author Jun Wu <quark@fb.com>
Fri, 13 Oct 2017 14:08:14 -0700
changeset 35287 3398603c5621
parent 34865 a0100f34e20b
child 35385 469b06b4c3ca
permissions -rw-r--r--
rebase: enable multidest by default This was intended to be done by D470. But there was a minor documentation issue. The feature is quite usable now so it gets formally documented and enabled. There is no behavior change for people not using the `SRC` or `ALLSRC` in rebase destination revset. .. feature:: Rebase with different destination per source revision Previously, rebase only supports one unique destination. Now ``SRC`` and ``ALLSRC`` can be used in rebase destination revset to precisely define destination per each individual source revision. For example, the following command could move some orphaned changesets to reasonable new places so they become no longer orphaned:: hg rebase -r 'orphan()-obsolete()' -d 'max((successors(max(roots(ALLSRC) & ::SRC)^)-obsolete())::)' Differential Revision: https://phab.mercurial-scm.org/D1063

Require a destination
  $ cat >> $HGRCPATH <<EOF
  > [extensions]
  > rebase =
  > [commands]
  > rebase.requiredest = True
  > EOF
  $ hg init repo
  $ cd repo
  $ echo a >> a
  $ hg commit -qAm aa
  $ echo b >> b
  $ hg commit -qAm bb
  $ hg up ".^"
  0 files updated, 0 files merged, 1 files removed, 0 files unresolved
  $ echo c >> c
  $ hg commit -qAm cc
  $ hg rebase
  abort: you must specify a destination
  (use: hg rebase -d REV)
  $ hg rebase -d 1
  rebasing 2:5db65b93a12b "cc" (tip)
  saved backup bundle to $TESTTMP/repo/.hg/strip-backup/5db65b93a12b-4fb789ec-rebase.hg (glob)
  $ hg rebase -d 0 -r . -q
  $ HGPLAIN=1 hg rebase
  rebasing 2:889b0bc6a730 "cc" (tip)
  saved backup bundle to $TESTTMP/repo/.hg/strip-backup/889b0bc6a730-41ec4f81-rebase.hg (glob)
  $ hg rebase -d 0 -r . -q
  $ hg --config commands.rebase.requiredest=False rebase
  rebasing 2:279de9495438 "cc" (tip)
  saved backup bundle to $TESTTMP/repo/.hg/strip-backup/279de9495438-ab0a5128-rebase.hg (glob)

Requiring dest should not break continue or other rebase options
  $ hg up 1 -q
  $ echo d >> c
  $ hg commit -qAm dc
  $ hg log -G -T '{rev} {desc}'
  @  3 dc
  | o  2 cc
  o  1 bb
  o  0 aa
  $ hg rebase -d 2
  rebasing 3:0537f6b50def "dc" (tip)
  merging c
  warning: conflicts while merging c! (edit, then use 'hg resolve --mark')
  unresolved conflicts (see hg resolve, then hg rebase --continue)
  $ echo d > c
  $ hg resolve --mark --all
  (no more unresolved files)
  continue: hg rebase --continue
  $ hg rebase --continue
  rebasing 3:0537f6b50def "dc" (tip)
  saved backup bundle to $TESTTMP/repo/.hg/strip-backup/0537f6b50def-be4c7386-rebase.hg (glob)

  $ cd ..

Check rebase.requiredest interaction with pull --rebase
  $ hg clone repo clone
  updating to branch default
  3 files updated, 0 files merged, 0 files removed, 0 files unresolved
  $ cd repo
  $ echo e > e
  $ hg commit -qAm ee
  $ cd ..
  $ cd clone
  $ echo f > f
  $ hg commit -qAm ff
  $ hg pull --rebase
  abort: rebase destination required by configuration
  (use hg pull followed by hg rebase -d DEST)

Setup rebase with multiple destinations

  $ cd $TESTTMP

  $ cat >> $TESTTMP/maprevset.py <<EOF
  > from __future__ import absolute_import
  > from mercurial import registrar, revset, revsetlang, smartset
  > revsetpredicate = registrar.revsetpredicate()
  > cache = {}
  > @revsetpredicate('map')
  > def map(repo, subset, x):
  >     """(set, mapping)"""
  >     setarg, maparg = revsetlang.getargs(x, 2, 2, '')
  >     rset = revset.getset(repo, smartset.fullreposet(repo), setarg)
  >     mapstr = revsetlang.getstring(maparg, '')
  >     map = dict(a.split(':') for a in mapstr.split(','))
  >     rev = rset.first()
  >     desc = repo[rev].description()
  >     newdesc = map.get(desc)
  >     if newdesc == 'null':
  >         revs = [-1]
  >     else:
  >         query = revsetlang.formatspec('desc(%s)', newdesc)
  >         revs = repo.revs(query)
  >     return smartset.baseset(revs)
  > EOF

  $ cat >> $HGRCPATH <<EOF
  > [ui]
  > allowemptycommit=1
  > [extensions]
  > drawdag=$TESTDIR/drawdag.py
  > [phases]
  > publish=False
  > [alias]
  > tglog = log -G --template "{rev}: {desc} {instabilities}" -r 'sort(all(), topo)'
  > [extensions]
  > maprevset=$TESTTMP/maprevset.py
  > [experimental]
  > evolution=true
  > EOF

  $ rebasewithdag() {
  >   N=`$PYTHON -c "print($N+1)"`
  >   hg init repo$N && cd repo$N
  >   hg debugdrawdag
  >   hg rebase "$@" > _rebasetmp
  >   r=$?
  >   grep -v 'saved backup bundle' _rebasetmp
  >   [ $r -eq 0 ] && rm -f .hg/localtags && hg tglog
  >   cd ..
  >   return $r
  > }

Destination resolves to an empty set:

  $ rebasewithdag -s B -d 'SRC - SRC' <<'EOS'
  > C
  > |
  > B
  > |
  > A
  > EOS
  nothing to rebase - empty destination

Multiple destinations and --collapse are not compatible:

  $ rebasewithdag -s C+E -d 'SRC^^' --collapse <<'EOS'
  > C F
  > | |
  > B E
  > | |
  > A D
  > EOS
  abort: --collapse does not work with multiple destinations

Multiple destinations cannot be used with --base:

  $ rebasewithdag -b B+E -d 'SRC^^' --collapse <<'EOS'
  > B E
  > | |
  > A D
  > EOS
  abort: unknown revision 'SRC'!

Rebase to null should work:

  $ rebasewithdag -r A+C+D -d 'null' <<'EOS'
  > C D
  > | |
  > A B
  > EOS
  already rebased 0:426bada5c675 "A" (A)
  already rebased 2:dc0947a82db8 "C" (C)
  rebasing 3:004dc1679908 "D" (D tip)
  o  4: D
  o  2: C
  | o  1: B
  o  0: A
Destination resolves to multiple changesets:

  $ rebasewithdag -s B -d 'ALLSRC+SRC' <<'EOS'
  > C
  > |
  > B
  > |
  > Z
  > EOS
  abort: rebase destination for f0a671a46792 is not unique

Destination is an ancestor of source:

  $ rebasewithdag -s B -d 'SRC' <<'EOS'
  > C
  > |
  > B
  > |
  > Z
  > EOS
  abort: source and destination form a cycle

Switch roots:

  $ rebasewithdag -s 'all() - roots(all())' -d 'roots(all()) - ::SRC' <<'EOS'
  > C  F
  > |  |
  > B  E
  > |  |
  > A  D
  > EOS
  rebasing 2:112478962961 "B" (B)
  rebasing 4:26805aba1e60 "C" (C)
  rebasing 3:cd488e83d208 "E" (E)
  rebasing 5:0069ba24938a "F" (F tip)
  o  9: F
  o  8: E
  | o  7: C
  | |
  | o  6: B
  | |
  | o  1: D
  o  0: A
Different destinations for merge changesets with a same root:

  $ rebasewithdag -s B -d '((parents(SRC)-B-A)::) - (::ALLSRC)' <<'EOS'
  > C G
  > |\|
  > | F
  > |
  > B E
  > |\|
  > A D
  > EOS
  rebasing 3:a4256619d830 "B" (B)
  rebasing 6:8e139e245220 "C" (C tip)
  o    8: C
  | o    7: B
  | |\
  o | |  5: G
  | | |
  | | o  4: E
  | | |
  o | |  2: F
   / /
  | o  1: D
  o  0: A
Move to a previous parent:

  $ rebasewithdag -s E+F+G -d 'SRC^^' <<'EOS'
  >     H
  >     |
  >   D G
  >   |/
  >   C F
  >   |/
  >   B E  # E will be ignored, since E^^ is empty
  >   |/
  >   A
  > EOS
  rebasing 4:33441538d4aa "F" (F)
  rebasing 6:cf43ad9da869 "G" (G)
  rebasing 7:eef94f3b5f03 "H" (H tip)
  o  10: H
  | o  5: D
  o  3: C
  | o  9: G
  o  1: B
  | o  8: F
  | o  2: E
  o  0: A
Source overlaps with destination:

  $ rebasewithdag -s 'B+C+D' -d 'map(SRC, "B:C,C:D")' <<'EOS'
  > B C D
  >  \|/
  >   A
  > EOS
  rebasing 2:dc0947a82db8 "C" (C)
  rebasing 1:112478962961 "B" (B)
  o  5: B
  o  4: C
  o  3: D
  o  0: A
Detect cycles early:

  $ rebasewithdag -r 'all()-Z' -d 'map(SRC, "A:B,B:C,C:D,D:B")' <<'EOS'
  > A B C
  >  \|/
  >   | D
  >   |/
  >   Z
  > EOS
  abort: source and destination form a cycle

Detect source is ancestor of dest in runtime:

  $ rebasewithdag -r 'C+B' -d 'map(SRC, "C:B,B:D")' -q <<'EOS'
  >   D
  >   |
  > B C
  >  \|
  >   A
  > EOS
  abort: source is ancestor of destination

"Already rebased" fast path still works:

  $ rebasewithdag -r 'all()' -d 'SRC^' <<'EOS'
  >   E F
  >  /| |
  > B C D
  >  \|/
  >   A
  > EOS
  already rebased 1:112478962961 "B" (B)
  already rebased 2:dc0947a82db8 "C" (C)
  already rebased 3:b18e25de2cf5 "D" (D)
  already rebased 4:312782b8f06e "E" (E)
  already rebased 5:ad6717a6a58e "F" (F tip)
  o  5: F
  o  3: D
  | o    4: E
  | |\
  +---o  2: C
  | |
  | o  1: B
  o  0: A
Massively rewrite the DAG:

  $ rebasewithdag -r 'all()' -d 'map(SRC, "A:I,I:null,H:A,B:J,J:C,C:H,D:E,F:G,G:K,K:D,E:B")' <<'EOS'
  > D G K
  > | | |
  > C F J
  > | | |
  > B E I
  >  \| |
  >   A H
  > EOS
  rebasing 4:701514e1408d "I" (I)
  rebasing 0:426bada5c675 "A" (A)
  rebasing 1:e7050b6e5048 "H" (H)
  rebasing 5:26805aba1e60 "C" (C)
  rebasing 7:cf89f86b485b "J" (J)
  rebasing 2:112478962961 "B" (B)
  rebasing 3:7fb047a69f22 "E" (E)
  rebasing 8:f585351a92f8 "D" (D)
  rebasing 10:ae41898d7875 "K" (K tip)
  rebasing 9:711f53bbef0b "G" (G)
  rebasing 6:64a8289d2492 "F" (F)
  o  21: F
  o  20: G
  o  19: K
  o  18: D
  o  17: E
  o  16: B
  o  15: J
  o  14: C
  o  13: H
  o  12: A
  o  11: I
Resolve instability:

  $ rebasewithdag <<'EOF' -r 'orphan()-obsolete()' -d 'max((successors(max(roots(ALLSRC) & ::SRC)^)-obsolete())::)'
  >      F2
  >      |
  >    J E E2
  >    | |/
  > I2 I | E3
  >   \| |/
  >    H | G
  >    | | |
  >   B2 D F
  >    | |/         # rebase: B -> B2
  >    N C          # amend: E -> E2
  >    | |          # amend: E2 -> E3
  >    M B          # rebase: F -> F2
  >     \|          # amend: I -> I2
  >      A
  > EOF
  rebasing 16:5c432343bf59 "J" (J tip)
  rebasing 3:26805aba1e60 "C" (C)
  rebasing 6:f585351a92f8 "D" (D)
  rebasing 10:ffebc37c5d0b "E3" (E3)
  rebasing 13:fb184bcfeee8 "F2" (F2)
  rebasing 11:dc838ab4c0da "G" (G)
  o  22: G
  o  21: F2
  o  20: E3
  o  19: D
  o  18: C
  o  17: J
  o  15: I2
  o  12: H
  o  5: B2
  o  4: N
  o  2: M
  o  0: A