author Pierre-Yves David <>
Thu, 16 Oct 2014 14:46:37 -0700
changeset 23002 2920a96f5839
parent 15475 85cba926cb59
child 26421 4b0fc75f9403
permissions -rw-r--r--
obsstore: record data as floating point in fm0 format For python struct module, "d" is double. But for python string formating, "d" is integer. We want to preserve the floating point nature of the data, so we store it in the metadata as floating point. We use "%r" to make sure we get as many significant digitis as necessary to restore the float to the exact same value on the other side. The fm1 is transmitting the information as float. The lack of this made fm1-stored markers not survive a round-trip to fm0 leading to duplicated markers (or two markers very alike).

# An example WSGI for use with mod_wsgi, edit as necessary
# See for more information

# Path to repo or hgweb config to serve (see 'hg help hgweb')
config = "/path/to/repo/or/config"

# Uncomment and adjust if Mercurial is not installed system-wide
# (consult "installed modules" path from 'hg debuginstall'):
#import sys; sys.path.insert(0, "/path/to/python/lib")

# Uncomment to send python tracebacks to the browser if an error occurs:
#import cgitb; cgitb.enable()

# enable demandloading to reduce startup time
from mercurial import demandimport; demandimport.enable()

from mercurial.hgweb import hgweb
application = hgweb(config)