author FUJIWARA Katsunori <foozy@lares.dti.ne.jp>
Wed, 31 Dec 2014 17:55:43 +0900
changeset 23709 33e5431684c0
parent 23700 a4958cdb2202
child 23711 1e6fb8db666e
permissions -rw-r--r--
context: make unknown/ignored/clean of cached status empty for equivalence Before this patch, "workingctx.status" caches the result of "dirstate.status" directly into "self._status". But "dirstate.status" is invoked with False "list*" arguments in normal "self._status" accessing route, and this makes "unknown"/"ignored"/"clean" of status empty. This may cause unexpected result of code paths internally accessing to them (accessors for external usage are already removed by previous patch). This patch makes "unknown"/"ignored"/"clean" of cached status empty for equivalence. Making them empty is executed only when at least one of "unknown", "ignored" or "clean" has files, for efficiency.

import os
from mercurial import hg, ui, context, encoding

u = ui.ui()

repo = hg.repository(u, 'test1', create=1)

# create 'foo' with fixed time stamp
f = open('foo', 'wb')
os.utime('foo', (1000, 1000))

# add+commit 'foo'
repo.commit(text='commit1', date="0 0")

print "workingfilectx.date =", repo[None]['foo'].date()

# test memctx with non-ASCII commit message

def filectxfn(repo, memctx, path):
    return context.memfilectx(repo, "foo", "")

ctx = context.memctx(repo, ['tip', None],
                     ["foo"], filectxfn)
for enc in "ASCII", "Latin-1", "UTF-8":
    encoding.encoding = enc
    print "%-8s: %s" % (enc, repo["tip"].description())

# test performing a status

def getfilectx(repo, memctx, f):
    fctx = memctx.parents()[0][f]
    data, flags = fctx.data(), fctx.flags()
    if f == 'foo':
        data += 'bar\n'
    return context.memfilectx(repo, f, data, 'l' in flags, 'x' in flags)

ctxa = repo.changectx(0)
ctxb = context.memctx(repo, [ctxa.node(), None], "test diff", ["foo"],
                      getfilectx, ctxa.user(), ctxa.date())

print ctxb.status(ctxa)

# test performing a diff on a memctx

for d in ctxb.diff(ctxa, git=True):
    print d

# test safeness and correctness of "cxt.status()"
print '= checking context.status():'

# ancestor "wcctx ~ 2"
actx2 = repo['.']

repo.wwrite('bar-m', 'bar-m\n', '')
repo.wwrite('bar-r', 'bar-r\n', '')
repo[None].add(['bar-m', 'bar-r'])
repo.commit(text='add bar-m, bar-r', date="0 0")

# ancestor "wcctx ~ 1"
actx1 = repo['.']

repo.wwrite('bar-m', 'bar-m bar-m\n', '')
repo.wwrite('bar-a', 'bar-a\n', '')

# status at this point:
#   M bar-m
#   A bar-a
#   R bar-r
#   C foo

from mercurial import scmutil

print '== checking workingctx.status:'

wctx = repo[None]
print 'wctx._status=%s' % (str(wctx._status))

print '=== with "pattern match":'
print actx1.status(other=wctx,
                   match=scmutil.matchfiles(repo, ['bar-m', 'foo']))
print 'wctx._status=%s' % (str(wctx._status))
print actx2.status(other=wctx,
                   match=scmutil.matchfiles(repo, ['bar-m', 'foo']))
print 'wctx._status=%s' % (str(wctx._status))

print '=== with "always match" and "listclean=True":'
print actx1.status(other=wctx, listclean=True)
print 'wctx._status=%s' % (str(wctx._status))
print actx2.status(other=wctx, listclean=True)
print 'wctx._status=%s' % (str(wctx._status))