author Anton Shestakov <>
Wed, 03 May 2023 18:17:32 -0300
changeset 50447 392e2f31444a
parent 48004 58fe6d127a01
permissions -rw-r--r--
transaction: tr._names are actually bytes, use byte string to join them Looks like this is never checked in the tests? But trying e.g. `print(tr)` by hand before this change would give: TypeError: sequence item 0: expected str instance, bytes found Looks like tr._names are always bytes (although this isn't actually enforced, but maybe at some point it will at least be type checked e.g. by pytype).

requires = ["setuptools", "wheel"]

line-length = 80
exclude = '''
| wheelhouse/
| dist/
| packages/
| \.hg/
| \.mypy_cache/
| \.venv/
| mercurial/thirdparty/
skip-string-normalization = true
quiet = true