author Pierre-Yves David <pierre-yves.david@ens-lyon.org>
Sat, 30 Apr 2016 18:39:39 +0200
changeset 29044 261c25372959
parent 28627 d7af9b4ae7dd
child 30725 c2bd2f77965b
permissions -rw-r--r--
rebase: restrict rebase destination to the pulled set (issue5214) Before this patch, `hg pull --rebase` would be a strict sequence of `hg pull` followed by `hg rebase` if anything was pulled. Now that rebase pick his default destination the same way than merge, than `hg rebase` step would abort in the case the repo already had multiple anonymous heads (because of the ambiguity). (changed in fac3a24be50e) The intend of the user with `hg pull --rebase` is clearly to rebase on pulled content. This used to be (mostly) enforced by the former default destination for rebase, "tipmost changeset of the branch" as the tipmost would likely a changeset that just got pulled. But this intended was no longer enforced with the new defaul destination (unified with merge). This changeset makes use of the '_destspace' mechanism introduced in the previous changeset to enforce this. This partially fixes issue5214 as no change at all have been made to the new handling of the case with bookmark (unified with merge).

  $ cat >> $HGRCPATH <<EOF
  > [extensions]
  > rebase=
  > [alias]
  > tglog = log -G --template "{rev}: '{desc}' {branches}\n"
  > EOF

  $ hg init a
  $ cd a

  $ echo C1 > C1
  $ hg ci -Am C1
  adding C1

  $ echo C2 > C2
  $ hg ci -Am C2
  adding C2

  $ cd ..

  $ hg clone a b
  updating to branch default
  2 files updated, 0 files merged, 0 files removed, 0 files unresolved

  $ hg clone a c
  updating to branch default
  2 files updated, 0 files merged, 0 files removed, 0 files unresolved

  $ cd b

  $ echo L1 > L1
  $ hg ci -Am L1
  adding L1

  $ cd ../a

  $ echo R1 > R1
  $ hg ci -Am R1
  adding R1

  $ cd ../b

Now b has one revision to be pulled from a:

  $ hg pull --rebase
  pulling from $TESTTMP/a (glob)
  searching for changes
  adding changesets
  adding manifests
  adding file changes
  added 1 changesets with 1 changes to 1 files (+1 heads)
  rebasing 2:ff8d69a621f9 "L1"
  saved backup bundle to $TESTTMP/b/.hg/strip-backup/ff8d69a621f9-160fa373-backup.hg (glob)

  $ hg tglog
  @  3: 'L1'
  o  2: 'R1'
  o  1: 'C2'
  o  0: 'C1'

  $ hg pull --rebase
  pulling from $TESTTMP/a (glob)
  searching for changes
  no changes found

Invoke pull --rebase and nothing to rebase:

  $ cd ../c

  $ hg book norebase
  $ hg pull --rebase
  pulling from $TESTTMP/a (glob)
  searching for changes
  adding changesets
  adding manifests
  adding file changes
  added 1 changesets with 1 changes to 1 files
  nothing to rebase - updating instead
  1 files updated, 0 files merged, 0 files removed, 0 files unresolved
  updating bookmark norebase

  $ hg tglog -l 1
  @  2: 'R1'

pull --rebase --update should ignore --update:

  $ hg pull --rebase --update
  pulling from $TESTTMP/a (glob)
  searching for changes
  no changes found

pull --rebase doesn't update if nothing has been pulled:

  $ hg up -q 1

  $ hg pull --rebase
  pulling from $TESTTMP/a (glob)
  searching for changes
  no changes found

  $ hg tglog -l 1
  o  2: 'R1'

  $ cd ..

pull --rebase works when a specific revision is pulled (issue3619)

  $ cd a
  $ hg tglog
  @  2: 'R1'
  o  1: 'C2'
  o  0: 'C1'
  $ echo R2 > R2
  $ hg ci -Am R2
  adding R2
  $ echo R3 > R3
  $ hg ci -Am R3
  adding R3
  $ cd ../c
  $ hg tglog
  o  2: 'R1'
  @  1: 'C2'
  o  0: 'C1'
  $ echo L1 > L1
  $ hg ci -Am L1
  adding L1
  created new head
  $ hg pull --rev tip --rebase
  pulling from $TESTTMP/a (glob)
  searching for changes
  adding changesets
  adding manifests
  adding file changes
  added 2 changesets with 2 changes to 2 files
  rebasing 3:ff8d69a621f9 "L1"
  saved backup bundle to $TESTTMP/c/.hg/strip-backup/ff8d69a621f9-160fa373-backup.hg (glob)
  $ hg tglog
  @  5: 'L1'
  o  4: 'R3'
  o  3: 'R2'
  o  2: 'R1'
  o  1: 'C2'
  o  0: 'C1'
pull --rebase works with bundle2 turned on

  $ cd ../a
  $ echo R4 > R4
  $ hg ci -Am R4
  adding R4
  $ hg tglog
  @  5: 'R4'
  o  4: 'R3'
  o  3: 'R2'
  o  2: 'R1'
  o  1: 'C2'
  o  0: 'C1'
  $ cd ../c
  $ hg pull --rebase
  pulling from $TESTTMP/a (glob)
  searching for changes
  adding changesets
  adding manifests
  adding file changes
  added 1 changesets with 1 changes to 1 files (+1 heads)
  rebasing 5:518d153c0ba3 "L1"
  saved backup bundle to $TESTTMP/c/.hg/strip-backup/518d153c0ba3-73407f14-backup.hg (glob)
  $ hg tglog
  @  6: 'L1'
  o  5: 'R4'
  o  4: 'R3'
  o  3: 'R2'
  o  2: 'R1'
  o  1: 'C2'
  o  0: 'C1'

pull --rebase only update if there is nothing to rebase

  $ cd ../a
  $ echo R5 > R5
  $ hg ci -Am R5
  adding R5
  $ hg tglog
  @  6: 'R5'
  o  5: 'R4'
  o  4: 'R3'
  o  3: 'R2'
  o  2: 'R1'
  o  1: 'C2'
  o  0: 'C1'
  $ cd ../c
  $ echo L2 > L2
  $ hg ci -Am L2
  adding L2
  $ hg up 'desc(L1)'
  0 files updated, 0 files merged, 1 files removed, 0 files unresolved
  $ hg pull --rebase
  pulling from $TESTTMP/a (glob)
  searching for changes
  adding changesets
  adding manifests
  adding file changes
  added 1 changesets with 1 changes to 1 files (+1 heads)
  rebasing 6:0d0727eb7ce0 "L1"
  rebasing 7:c1f58876e3bf "L2"
  saved backup bundle to $TESTTMP/c/.hg/strip-backup/0d0727eb7ce0-ef61ccb2-backup.hg (glob)
  $ hg tglog
  o  8: 'L2'
  @  7: 'L1'
  o  6: 'R5'
  o  5: 'R4'
  o  4: 'R3'
  o  3: 'R2'
  o  2: 'R1'
  o  1: 'C2'
  o  0: 'C1'

pull --rebase update (no rebase) use proper update:

- warn about other head.

  $ cd ../a
  $ echo R6 > R6
  $ hg ci -Am R6
  adding R6
  $ cd ../c
  $ hg up 'desc(R5)'
  0 files updated, 0 files merged, 1 files removed, 0 files unresolved
  $ hg pull --rebase
  pulling from $TESTTMP/a (glob)
  searching for changes
  adding changesets
  adding manifests
  adding file changes
  added 1 changesets with 1 changes to 1 files (+1 heads)
  nothing to rebase - updating instead
  1 files updated, 0 files merged, 0 files removed, 0 files unresolved
  1 other heads for branch "default"
  $ hg tglog
  @  9: 'R6'
  | o  8: 'L2'
  | |
  | o  7: 'L1'
  o  6: 'R5'
  o  5: 'R4'
  o  4: 'R3'
  o  3: 'R2'
  o  2: 'R1'
  o  1: 'C2'
  o  0: 'C1'

Multiple pre-existing heads on the branch

Pull bring content, but nothing on the current branch, we should not consider
pre-existing heads.

  $ cd ../a
  $ hg branch unrelatedbranch
  marked working directory as branch unrelatedbranch
  (branches are permanent and global, did you want a bookmark?)
  $ echo B1 > B1
  $ hg commit -Am B1
  adding B1
  $ cd ../c
  $ hg up 'desc(L2)'
  2 files updated, 0 files merged, 1 files removed, 0 files unresolved
  $ hg pull --rebase
  pulling from $TESTTMP/a (glob)
  searching for changes
  adding changesets
  adding manifests
  adding file changes
  added 1 changesets with 1 changes to 1 files
  nothing to rebase

There is two local heads and we pull a third one.
The second local head should not confuse the `hg pull rebase`.

  $ hg up 'desc(R6)'
  1 files updated, 0 files merged, 2 files removed, 0 files unresolved
  $ echo M1 > M1
  $ hg commit -Am M1
  adding M1
  $ cd ../a
  $ hg up 'desc(R6)'
  0 files updated, 0 files merged, 1 files removed, 0 files unresolved
  $ echo R7 > R7
  $ hg commit -Am R7
  adding R7
  $ cd ../c
  $ hg up 'desc(L2)'
  2 files updated, 0 files merged, 2 files removed, 0 files unresolved
  $ hg pull --rebase
  pulling from $TESTTMP/a (glob)
  searching for changes
  adding changesets
  adding manifests
  adding file changes
  added 1 changesets with 1 changes to 1 files (+1 heads)
  rebasing 7:864e0a2d2614 "L1"
  rebasing 8:6dc0ea5dcf55 "L2"
  saved backup bundle to $TESTTMP/c/.hg/strip-backup/864e0a2d2614-2f72c89c-backup.hg (glob)
  $ hg tglog
  @  12: 'L2'
  o  11: 'L1'
  o  10: 'R7'
  | o  9: 'M1'
  | o  8: 'B1' unrelatedbranch
  o  7: 'R6'
  o  6: 'R5'
  o  5: 'R4'
  o  4: 'R3'
  o  3: 'R2'
  o  2: 'R1'
  o  1: 'C2'
  o  0: 'C1'