author Siddharth Agarwal <>
Wed, 25 Nov 2015 14:25:33 -0800
changeset 27137 25e4b2f000c5
parent 16683 525fdb738975
child 27359 a56c47ed3885
permissions -rw-r--r--
merge: move almost all change/delete conflicts to resolve phase (BC) (API) We have finally laid all the groundwork to make this happen. The only change/delete conflicts that haven't been moved are .hgsubstate conflicts. Those are trickier to deal with and well outside the scope of this series. We add comprehensive testing not just for the initial selections but also for re-resolves and all possible dirstate transitions caused by merge tools. That testing managed to shake out several bugs in the way we were handling dirstate transitions. The other test changes are because we now treat change/delete conflicts as proper merges, and increment the 'merged' counter rather than the 'updated' counter. I believe this is the right approach here. For third-party extensions, if they're interacting with filemerge code they might have to deal with an absentfilectx rather than a regular filectx. Still to come: - add a 'leave unresolved' option to merges - change the default for non-interactive change/delete conflicts to be 'leave unresolved' - add debug output to go alongside debug outputs for binary and symlink file merges

# - mechanisms for finding similar files
# Copyright 2005-2007 Matt Mackall <>
# This software may be used and distributed according to the terms of the
# GNU General Public License version 2 or any later version.

from i18n import _
import util
import mdiff
import bdiff

def _findexactmatches(repo, added, removed):
    '''find renamed files that have no changes

    Takes a list of new filectxs and a list of removed filectxs, and yields
    (before, after) tuples of exact matches.
    numfiles = len(added) + len(removed)

    # Get hashes of removed files.
    hashes = {}
    for i, fctx in enumerate(removed):
        repo.ui.progress(_('searching for exact renames'), i, total=numfiles)
        h = util.sha1(
        hashes[h] = fctx

    # For each added file, see if it corresponds to a removed file.
    for i, fctx in enumerate(added):
        repo.ui.progress(_('searching for exact renames'), i + len(removed),
        h = util.sha1(
        if h in hashes:
            yield (hashes[h], fctx)

    # Done
    repo.ui.progress(_('searching for exact renames'), None)

def _findsimilarmatches(repo, added, removed, threshold):
    '''find potentially renamed files based on similar file content

    Takes a list of new filectxs and a list of removed filectxs, and yields
    (before, after, score) tuples of partial matches.
    copies = {}
    for i, r in enumerate(removed):
        repo.ui.progress(_('searching for similar files'), i,

        # lazily load text
        def data():
            orig =
            return orig, mdiff.splitnewlines(orig)

        def score(text):
            orig, lines = data()
            # bdiff.blocks() returns blocks of matching lines
            # count the number of bytes in each
            equal = 0
            matches = bdiff.blocks(text, orig)
            for x1, x2, y1, y2 in matches:
                for line in lines[y1:y2]:
                    equal += len(line)

            lengths = len(text) + len(orig)
            return equal * 2.0 / lengths

        for a in added:
            bestscore = copies.get(a, (None, threshold))[1]
            myscore = score(
            if myscore >= bestscore:
                copies[a] = (r, myscore)
    repo.ui.progress(_('searching'), None)

    for dest, v in copies.iteritems():
        source, score = v
        yield source, dest, score

def findrenames(repo, added, removed, threshold):
    '''find renamed files -- yields (before, after, score) tuples'''
    parentctx = repo['.']
    workingctx = repo[None]

    # Zero length files will be frequently unrelated to each other, and
    # tracking the deletion/addition of such a file will probably cause more
    # harm than good. We strip them out here to avoid matching them later on.
    addedfiles = set([workingctx[fp] for fp in added
            if workingctx[fp].size() > 0])
    removedfiles = set([parentctx[fp] for fp in removed
            if fp in parentctx and parentctx[fp].size() > 0])

    # Find exact matches.
    for (a, b) in _findexactmatches(repo,
            sorted(addedfiles), sorted(removedfiles)):
        yield (a.path(), b.path(), 1.0)

    # If the user requested similar files to be matched, search for them also.
    if threshold < 1.0:
        for (a, b, score) in _findsimilarmatches(repo,
                sorted(addedfiles), sorted(removedfiles), threshold):
            yield (a.path(), b.path(), score)