author Matt Harbison <>
Tue, 06 Sep 2022 15:08:52 -0400
changeset 49490 37debd850c16
parent 39370 46f3ff64bea7
permissions -rw-r--r--
packaging: update dulwich to drop the certifi dependency on Windows The presence of `certifi` causes the system certificate store to be ignored, which was reported as a bug against TortoiseHg[1]. It was only pulled in on Windows because of `dulwich`, which was copied from the old TortoiseHg install scripts, in order to support `hg-git`. This version of `dulwich` raises the minimum `urllib3` to a version (1.25) that does certificate verification by default, without the help of `certifi`[2]. We already bundle a newer version of `urllib3`. Note that `certifi` can still be imported from the user site directory, if installed there. But the installer no longer disables the system certificates by default. [1] [2]

# Base templates. Due to name clashes with existing keywords, we have
# to replace some keywords with 'lkeyword', for 'labelled keyword'

changeset = '{cset}{branches}{bookmarks}{tags}{parents}{luser}{ldate}{ltroubles}{lobsfate}{summary}\n'
changeset_quiet = '{lnode}'
changeset_verbose = '{cset}{branches}{bookmarks}{tags}{parents}{luser}{ldate}{ltroubles}{lobsfate}{lfiles}{lfile_copies_switch}{description}\n'
changeset_debug = '{fullcset}{branches}{bookmarks}{tags}{lphase}{parents}{manifest}{luser}{ldate}{ltroubles}{lobsfate}{lfile_mods}{lfile_adds}{lfile_dels}{lfile_copies_switch}{extras}{description}\n'

# File templates
lfiles = '{if(files,
               label("ui.note log.files",
                     "files:       {files}\n"))}'

lfile_mods = '{if(file_mods,
                  label("ui.debug log.files",
                        "files:       {file_mods}\n"))}'

lfile_adds = '{if(file_adds,
                  label("ui.debug log.files",
                        "files+:      {file_adds}\n"))}'

lfile_dels = '{if(file_dels,
                  label("ui.debug log.files",
                        "files-:      {file_dels}\n"))}'

lfile_copies_switch = '{if(file_copies_switch,
                           label("ui.note log.copies",
                                 "copies:     {file_copies_switch
                                               % ' {name} ({source})'}\n"))}'

# General templates
cset = '{labelcset("changeset:   {rev}:{node|short}")}\n'
fullcset = '{labelcset("changeset:   {rev}:{node}")}\n'

lphase = '{label("log.phase",
                 "phase:       {phase}")}\n'

parent = '{label("log.parent changeset.{phase}",
                  "parent:      {rev}:{node|formatnode}")}\n'

lnode = '{label("log.node",

manifest = '{label("ui.debug log.manifest",
                   "manifest:    {rev}:{node}")}\n'

branch = '{label("log.branch",
                 "branch:      {branch}")}\n'

tag = '{label("log.tag",
              "tag:         {tag}")}\n'

bookmark = '{label("log.bookmark",
                   "bookmark:    {bookmark}")}\n'

luser = '{label("log.user",
                "user:        {author}")}\n'

summary = '{if(desc|strip, "{label('log.summary',
                                   'summary:     {desc|firstline}')}\n")}'

ldate = '{label("",
                "date:        {date|date}")}\n'

ltroubles = '{if(instabilities, "{label('log.instability',
                                   'instability: {join(instabilities, ", ")}')}\n")}'

extra = '{label("ui.debug log.extra",
                "extra:       {key}={value|stringescape}")}\n'

description = '{if(desc|strip, "{label('ui.note log.description',
                                {label('ui.note log.description',

status = '{status} {path|relpath}\n{if(source, "  {source|relpath}\n")}'

# Obsfate templates, it would be removed once we introduce the obsfate
# template fragment
lobsfate = '{if(obsfate, "{label('log.obsfate', '{obsfate % "obsolete:    {fate}\n"}')}")}'

labelcset(expr) = label(separate(" ",
                                 if(obsolete, "changeset.obsolete"),
                                 if(instabilities, "changeset.unstable"),
                                      % "instability.{instability}", " ")),