author Pierre-Yves David <pierre-yves.david@octobus.net>
Tue, 09 Apr 2024 22:37:15 +0200
changeset 51595 3a6fae3bef35
parent 26781 1aee2ab0f902
permissions -rwxr-xr-x
outgoing: add a simple fastpath when there is no common This further speed up case like `hg bundle --all` for larger repository. ### data-env-vars.name = mozilla-try-2023-03-22-zstd-sparse-revlog # benchmark.name = hg.command.bundle # bin-env-vars.hg.flavor = default # bin-env-vars.hg.py-re2-module = default # benchmark.variants.revs = all # benchmark.variants.type = none-streamv2 before: 316.749699 after: 311.165461 (-1.76%, -5.58) There is further work to be done in this area like not doing any outgoing computation in the stream case for example. however the recent changes already gives use a large win for a small amount of local work. ### benchmark.name = hg.command.bundle # bin-env-vars.hg.flavor = default # bin-env-vars.hg.py-re2-module = default # benchmark.variants.revs = all # benchmark.variants.type = none-streamv2 ## data-env-vars.name = mercurial-public-2024-03-22-zstd-sparse-revlog pre-%ln-change: 1.263859 the-%ln-change: 0.700229 (-44.60%, -0.56) prev-changeset: 0.496050 (-60.75%, -0.77) this-changeset: 0.495243 (-60.81%, -0.77) ## data-env-vars.name = tryton-public-2024-03-22-zstd-sparse-revlog pre-%ln-change: 2.975765 the-%ln-change: 1.870798 (-37.13%, -1.10) prev-changeset: 1.461583 (-50.88%, -1.51) this-changeset: 1.469185 (-50.63%, -1.51) ## data-env-vars.name = pypy-2024-03-22-zstd-sparse-revlog pre-%ln-change: 4.540080 the-%ln-change: 3.401700 (-25.07%, -1.14) prev-changeset: 2.915810 (-35.78%, -1.62) this-changeset: 2.911643 (-35.87%, -1.63) ## data-env-vars.name = heptapod-public-2024-03-25-zstd-sparse-revlog pre-%ln-change: 10.138396 the-%ln-change: 7.750458 (-23.55%, -2.39) prev-changeset: 6.665565 (-34.25%, -3.47) this-changeset: 6.672078 (-34.19%, -3.47) ## data-env-vars.name = mozilla-try-2023-03-22-zstd-sparse-revlog pre-%ln-change: 399.484481 the-%ln-change: 346.508952 (-13.26%, -52.98) prev-changeset: 316.749699 (-20.71%, -82.73) this-changeset: 311.165461 (-22.11%, -88.32)

# This is an example of using HGEDITOR to create of diff to review the
# changes while committing.

# If you want to pass your favourite editor some other parameters
# only for Mercurial, modify this:
case "${EDITOR}" in
        EDITOR="$EDITOR -nw"
        EDITOR="$EDITOR -f -o"

cleanup_exit() {
    rm -rf "$HGTMP"

# Remove temporary files even if we get interrupted
trap "cleanup_exit" 0 # normal exit
trap "exit 255" HUP INT QUIT ABRT TERM

HGTMP=$(mktemp -d ${TMPDIR-/tmp}/hgeditor.XXXXXX)
[ x$HGTMP != x -a -d $HGTMP ] || {
  echo "Could not create temporary directory! Exiting." 1>&2
  exit 1

    grep '^HG: changed' "$1" | cut -b 13- | while read changed; do
        "$HG" diff "$changed" >> "$HGTMP/diff"

cat "$1" > "$HGTMP/msg"

MD5=$(which md5sum 2>/dev/null) || \
    MD5=$(which md5 2>/dev/null)
[ -x "${MD5}" ] && CHECKSUM=`${MD5} "$HGTMP/msg"`
if [ -s "$HGTMP/diff" ]; then
    $EDITOR "$HGTMP/msg" "$HGTMP/diff" || exit $?
    $EDITOR "$HGTMP/msg" || exit $?
[ -x "${MD5}" ] && (echo "$CHECKSUM" | ${MD5} -c >/dev/null 2>&1 && exit 13)

mv "$HGTMP/msg" "$1"

exit $?