author Anton Shestakov <>
Sun, 19 Nov 2017 14:02:50 +0800
changeset 35094 38fe3fe4bbb6
parent 35089 69ea10d5b00c
child 35131 f38c91c74294
permissions -rw-r--r--
hgweb: show instabilities of a commit In paper, coal, gitweb and monoblue a new "tag" (or multiple, if there are many instabilities) is added to the same line that has phase, branch, etc of a changeset; in gitweb and monoblue this element has a light red background, in paper and coal the element is black and underlined. In spartan theme instabilities are shown on a separate line. While test-obsolete.t uses first(phasedivergent()) revset to pick a changeset to test, that particular changeset is also an orphan, so two different instability tags are displayed.

<table class="logEntry parity{parity}">
  <th class="label"><span class="age">{date|rfc822date}</span>:</th>
  <th class="firstline">{desc|strip|firstline|escape|nonempty}</th>
  <th class="revision">changeset {rev}:</th>
  <td class="node"><a href="{url|urlescape}rev/{node|short}{sessionvars%urlparameter}">{node|short}</a></td>
  <th class="author">author:</th>
  <td class="author">{author|obfuscate}</td>
  <th class="date">date:</th>
  <td class="date">{date|rfc822date}</td>
 {ifeq(phase, 'public', '', '<tr>
  <th class="phase">phase:</th>
  <td class="phase">{phase|escape}</td>
 {if(obsolete, '<tr>
  <th class="obsolete">obsolete:</th>
  <td class="obsolete">yes</td>
 {ifeq(count(instabilities), '0', '', '<tr>
  <th class="instabilities">instabilities:</th>
  <td class="instabilities">{instabilities%"{name} "|escape}</td>
  <th class="files"><a href="{url|urlescape}file/{node|short}{sessionvars%urlparameter}">files</a>:</th>
  <td class="files">{files}</td>