author Pierre-Yves David <>
Fri, 01 Aug 2014 13:01:35 -0700
changeset 21973 3178e4989202
parent 6365 1d3eb332f3cb
permissions -rwxr-xr-x
status: do not reverse deleted and unknown When reversing a status, trading "added" and "removed" make sense. Reversing "deleted" and "unknown" does not. We stop doing it. The reversing is documented in place for the poor soul not even able to remember the index of all status elements by heart.

#!/usr/bin/env python
# Wrapper script around the hgext extension
# for foreign SCM conversion to mercurial format.

import sys
from mercurial import ui, fancyopts
from hgext import convert

# Options extracted from the cmdtable
func, options, help = convert.cmdtable['convert']

# An ui instance
u = ui.ui()

opts = {}
args = []
    args = list(fancyopts.fancyopts(sys.argv[1:], options, opts))
    args += [None]*(3 - len(args))
    src, dest, revmapfile = args
except (fancyopts.getopt.GetoptError, ValueError), inst:
    u.warn('Usage:\n%s\n' % help)

convert.convert(u, src, dest, revmapfile, **opts)