author Manuel Jacob <>
Tue, 31 May 2022 02:47:22 +0200
changeset 49299 4554e2e965e2
parent 48697 fba2d7fab11e
permissions -rwxr-xr-x
tests: assume that `raw` attribute is present on original socket file object It seems like the original socket file object is always an io.BufferedIO instance. If not, the code will fail and we should try harder to get the socket object (e.g. if the original socket file object is unbuffered, we can get the `_sock` attribute directly from it).

set -eu

if [[ "$PHABRICATOR_TOKEN" == "NO-PHAB" ]]; then
    echo 'Skipping Phabricator Step' >&2
    exit 0

revision_in_stack=`hg log \
    --rev '.#stack and ::. and topic()' \
    -T '\nONE-REV\n' \
    | grep 'ONE-REV' | wc -l`
revision_on_phab=`hg log \
    --rev '.#stack and ::. and topic() and desc("re:\nDifferential Revision: [^\n]+D\d+$")'\
    -T '\nONE-REV\n' \
    | grep 'ONE-REV' | wc -l`

if [[ $revision_in_stack -eq 0 ]]; then
    echo "stack is empty" >&2
    exit 0

if [[ $revision_on_phab -eq 0 ]]; then
    echo "no tracked diff in this stack" >&2
    exit 0

if [[ $revision_on_phab -lt $revision_in_stack ]]; then
    echo "not all stack changesets (${revision_in_stack}) have matching Phabricator Diff (${revision_on_phab})" >&2
    exit 2

if [[ "$PHABRICATOR_TOKEN" == "" ]]; then
    echo 'missing $PHABRICATOR_TOKEN variable' >&2
    echo '(use PHABRICATOR_TOKEN="NO-PHAB" to disable this step)' >&2
    exit 2

hg \
--config extensions.phabricator= \
--config phabricator.url= \
--config phabricator.callsign=HG \
--config auth.phabricator.schemes=https \
--config \
--config auth.phabricator.phabtoken=$PHABRICATOR_TOKEN \
phabsend --rev '.#stack and ::. and topic()' \