author Matt Harbison <matt_harbison@yahoo.com>
Sun, 10 Dec 2017 22:50:57 -0500
changeset 35393 4441705b7111
parent 33570 e470f12d7d05
child 39707 5abc47d4ca6b
permissions -rw-r--r--
tests: remove (glob) annotations that were only for '\' matches # skip-blame because this was mechanically rewritten the following script. I ran it on both *.t and *.py, but none of the *.py changes were proper. All *.t ones appear to be, and they run without addition failures on both Windows and Linux. import argparse import os import re ap = argparse.ArgumentParser() ap.add_argument('path', nargs='+') opts = ap.parse_args() globre = re.compile(r'^(.*) \(glob\)(.*)$') for p in opts.path: tmp = p + '.tmp' with open(p, 'rb') as src, open(tmp, 'wb') as dst: for line in src: m = globre.match(line) if not m or '$LOCALIP' in line or '*' in line: dst.write(line) continue if '?' in line[:-3] or ('?' in line[:-3] and line[-3:] != '(?)'): dst.write(line) continue dst.write(m.group(1) + m.group(2) + '\n') os.unlink(p) os.rename(tmp, p)

#require test-repo

  $ . "$TESTDIR/helpers-testrepo.sh"

Sanity check check-config.py

  $ cat > testfile.py << EOF
  > # Good
  > foo = ui.config('ui', 'username')
  > # Missing
  > foo = ui.config('ui', 'doesnotexist')
  > # Missing different type
  > foo = ui.configint('ui', 'missingint')
  > # Missing with default value
  > foo = ui.configbool('ui', 'missingbool1', default=True)
  > foo = ui.configbool('ui', 'missingbool2', False)
  > # Inconsistent values for defaults.
  > foo = ui.configint('ui', 'intdefault', default=1)
  > foo = ui.configint('ui', 'intdefault', default=42)
  > # Can suppress inconsistent value error
  > foo = ui.configint('ui', 'intdefault2', default=1)
  > # inconsistent config: ui.intdefault2
  > foo = ui.configint('ui', 'intdefault2', default=42)
  > EOF

  $ cat > files << EOF
  > mercurial/help/config.txt
  > $TESTTMP/testfile.py
  > EOF

  $ cd "$TESTDIR"/..

  $ $PYTHON contrib/check-config.py < $TESTTMP/files
  foo = ui.configint('ui', 'intdefault', default=42)
  conflict on ui.intdefault: ('int', '42') != ('int', '1')
  at $TESTTMP/testfile.py:12:
  undocumented: ui.doesnotexist (str)
  undocumented: ui.intdefault (int) [42]
  undocumented: ui.intdefault2 (int) [42]
  undocumented: ui.missingbool1 (bool) [True]
  undocumented: ui.missingbool2 (bool)
  undocumented: ui.missingint (int)

New errors are not allowed. Warnings are strongly discouraged.

  $ testrepohg files "set:(**.py or **.txt) - tests/**" | sed 's|\\|/|g' |
  >   $PYTHON contrib/check-config.py