -qAm x2
  $ hg bookmark foo

  $ cd ..

# prefetch a revision w/ a sparse checkout

  $ hgcloneshallow ssh://user@dummy/master shallow --noupdate
  streaming all changes
  2 files to transfer, 527 bytes of data
  transferred 527 bytes in 0.* seconds (*/sec) (glob)
  searching for changes
  no changes found
  $ cd shallow
  $ printf "[extensions]\nsparse=\n" >> .hg/hgrc

  $ hg debugsparse -I x
  $ hg prefetch -r 0
  1 files fetched over 1 fetches - (1 misses, 0.00% hit ratio) over *s (glob)

  $ hg cat -r 0 x

  $ hg debugsparse -I z
  $ hg prefetch -r 0
  1 files fetched over 1 fetches - (1 misses, 0.00% hit ratio) over *s (glob)

  $ hg cat -r 0 z

# prefetch sparse only on pull when configured

  $ printf "[remotefilelog]\npullprefetch=bookmark()\n" >> .hg/hgrc
  $ hg strip tip
  saved backup bundle to $TESTTMP/shallow/.hg/strip-backup/876b1317060d-b2e91d8d-backup.hg (glob)
  2 files fetched over 2 fetches - (2 misses, 0.00% hit ratio) over *s (glob)

  $ hg debugsparse --delete z

  $ clearcache
  $ hg pull
  pulling from ssh://user@dummy/master
  searching for changes
  adding changesets
  adding manifests
  adding file changes
  updating bookmark foo
  added 1 changesets with 0 changes to 0 files
  new changesets 876b1317060d
  (run 'hg update' to get a working copy)
  prefetching file contents
  1 files fetched over 1 fetches - (1 misses, 0.00% hit ratio) over *s (glob)

# Dont consider filtered files when doing copy tracing

## Push an unrelated commit
  $ cd ../

  $ hgcloneshallow ssh://user@dummy/master shallow2
  streaming all changes
  2 files to transfer, 527 bytes of data
  transferred 527 bytes in 0.* seconds (*) (glob)
  searching for changes
  no changes found
  updating to branch default
  2 files updated, 0 files merged, 0 files removed, 0 files unresolved
  1 files fetched over 1 fetches - (1 misses, 0.00% hit ratio) over *s (glob)
  $ cd shallow2
  $ printf "[extensions]\nsparse=\n" >> .hg/hgrc

  $ hg up -q 0
  2 files fetched over 1 fetches - (2 misses, 0.00% hit ratio) over *s (glob)
  $ touch a
  $ hg ci -Aqm a
  $ hg push -q -f

## Pull the unrelated commit and rebase onto it - verify unrelated file was not

  $ cd ../shallow
  $ hg up -q 1
  $ hg pull -q
  $ hg debugsparse -I z
  $ clearcache
  $ hg prefetch -r '. + .^' -I x -I z
  4 files fetched over 1 fetches - (4 misses, 0.00% hit ratio) over * (glob)
  $ hg rebase -d 2 --keep
  rebasing 1:876b1317060d foo "x2"