author Mads Kiilerich <madski@unity3d.com>
Tue, 26 Aug 2014 22:03:32 +0200
changeset 22300 35ab037de989
parent 22296 650b5b6e75ed
child 24395 216fa1ba9993
permissions -rw-r--r--
convert: introduce --full for converting all files Convert will normally only process files that were changed in a source revision, apply the filemap, and record it has a change in the target repository. (If it ends up not really changing anything, nothing changes.) That means that _if_ the filemap is changed before continuing an incremental convert, the change will only kick in when the files it affects are modified in a source revision and thus processed. With --full, convert will make a full conversion every time and process all files in the source repo and remove target repo files that shouldn't be there. Filemap changes will thus kick in on the first converted revision, no matter what is changed. This flag should in most cases not make any difference but will make convert significantly slower. Other names has been considered for this feature, such as "resync", "sync", "checkunmodified", "all" or "allfiles", but I found that they were less obvious and required more explanation than "full" and were harder to describe consistently.

# Perforce source for convert extension.
# Copyright 2009, Frank Kingswood <frank@kingswood-consulting.co.uk>
# This software may be used and distributed according to the terms of the
# GNU General Public License version 2 or any later version.

from mercurial import util
from mercurial.i18n import _

from common import commit, converter_source, checktool, NoRepo
import marshal
import re

def loaditer(f):
    "Yield the dictionary objects generated by p4"
        while True:
            d = marshal.load(f)
            if not d:
            yield d
    except EOFError:

class p4_source(converter_source):
    def __init__(self, ui, path, rev=None):
        super(p4_source, self).__init__(ui, path, rev=rev)

        if "/" in path and not path.startswith('//'):
            raise NoRepo(_('%s does not look like a P4 repository') % path)

        checktool('p4', abort=False)

        self.p4changes = {}
        self.heads = {}
        self.changeset = {}
        self.files = {}
        self.tags = {}
        self.lastbranch = {}
        self.parent = {}
        self.encoding = "latin_1"
        self.depotname = {}           # mapping from local name to depot name
        self.re_type = re.compile(
        self.re_keywords = re.compile(
        self.re_keywords_old = re.compile("\$(Id|Header):[^$\n]*\$")

        self._parse(ui, path)

    def _parse_view(self, path):
        "Read changes affecting the path"
        cmd = 'p4 -G changes -s submitted %s' % util.shellquote(path)
        stdout = util.popen(cmd, mode='rb')
        for d in loaditer(stdout):
            c = d.get("change", None)
            if c:
                self.p4changes[c] = True

    def _parse(self, ui, path):
        "Prepare list of P4 filenames and revisions to import"
        ui.status(_('reading p4 views\n'))

        # read client spec or view
        if "/" in path:
            if path.startswith("//") and path.endswith("/..."):
                views = {path[:-3]:""}
                views = {"//": ""}
            cmd = 'p4 -G client -o %s' % util.shellquote(path)
            clientspec = marshal.load(util.popen(cmd, mode='rb'))

            views = {}
            for client in clientspec:
                if client.startswith("View"):
                    sview, cview = clientspec[client].split()
                    if sview.endswith("...") and cview.endswith("..."):
                        sview = sview[:-3]
                        cview = cview[:-3]
                    cview = cview[2:]
                    cview = cview[cview.find("/") + 1:]
                    views[sview] = cview

        # list of changes that affect our source files
        self.p4changes = self.p4changes.keys()

        # list with depot pathnames, longest first
        vieworder = views.keys()
        vieworder.sort(key=len, reverse=True)

        # handle revision limiting
        startrev = self.ui.config('convert', 'p4.startrev', default=0)
        self.p4changes = [x for x in self.p4changes
                          if ((not startrev or int(x) >= int(startrev)) and
                              (not self.rev or int(x) <= int(self.rev)))]

        # now read the full changelists to get the list of file revisions
        ui.status(_('collecting p4 changelists\n'))
        lastid = None
        for change in self.p4changes:
            cmd = "p4 -G describe -s %s" % change
            stdout = util.popen(cmd, mode='rb')
            d = marshal.load(stdout)
            desc = self.recode(d.get("desc", ""))
            shortdesc = desc.split("\n", 1)[0]
            t = '%s %s' % (d["change"], repr(shortdesc)[1:-1])
            ui.status(util.ellipsis(t, 80) + '\n')

            if lastid:
                parents = [lastid]
                parents = []

            date = (int(d["time"]), 0)     # timezone not set
            c = commit(author=self.recode(d["user"]),
                       date=util.datestr(date, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %1%2'),
                       parents=parents, desc=desc, branch='',
                       extra={"p4": change})

            files = []
            i = 0
            while ("depotFile%d" % i) in d and ("rev%d" % i) in d:
                oldname = d["depotFile%d" % i]
                filename = None
                for v in vieworder:
                    if oldname.startswith(v):
                        filename = views[v] + oldname[len(v):]
                if filename:
                    files.append((filename, d["rev%d" % i]))
                    self.depotname[filename] = oldname
                i += 1
            self.changeset[change] = c
            self.files[change] = files
            lastid = change

        if lastid:
            self.heads = [lastid]

    def getheads(self):
        return self.heads

    def getfile(self, name, rev):
        cmd = 'p4 -G print %s' \
            % util.shellquote("%s#%s" % (self.depotname[name], rev))
        stdout = util.popen(cmd, mode='rb')

        mode = None
        contents = ""
        keywords = None

        for d in loaditer(stdout):
            code = d["code"]
            data = d.get("data")

            if code == "error":
                raise IOError(d["generic"], data)

            elif code == "stat":
                if d.get("action") == "purge":
                    return None, None
                p4type = self.re_type.match(d["type"])
                if p4type:
                    mode = ""
                    flags = (p4type.group(1) or "") + (p4type.group(3) or "")
                    if "x" in flags:
                        mode = "x"
                    if p4type.group(2) == "symlink":
                        mode = "l"
                    if "ko" in flags:
                        keywords = self.re_keywords_old
                    elif "k" in flags:
                        keywords = self.re_keywords

            elif code == "text" or code == "binary":
                contents += data

        if mode is None:
            return None, None

        if keywords:
            contents = keywords.sub("$\\1$", contents)
        if mode == "l" and contents.endswith("\n"):
            contents = contents[:-1]

        return contents, mode

    def getchanges(self, rev, full):
        if full:
            raise util.Abort(_("convert from p4 do not support --full"))
        return self.files[rev], {}

    def getcommit(self, rev):
        return self.changeset[rev]

    def gettags(self):
        return self.tags

    def getchangedfiles(self, rev, i):
        return sorted([x[0] for x in self.files[rev]])