author Nicolas Venegas <>
Wed, 09 Nov 2011 16:55:59 -0800
changeset 15462 2b1ec74c961f
parent 13382 d747774ca9da
child 17191 5884812686f7
permissions -rw-r--r--
mdiff/patch: fix bad hunk handling for unified diffs with zero context Prior to this patch "hg diff -U0", i.e., zero lines of context, would output hunk headers with a start line one greater than what GNU patch and git output. Guido van Rossum documents the unified diff format[1] as having a start line value "one lower than one would expect" for zero length hunks. Comparing the behaviour of the three systems prior to this patch in transforming c1 c3 to c1 c2 c3 - GNU "diff -U0" reports the hunk as "@@ -1,0 +2 @@" - "git diff -U0" reports the hunk as "@@ -1,0 +2 @@" - "hg diff -U0" reports the hunk as "@@ -2,0 +2,1 @@" After this patch, "hg diff -U0" reports "@@ -1,0 +2,1 @@". Since "hg export --config diff.unified=0" outputs zero-context unified diffs, "hg import" has also been updated to account for start lines one less than expected for zero length hunk ranges. [1]:

# - repository base classes for mercurial
# Copyright 2005, 2006 Matt Mackall <>
# Copyright 2006 Vadim Gelfer <>
# This software may be used and distributed according to the terms of the
# GNU General Public License version 2 or any later version.

from i18n import _
import error

class repository(object):
    def capable(self, name):
        '''tell whether repo supports named capability.
        return False if not supported.
        if boolean capability, return True.
        if string capability, return string.'''
        if name in self.capabilities:
            return True
        name_eq = name + '='
        for cap in self.capabilities:
            if cap.startswith(name_eq):
                return cap[len(name_eq):]
        return False

    def requirecap(self, name, purpose):
        '''raise an exception if the given capability is not present'''
        if not self.capable(name):
            raise error.CapabilityError(
                _('cannot %s; remote repository does not '
                  'support the %r capability') % (purpose, name))

    def local(self):
        return False

    def cancopy(self):
        return self.local()

    def close(self):